Chapter Twelve - So B2ST!

The Price


     “Hey, quit!  Quit it, damn it, quit!  Yahhh!”  JunHyung shouted, grinning from ear to ear as YoSeob and DongWoon chased him down the sandy shores.  He found trouble getting traction in the shifting sand and he kept trying to turn and ward them off.  The younger duo easily caught up to him, their joyful shouts cascading down the beach as they launched water balloons onto the rapper’s back.  He froze, shouting his discontent but his grin stayed in place, turning and picking up a few balloons that hadn’t popped.  YoSeob and DongWoon cheered and began to take off in the opposite direction, pushing at each other to make him fall and become the target of the soaking wet JunHyung. 

     “Should we stop them?”  HyunSeung asked from his spot on the beach chair on the deck of the lavish villa.  The open porch allowed them to easily see the three boys chasing each other.  HyunSeung’s cat-like gaze was light and full of mischief, wanting to join in the revelries.

     “No…we should get the hose and spray them when they come up,” KiKwang answered, his grin bright but devious.  KiKwang stood in front of the grill that the villa provided, cooking beef and vegetables to make lettuce wraps.  HyunSeung instantly stood up, his smile teasingly sinister as he ducked around to get the hose ready.  KiKwang chuckled, glad they were all dressed in similar beach gear: loose shorts and colorful tank tops that would take the water easily.  As he pulled the food off the grill so it wouldn’t burn and set it inside, he wiped his hands on the apron tied loosely to his waist before discarding it on another chair.  HyunSeung returned, flashing a secret smile to KiKwang who returned the grin, almost unable to hide his laughter.  KiKwang hollered for the boys to come eat, HyunSeung sat back in his chair with the hose within reach.    

     As the three tired and hungry young men approached, all of them in some way wet, they smiled and thanked KiKwang for cooking.

     “You shouldn’t thank me just yet….”  KiKwang said, raising an eyebrow with his signature grin. 

     Three confused expressions were then drenched in a hose from HyunSeung who had taken the hint to attack.  Instantly the confusion was gone as three grins replaced the blank stares and laughter erupted out of everyone.  YoSeob held to the railing to keep standing, DongWoon was already on the ground, JunHyung was trying to hide his grin behind his hand but he failed miserably, HyunSeung smiled with his face alight, and KiKwang stood with his hand on his stomach.  They all howled in laughter, uncaring of who heard them. 

     They all froze though when, from above, water was dumped on them.  There was a pause and another mass amount of water was thrown and they all were drenched to the bone.  All eyes went wide, staring up to find what had done this.  Standing on the second floor balcony, grinning down at them like a sun’s ray, was the attacker.  His toothy grin came easily, his eyebrows lifted as he stared at his masterpiece: soaked B2ST.  Laughing jovially at their dumbstruck expressions, DooJoon leaned on the balcony, using his strength to hold himself up a tiny bit. 

     He waved down at them with a grin, raising and lowering his eyebrows quickly to be funny.  Without a word, his younger brothers all held up either a water balloon, or a hose, letting loose a grand water attack.  DooJoon ducked down, grinning and shouting at them that they’d get the house wet but still they pummeled him and the balcony with water.  He could hear their laughter mixing in with his own and as he snuck into the house to ready his next attack, he felt at ease.  It had been months now since the last court hearing and he was finally recovered from that demon who had tormented him.  They had won the case rather easily even though they were up against a wealthy man with connections; everyone saw just what had happened to DooJoon.  Once they had won the lawsuit and the demon was taken to jail to rot for his atrocities, CUBE had worked hard to schedule a nice little break for the boys.  Two weeks in this little paradise, no worries, no schedules, no anything.  The six of them had just arrived yesterday and they all had slept the day through.  Now, though, they were awake and lively.  DooJoon sat quietly, thinking on what he planned to do during his break and he realized he didn’t need to plan.  Come what may, he was with his brothers and all of their parents would show up the last few days of the break to spend it with the sons that had endured too much. 

     DooJoon slid into the upper story of the villa, sneaking downstairs to glance at the five who were still attacking the balcony.  Filling up one of the buckets he used in his own attack, DooJoon crept to the sliding glass door and grinned as he opened it quickly and threw the water onto the younger men.  He saw them all freeze and stare at him in surprise before HyunSeung lifted the hose and sprayed it right at DooJoon.  Spluttering, DooJoon stepped out and howled in laughter, trying to rip the hose from the red haired youth but he was stopped by YoSeob wrapping his arms around his middle to pull him back from HyunSeung who grinned brightly, not letting up on his hose attack.  DooJoon tried to pull YoSeob off, both grinning from ear to ear before KiKwang had latched on to his leader’s arm, pulling back even more with a bright smile.  Now DongWoon laid on the deck, holding to both of DooJoon’s feet and laughing too hard to really even pull.  JunHyung took the moment to get HyunSeung to lower the hose so he could stand in front of DooJoon.  Grinning like a silly fool, JunHyung used just one finger against DooJoon’s shoulder to hold him back.  DooJoon stood with kids hanging off him and stared at JunHyung with his deep, thunderous eyes and he laughed, shoving the rapper back with his free hand in good spirit.  Shaking himself free of his brothers, DooJoon mimicked a boxer, ready to fight JunHyung who adopted the same pose and they both wore a similar grin.  As DooJoon faked a jab, JunHyung dodged down and swept up quickly, hugging onto his elder brother with the same silly smile.  DooJoon stood with his eyes wide before shrugging and patting JunHyung on the back, grinning lightly.  It was a good move; DooJoon didn’t expect it.  Now the leader tried to extricate himself from tattooed arms but soon, the other four B2ST boys were in on the hug.

     DooJoon stood in the center of this bear hug and shouted, “Get off!  Get off!  I’m fine, quit it!”

     “We’ll do what we want!”  YoSeob shouted rebelliously, causing laughter to pulse through the hug.  With one more tight squeeze, the boys relented and pulled away, each of them wearing an honest grin.  They were happy that this day had arrived and they were able to see it together.  As KiKwang told them to set up the table so they could eat out here and not get the house wet, DongWoon and HyunSeung went to get chairs and JunHyung got cups with YoSeob trailing behind with plates and utensils in his hands. 

     DooJoon stood back and stared at each of the men he had protected in turn.  He could feel their love for him radiating in every inch of that massive hug and it made his heart stir in his chest.  Blinking rapidly, he placed his palm to his chest and felt the gentle thumping of his heart.  It had returned to him, stronger than it had ever been.  He was no longer hollow.  Turning his powerful smile up towards the warm sun, his hand still placed on his heart, he felt ease lace his bones.  His mantra flooded his eyes as he lived in the moment of love given to him by his brothers.

     His fans: they supported him without fail during the trials.

     His brothers: they kept him alive when death stared cruelly down at him.

     His family: his parents, his president, and the five boys who surrounded him.

     All of these things together made up who Yoon DooJoon was and he was…

     So B2ST.  

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KiwiPrincess #1
Chapter 12: oh, i'm crying in every chapter..why so sad?? my Doojoonie..TT_TT
but, i'm relief for the happy ending..thanks authornim..this was amazing..really amazing story..

p.s. Doojoonie saranghae.. :p ^^
Autumnaree #2
Chapter 12: Wow, i just finnished this. The feelings of streangth, love and family are so strong. Wonderful story!
shujun #3
Chapter 12: great story, author-nim..sad and sweet..hwaiting!!!

p/s : u make me fall for yoon doo joon more! ..^^..
Chapter 12: ASFGHJKL. The ending. The feels. That was sweet, a really perfect end for such a sad, bittersweet story. Thanks, author-nim... it was perfect.
uliyaa #5
Chapter 12: you did a great job author-nim..
Chapter 12: crying in progress T.T
Chapter 12: I did it anyway! Love you guys. <3
Hey guys. What if, as a gift for being amazing... I update early? Is this something you'd want?
uliyaa #9
Chapter 11: you make me crying very doojoon sacrifice his happiness,his life for s it's so touching.