




It was something that you cannot deny, when you have to leave the town even your heart screamed for not leaving. But then you must, because it was the best you could do. And that was Baekhyun’s choice. Even though his heart was shattered into pieces when he had to look away from the one he loved the most.


“You cannot just leave me,” his voice pleaded, deep, begging Baekhyun desperately. And Baekhyun tried to not look on his face, because he would see the tears, he would see those dark chocolate orbs glistened, he would see the confused yet sad expression on his lover face. And it broke Baekhyun’s heart like… so bad. Because he never see his lover’s face like that, vulnerable.


“You cannot, after what we’ve done so far, after what we’ve been through. You promised to stay whatever happens, Baekhyun. Don’t you remember?” He tried to grab Baekhyun’s arm but Baekhyun moved away, not even looking at his face.


Instead Baekhyun just chuckled, “I was just playing with you, Chanyeol,” he said in a low tone but Chanyeol could hear it very, very clearly. “Do you think I will give my whole life just to stay and live with you forever? Tsk," Baekhyun shook his head slowly, “-then you are just like any other guys I’ve slept with before you… stupid, fool….and-”


“Look at me,” the taller ordered him, no, it more like he stated, “Look at me, Baek,”


And Baekhyun knew he couldn’t. He knew Chanyeol always knew when he’s lying by looking through his eyes. His beautiful eyes Chanyeol always said. So Baekhyun just laughed instead, looking above and shook his head again. They had been together for a long time, Chanyeol knew Baekhyun too well.


So, it was just about two seconds before Baekhyun could run that Chanyeol pulled Baekhyun close and cupped his face, forcing Baekhyun to look him straight on the eyes. And that moment was a moment Baekhyun tried to forget how tears come up from his pretty eyes, a moment that Baekhyun’s heart stopped as Chanyeol kissed him full on the lips. He wanted to kiss him back. He wanted to rest his hands on his shoulder and cried, he wanted to stay on his arms forever. But then he couldn’t do that. So with breaking heart he pushed Chanyeol away and slapped him.


“You are disgusting,” he said and he could see the other’s eyes told him that he’s hurting as he said so. “Everything i’ve said to you, it’s all lies. I never wanted to marry you, and I never loved you, you’ve just caught on my trap, Chanyeol-ah”


“Please Baekhyun...Don’t say that,”


Baekhyun knew he had to stop, it was enough. He couldn’t say more. he turned his body around and ran. He couldn’t see Chanyeol’s in pain as he said those words, the words that he had to say. He couldn’t see Chanyeol breaking in front of him. Because what had he said to Chanyeol a second ago was the lies, and he couldn’t do about it. He couldn’t fix it. He had to break Chanyeol’s heart.


“This is the right thing to do, Chanyeol… but I do, I really love you,” he whispered as he walked away leaving the other man who kept looking on Baekhyun’s back with a sad and breaking heart.



“So... when will you gonna leave?”

“As soon as possible... madam...”







Four years were fast for Baekhyun, leaving the town and the person he loved the most. Those years he couldn’t forget even a single memory about Chanyeol, his source of happiness. How could he forget the first time he saw Chanyeol tripped on his feet when he entered the class, that tall figure with a charming smile, the moment when he saw Chanyeol read the books in library, the moment he believed that finally Chanyeol noticed him. Iit makes he smiled every time he remembered it.

They were so happy that time. And of course the first time Chanyeol confessed his feeling on his graduation day. They had been together for years even though their relationship was hardly accepted by Chanyeol’s family. Coming from wealth and high social status makes Chanyeol had to convince his parents that it’s his choice to be with Baekhyun. But then, as a single child their parents need progeny to continue their heir. And marrying Baekhyun won’t make them had one. But Chanyeol and Baekhyun struggled to keep their love. And that day when Chanyeol proposed him, Baekhyun could only cry. He was scared and he couldn’t even say yes or no, instead he said he needs time. And those times means Chanyeol’s parents come to him and force to leave Chanyeol. Chanyeol was important and with Baekhyun being there, he made Chanyeol’s life harder. With the thought of didn’t want to make Chanyeol suffered more by his parents, he decided to leave Chanyeol and broke his heart.


What are you doing, right now? What clothes are you wearing? Are you happy now?” Those questions were asked in his lonely night. The last news he heard about him was now he took over his parents company, and the business he’s running now was more success than what his parents did. And after that, he tried to not know anything about him. He left the country for his own career and back not knowing anything. He didn’t know if he should be grateful with that.


He smiled as the memories back, walking to his hotel while shipping his coffee until he heard a lady cursed herself.


“Oh my God, how stupid!” she said, looking something on his bag. She was pretty, Baekhyun would say. With those long black hair, milky white skin and doe-beautiful eyes, Baekhyun smiled as he looked at her.


“Hey, I’m so sorry but do you have 50 cent? I need it to make a call,” she said as she approached Baekhyun. He could say she was briefly enough to ask some stranger, but maybe she was really need some help.


“Let me see” Baekhyun checked his pocket and wallet but he found no 50 cent. “I guess I don’t have it” Baekhyun shrugged and smiled.


She sighed, “I just got robbed, he took my wallet and my smartphone…” She said gloomily and took a sit on the bench near her. “I know I shouldn’t go alone,”


“You can use my phone if you want," Baekhyun said to her, and that was the moment he noticed the petite lady’s belly was bloated, and Baekhyun knew, she was pregnant.


“Really?” Her expression brightened, looking at Baekhyun expectedly, smiling her heart-shaped lips beautifully.


“Yeah, sure! Who do you want to call?” Baekhyun asked friendly. She was so cute and adorable, and Baekhyun couldn’t just leave her, not when she was alone and pregnant, and also it was pretty late, she should’ve just save at her home.


“My husband” she smiled thankfully and Baekhyun gladly gave his cellphone. He let the woman talked to her husband and not interrupting. He gave the woman space while he finished his coffee.


“Thank you so much! My husband will pick me up,” She smiled when she finished and gave the cellphone back to Baekhyun. “I’ll just wait here, he’ll come in half in hour though. His office is pretty far from here,”


“I’ll accompany you then, it was dangerous for you to wait alone here outside…” Baekhyun said and the woman bowed, “Thank you, again. I’m Kyungsoon by the way, I don’t know if we didn’t meet, I probably would walk to that crossroad to get taxi. I know I can’t walk that far, this baby here makes it hard,” she chuckled while caressing her tummy.


Baekhyun smiled for a respond, “I’m Baekhyun. It was coincidence we met here but yeah, good thing you met a good person like me,” Baekhyun boasted himself.


They both chuckled and not until 10 minutes they were clicked, just like old friends finally meet again. Baekhyun then knew Kyungsoon was one year younger than him, making him feels like talking to his little sister, and she was nice and kind.


“We were married last year and this is going to be our first baby,” she said about her life with her husband while caressing the baby inside her belly.


“He sounds treat you well, you are so lucky Kyungsoon-ah” Baekhyun told her and she replied with thank you and smiled.


Soon, Baekhyun saw the car approached them and Kyungsoon stood excitedly. “My husband is coming,” She said. As the car stopped, Kyungsoon walked to it and kissed her husband as he moved out. Baekhyun couldn’t picture him as the dark of the night and Kyungsoon figure covered him but then as she turned her body around and took her husband coming to Baekhyun, slowly he noticed the face.


The face that hadn’t changed since he left him, those pointy ears that Baekhyun used to pinched in the morning when he wanted to wake him, the charming smile that Baekhyun fell for, the thick lips that Baekhyun tasted a lot in the past… Chanyeol was still handsome and Baekhyun couldn’t help but fall over and over again. but now, the man was holding someone’s hand, it was his wife’s.


“Baekhyun, this is my husband, Chanyeo. Chanyeol, this is Baekhyun, the one who helped me to call you,”


The awkward silent for few seconds made Kyungsoon uncomfortable as the two men just stared each other. but it stopped as Chanyeol lifted his hand for a shake


“Nice to meet you, Baekhyun…thanks for helping my wife,” Chanyeol smiled, wide.






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Chapter 1: Chapter 1: I almost died when they reunited but Chanyeol was already married to Kyungsoo so... :'(
Chapter 1: I was drinking my juice slowly when it came to da part with Chanyeol coming out of the car and I didn't stop holding the cup until the end. I wanted to break the cup in pieces because of my broken heart. This story was awsome but it made me sad and happy in a very very small way.....
hey, this cant be ended like that..
well ...
i can bcz its yours story XD
but !
chanbaek love left hanging ...

great story btw ,, hrm .. /continue sobbing/
5a8ina #4
Chapter 1: SEQUEL!!
was interesting
kyuhyunnia #5
Chapter 1: LMAO!!! Kyungsoo is pregnant women??? broke my imagination about his cute face!!! Abd baekhyun such a player ??!! why you make all my bias is weird???!!!!! But I think I love this fic please....update your kyunew please!!!
kimgerbum #6