It's Flying

The Sight of Destiny


"everything seems different now. No, maybe not everything. But at least something feels different now." 





Donghae just turn the engine off as he helps Eunhyuk got off of motorcycle. Eunhyuk didn’t stop complaining all the way here. He kept asking where they will going, what they are going to do, what time it is now, and so on. Until Donghae had to drove his motorcycle so fast because he knows that will shut Eunhyuk up.

“What are you, honestly? Are you a kidnapper? Tell me where are we.” Eunhyuk said quickly feel so irritated.

“Well, just see me as a kidnapper if you want to. I’m not telling you.” Donghae said playfully but his voice low deep. Eunhyuk can’t gets more irritated when he said that but he didn’t know why; he is just trust Donghae and knows that Donghae is not a real kidnapper. How could a stupid guy like him become a kidnapper. Nonsense.

Donghae starts drags Eunhyuk by his wrist carefully. Sometimes he will takes a glance at Eunhyuk and he's just walking to his lead in a flat face. His eyes doesn't even blinking. His lips pursed making something on Donghae's stomach moves really fast causing him a giggles inaudibly.

This time, Eunhyuk frowns when he can hear that this place is another public place. There's a noise and he can hear people chatting cheerfully. He can't help but asking again in pleaded, “Where are we? Just tell me. Please..”

“I’ll let you guess when we’re upstairs.”

His forehead wrinkling, “Upstairs?” Totally have no idea hoping Donghae will be able to answer him but in fact he doesn’t answer. Finally he gives up and decide to keep silent. Maybe he just feels irritated and whatever what Donghae will do to him as long as he doesn't do a bad thing to him.

They step into a small room which Eunhyuk assumes this is an elevator because it moves like an elevator. He still remembers that. Once again he can hear many people chatting beside him in this small room and unconcsiously that makes him move closer to Donghae. He unintentionally grabs Donghae's shirt lightly just because he didn't know what to do in the crowd, and worse; he is afraid he will be lost.

To feel Eunhyuk grabs the end of his shirt and move closer to him, Donghae suddenly glances at him and find Eunhyuk's head hang low. He seems afraid to him. For a moment he looks at Eunhyuk low face and suddenly moves his hand to capture Eunhyuk's own tightly as the elevator open signaling they can go out. Eunhyuk just stunned. For some reason, when Donghae's hand touch his own is already just natural. He's getting used with it.

“Enjoy your time.” That's what Eunhyuk hear so close to them. An ahjussi's voice. Donghae is talking with him.

“Thanks. Um.. can we open the window?” Donghae asks.

“Sure, but don’t open it too wide.” He answers and Donghae is saying okay before he drags Eunhyuk again somewhere and told him to be careful. Eunhyuk who listen to the conversation secretly, suddenly remembers of something.

“Donghae…is it a cable car?” Eunhyuk asks slowly, not really believe at this assumption. But suddenly there is a small noise as if it's coming from a machine, that makes him more sure about his guess. Since of course this is not the first time he rode a cable car that's why he know.

“Yep! You’re so smart!” Donghae clarify it right and smiling cheerfully while looking at Eunhyuk. Laughing briefly as he finds Eunhyuk widens his eyes in disbelief. The cable car is arrive and it's time for them to get on it. Once again, Donghae leads Eunhyuk to get in first before he follows from behind and close its door.

They are start moving. The sound of the machine could be heard on Eunhyuk's ears once again, the familiar sounds.

Nevertheless, Eunhyuk still frowns on his seat, “Why are we here…” He mumbles.

Donghae who still stand up reach on of the window on the small cable car and open it to let the wind blows hard enough to makes his hair flies wherever it wants. “Because we need to dry our clothes, remember?” He answers and smiles at Eunhyuk.

This time Eunhyuk not be able to answer but he is just enjoy the wind blows on himself, feels so refreshing. It's chilly, but somehow it's very fascinating to fight the coldness in this weather. It is actually nicer than rains for him. That's the time when Donghae talk to him again told him to stand up. Standing beside him in front of the window.

Just like what the ahjussi said earlier, Eunhyuk knows that Donghae is not open the window too wide. But with just a small gap open, the wind blows hard enough. I think this is a really good idea to dry our not-really-wet clothes. For the first time, Eunhyuk wants to admit that Donghae is right.

"Feel this. We're actually flying." Donghae says as his eyes closed. Trying to feel the same way with Eunhyuk who not be able to see anything through his eyes, but he can feel anything through the other part of his body. The wind brush into his face so hard. Eunhyuk secretly feel the same way, with the rushing wind, the chilly weather felt on his face, the cable car moves; it's actually feel like flying somehow. As silly as it sounds.

But Eunhyuk doesn't want to be so silly like Donghae, "What the hell, stop talking silly."

Hearing that, Donghae just laugh in embarrasment and elbowed Eunhyuk in a irritated way. Eunhyuk just giggles. "I'm happy today is not raining" Donghae voice heard again saying. The happiness suddenly rush in his body, flowing in his blood, and makes his head lighter than usual for some reason. He smiles while turning his head to Eunhyuk and looking at him.

"Me too." Eunhyuk says.

The gaze didn't break, "What are you doing at home if rains comes?" Here it is again, the curious guy, Lee Donghae.

Donghae expecting Eunhyuk will be a little offended just maybe if his question is actually a little personal, but he is quite surprise when Eunhyuk suddenly release a bitter laughs, "I can't see anything.. I can't do so much. what am i expect? I will just laying on my bed.. There is no one at home anyway"  Eunhyuk answers slowly, and Donghae swear he could feel a sadness on Eunhyuk's eyes.

"Don't you have any siblings..?"

Eunhyuk nods and raise his eyebrows twice, "But he is busy person. He is workaholic eventhough sometimes when i need him, he always comes to help me" Once again after saying that, his sparkling eyes turns darker. The eyebrows going down and Donghae find himself feel a little symphatic on the guy beside him right now.

"You must be so lonely"

Eunhyuk feel stabbed in the chest when Donghae said that. Those words. Those painful words which keeps rushing through his brain ever since he lost his sight two years ago. That makes him can't do anything, his old friends are too busy with their own school and their matters, his family also busy with their works, even the maid at his home have their own something important to do. He just feels useless, and yeah lonely.

But suddenly, everything seems different now. No, maybe not everything. But at least something feels different now.

Eunhyuk turns his head slowly to where he could hear Donghae's voice come, "Yeah, but no longer now" He says.

He doesn't stare, he doesn't look, but Donghae knows he wants to do so.

Donghae giggles after he understands what Eunhyuk meant by that. "You look so happy to be friend with me" He can't help but want to blurting a joke as he always does playfully.

Eunhyuk's expression change into somewhat funny and Donghae can't hold his laughter, "Are you kidding?" Eunhyuk narrows his eyes and walks slowly to sit down. "Aren't you the one that happy to be friend with me?"

Donghae doesn't answer and laugh at him while nodding at himself, admitting to himself that Eunhyuk was right. But no way he will admit it to Eunhyuk. He slowly approaches to sit down beside Eunhyuk after he manage to stop laughing, "Yah, Eunhyuk, can i ask you something?" He slowly asks and move his face closer to Eunhyuk. But damn for himself, that was so hard to not taking  a glances at Eunhyuk's lips everytime he looks at Eunhyuk. He doesn't know what is wrong with him!

"Depends." Eunhyuk says.

Donghae frowns, "Depends on what?"

"If it's another stupid question, you're not allowed to ask"

Donghae snap out and widen his eyes to yell hard, "YAH! Why are you keep saying i'm stupid?!"

Eunhyuk grins ear to ear toothlessly as he hold his laughter in by success to teasing this Lee Donghae. "Go on." He says again as if nothing happened.

Donghae still narrows his eyes at Eunhyuk but since he knows that Eunhyuk is just kidding around, he is straight to his question, "Why were you thought that I'm ten when we first meet at the hospital?" He asks and blink once like a little kid.

"You heard that?" Eunhyuk surprised.

"Of course. You may say I’m stupid but I’m not deaf" Donghae sighs in annoyance and Eunhyuk giggles.

"It's not our first meeting, you know it"

"Whatever, just answer"

Eunhyuk sighs and try to recollect the moments on the hospital back then. Trying to remember how Donghae talked that day, before answering truthfully, "Because you really sounded like ten. Suddenly begged me to be your friend, with your concerned voice. As if you can't make a friend with anyone else in this world." He says quickly leaving Donghae with a disbelief look on his eyes.

"I'm not begging!!"

Eunhyuk shrugges his shoulder twice annoyingly in purpose, "Sounded like that in my ears though"

"Whoah!" Donghae point at Eunhyuk who seems really surprise because he is just groans unknowingly like a crazy people, "You start to talk like my mom!!"

But Eunhyuk is not frightened. How can he? He is just laughing instead, “I think I know why your mom likes to tease you now.” Realize how funny this Donghae is now and really fascinating to be teased.

“Yah... Am i that childish?" Eunhyuk seems surprise because suddenly Donghae talks with a serious tone. What an innocent or stupid, he doesn't understand Donghae could be this cute.That's why he is just giggles again.


They both continue talking about each other more as realize they have so much things in common, that makes it easy for them to be a good friend just in short period. Eunhyuk maybe still not so open up to Donghae and sometimes he will be expressionless but Donghae knows it is normal since it's their first day out. First-day-out. Not first date. He doesn't know, but he is sure it can't be considered a date. Of course it is not.

"What time is it anyway?" Eunhyuk suddenly asks while they're in the middle of chatting playfully.

"3pm. Why?"

"I have to go home at 6." He informs, and there is a small disappointment in Donghae's mind about this day should be ended. "Or else my brother will confuse where I am."

Suddenly something snaps Donghae out, "Your brother?" His eyes squints hard. Eunhyuk just nods slowly in puzzled look. "Oh! So he is your brother. I thought.."

Eunhyuk cut him off, "He is my boyfriend? You silly," He says as he remembers that Donghae had ever met Sungmin before at the park. Without knowing that Donghae also saw Sungmin at the hospital two days ago.

Donghae just laugh at his sillyness. Of course, his curiousity is just makes him want to know everything and sometimes makes him create wrong assumption, "Fine, I’ll drop you back at the park on 5pm" He says softly and smiles to Eunhyuk who nods. "Okay, now... Should we go somewhere else after we go down after this?"

Eunhyuk frowns hard in shock, "Again?" Not again.

But Donghae doesn't care, "Aren't you hungry?? I know a good place!"

He is the kidnapper today.


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[TSD-01/02] 2nd January!! Happy Anniversary to this story lol although I don't update this often. Sorry! I'll comeback soon!


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MeinAltire #1
Chapter 20: OOOhhh poor hyuk, hae will leave soon...
please update again, this story is great :)
Chapter 20: Just got back to aff huhuhu pls continued ;(
Chapter 20: Oh my shisus OMG yes Hyukkie I'm so happy for him but Hae
Don't worry Hae we'll find a solution
Chapter 20: I don't want them both to separate please please stay!! My heart breaks for them.
Chapter 20: aish... they just need to change number and donghae to know Hyuk addresse..
Chapter 20: Aww... :( I wish Hae didn't have to move....

Thanks for updating!
257471 #7
Chapter 19: NoOOOO please don't separate them....
please update soon
Chapter 19: Oh my god no you have to update like today like now like please omg this was one of the best stories I've ever read so far
Don't do this to me please!! Update soon I loved this story so much
Chapter 19: why????? why hae's father let him stay.... :'(
Chapter 19: uuuhhh T_T.... andweeeeee don't go haeeeeeeeeee , thank u for update *sobs*