A Date

The Sight of Destiny
"You look fineno, you look great. I mean it."


Donghae’s POV
I glance at my wrist for a while before speak, "5pm" answering Eunhyuk who just asks me about what time it is now. "We still have an hour, right?" I ask him who have his hand to support his chin on the table. He doesn’t say anything except a simply,
I slowly nod. Is he starting uncomfortable? Is he bored? I think we should have to do something except just sitting on this seat drinking coke in this last 45 minutes. I start to roll my eyes and wrinkling, "Want to go around see things?" I think that’s a good idea.
But Eunhyuk suddenly scoffs and laughs.
Dang. It snapped me. I just realized what's between those bitter laugh. Oh you stupid Lee Donghae. 
"I-I'm sorry.. I forget" I slap my forehead quickly and it feels like I want to bang my head against the table. I said those words wrongly. Stupid mouth and stupid brain of me.
"It's okay, not your fault." Nevertheless Eunhyuk just smirks lightly to make me feel better.
As soon as those words come out, I stare at him for a while before admit something I had been holding all this time, "Sometimes you just seemed very normal, you know. I didn't realize about your condition at first" I say honestly and secretly checking on Eunhyuk’s face. 
"Or it is just because you don't get things easily. Something wrong with your brain, dude"
My face suddenly turns flat with Eunhyuk’s words which comes out without even thinking. This kid starts again. "Yah, don't start... I’m trying to be nice here"  I say with my super irritated face but unfortunately he will never be able to see this.
He pulls his one side of his lips up to form a smile and laughing a little without a noise before saying to me, "That's a good thing by the way. I don't like if people know my condition. I hate it when someone pity on me or look at me in a strange way." Still putting his hand on his chin.
I don’t answer him quickly but move my hand to my chin and do the same position like him to face him a little closer, "Don't worry about that. You look fine" I say slowly. Damn. I really mean it; what I said. I just hope he doesn’t realize it for some reason. I don’t know, it just feels embarrassing.
"You're just saying that because you want to be friend with me, or else I will kick you off of my life and not letting you to be my friend" Eunhyuk say. He is completely annoying until I feel like pushing him off of the cliff or throw him out of the rooftop building.
I slowly move away when my hand slowly goes down and stare at him in disbelief, "You're , you know that?" Fail. Trying to be nice at him is such a fail.
I’m expecting he will say sorry or something else but he just laughs. Believe me, he shows me his genuine laugh. For a moment I feel a warmth on my cheek and without my realize my lips curved a smile too. The next thing I know is we’re both giggling.
We are back to silence. I don’t have anything to say and I guess so does he. I scan my eyes around to see how crowded the night market this evening. There is so many stands with many customers. There are so many kinds of things they sell such as foods, games, accessories, dolls, shirts, so many things in here. But only there is one thing that capture my attention. I stunned for a while and smile before turn to Eunhyuk who seems like in his daydreaming again.
"I got something for you. Let's go" I quickly pull his wrist like I always do. Sorry for him, but I guess I have an issue to pull everyone’s hand. Don’t call me weird.
“What?!” Eunhyuk seems surprise and ask me where I will take him.
“Remember when I told you that you look fine?” I ask while carefully dragging him.
“Then remember when I told you that I don’t want you to be upset and feel that you look weird because you’re different with other people?”
Eunhyuk frowns quickly and stop his step, making me stop as well, “You didn’t say that.” He shakes his head confusedly.
“Didn’t I? Well, I said that now.” I simply answer and giggling at my stupidity. I start walk again with my hand on Eunhyuk’s wrist when I hear Eunhyuk murmurs unclearly.
“What the hell..”
We arrive. I let go off of Eunhyuk’s wrist and look at the thing that captured my eyes a while ago.
"Here!" I say cheerfully and point at the thing in front of me. It takes me a while for picking what’s good on Eunhyuk before I pick out one pair that looks great and put it on Eunhyuk.
Eunhyuk who can feel I put something on his face; sunglasses, starts talking unclearly. More like murmurs.
But I quickly cut him off, smile in satisfy. "You look fine—no, you look great. I mean it." I say and grin from ear to ear. I’m serious. He should see himself on the mirror now.
"Really?" Eunhyuk asks me while his hands keep touching his new specs.
I nod in enthusiastic, "I told you, you just seem pretty normal. People can never tell about your condition if you like this.” I pat his shoulders and look at him even closer. Proud of myself who picking a best shades which looks really great on Eunhyuk. “This is my gift for you"
But unexpectedly, "Is this how you bribe people to be your friend?"
This kid… Wait until I lost my patience someday.
I quickly push his shoulder away before take off my hands of his shoulders, "Eunhyuk, stop teasing me or I will kick you like an angry bird destroy those pigs" I glare at him.
I know he’s not serious. That’s why I’m not angry when once again he is just laughs without a sound. “But seriously, you don’t have to do this, Donghae” He turns serious this time.
“It’s fine.” I say and quickly purchase the shades before talking back to Eunhyuk, “Don’t worry. That’s a welcome gift” I laugh at my stupid excuse.
“What the hell..” Eunhyuk murmurs again and look down.
“Why? You don’t like it?” I ask.
“No no, I like it.”
“Then how about a simple ‘thank you’?” I proudly cross my hand in front of my chest, waiting for him to say thank you.
But he is not Eunhyuk if he stop teasing me just like that.
“I won’t say that” He says.
 God! Help me with this kid I think I can’t take it any longer he is so annoying why did I even gave him a gift in the first place.
I groan and murmur, “Be patience, Donghae… Hold it in..” Talking to myself while rubbing my chest. I feel silly when talking to myself. Maybe that’s why Eunhyuk who standing in front of me start laughing again in proud like he always does everytime he success teasing me like this.
It’s been a 30 minutes we are here. Although Eunhyuk can’t see many things in this place, but because there are so many food bazaar, we can keep enjoy our time. But the crowd goes worse at the times goes by. Eunhyuk walks hand in hand tightly with me yet he keeps being pushed by people and sometimes I don't realize Eunhyuk bumped on people.
"Hey! Watch your step, man!"
Eunhyuk holds my hand tighter without he realize, "U-uh, sorry.." 
"Hey. You okay?" I ask after glaring at the man who just snapped at Eunhyuk.
"Um.. Mind if we go to some more quite place?" He says in deep voice while hung his head low. I hate to see him like this so I don’t need any word else except a simple okay.
I know a good spot in this place. Where you still can see a few things that exist on the night market, the lights, and even the big stage there, but there is only a few people who wandering. We walk towards the place. I tell Eunhyuk to be careful when we’re about to go upstairs by a bamboo who formed into a stairs.
And here we are; on the top of night market.
We’re sitting on the wood bench side by side and I stare at the view in front of me when Eunhyuk asks, "How do you know such a place like this in night market?"
"I've ever been here for couple times already" I say proudly. It’s the place which located almost on the top of someone stand. It looks like just a usual mount and people mostly do not know there is a thing that be able to brought us up here. This is the place where people usually used to lit up a fireworks. 
"It's my area, but you—the new guy who just moved in this town—apperantly already gone around much better than me" Eunhyuk say and his words just making me proud of myself even more instead.
I laugh, "My curiosity always winning over anything" and Eunhyuk just nodding his head
Speaking of curiousity, suddenly I remember something. One of a thousand question which stuck in my head.
"Eunhyuk can I ask you a question?" I ask in hesitant.
"Another question? What?"
I clear my throat before I bring this sensitive topic up. But I can’t help it, I’m just curious. So I ask him, "Why are you seemed so tensed up when you know we had to go ride motorcycle today? Is it your first time to go on ride after your accident?" I slowly turn my head at him.
For a moment, I thought Eunhyuk doesn’t want to answer my question. He’s just there leaning on his seat with both legs stretch forward. He lowers his head until it looks like he put his chin on his chest thinking about something I can’t read. The sunglasses I gave him—in fact—blocking the view of his face because now I barely can see much part of his face especially in his position right now.
"Honestly yes. But that's not the reason." Eunhyuk answers slowly right when I want to take my question back. "I ride a motorcycle when I had the accident" He adds.
That’s the time when I feel my heart skipped a beat. I freeze. But I’m just trying to be cool and look away at everything but Eunhyuk face. I’m afraid I will look at him in pity. He does hate when people pity on him.
I clear my throat, “Mind to tell?”
Eunhyuk doesn’t answer me quickly and just release a deep breath instead. He shifts in more comfortable seat. I slowly follow his position; lean on my back and stretch my legs forward. 
"That was so dark,” Eunhyuk starts to tell me, I quickly turn my head to face him. “and I was having a big headache because of my sickness at that time. My mom already told me that she will pick me up from my friend's house that night, but I refused."
"And?" I raised my eyebrows.
"I almost got hit by truck but I managed to dogde. Unfortunately I ended up ran into a tree on the road. That happened so fast. And awfully hurt." He let out the last sentences with a sarcastic chuckle.
My forehead quickly wrinkled after I hear about his story. "I'm sorry.." I managed to say. Suddenly the thoughts of Eunhyuk on the road with so much blood when the accident happened filled my brain out of nowhere. I grimace hard. Once again, feeling sorry and he looks pitiful.
"Yeah, that's why. Nevermind. Is that answering your question?" He says but his head is not even raised a little bit.
I nod stupidly although he can’t even see it. "I will never let you have an accident while riding with me. I'll be careful you don't need to be afraid" I say, trying so hard to be assuring.
But he says, "Who knows" Just that.
I learn a thing now. I got it Eunhyuk is the type of person who not easily believe on other people words. It makes me feel upset. I bit my lower lip before take my eyes off of him and lowered my head to see my fingers playing with each other.
"I'm not sure since I think you are having a trouble with driving" 
I quickly look up to see Eunhyuk with his thypical smirk. He starts to chuckle in understatement again.
"Really?" I say and it’s a question without an answer. So we’re just laugh and giggling. Well I know I’m not good at driving but I tried hard. I can drive to be honest but it’s just I’m not really good at it.
We’re both inhaling a fresh air in front of us. The sky breeze lightened. It looks beautiful. I starts wondering how it looks like when we come here at night. It must be looks more beautiful to be able to see the stars. The chilling wind blows and I quickly put my hands deep on my jacket pocket. But I find something instead.
My heaven!
I pull it out and grin ear to ear just to look my favorite food on my hand. What a really good moment I find my wafer at the time like this. That’s proved to be true when I open it up and take a bite. It tastes like heaven even more. I’m not kidding.
"Eunhyuk, you wanna some?" I stretch it out in front of Eunhyuk’s face.
"What is that?" He asks.
But I quickly say, "Try it, it's very good" without waiting, I shoves it into Eunhyuk's mouth to let him have a bite of my favorite snacks.
I grin to see Eunhyuk chewing at my wafer, "Chocolate?" He his lips after he swallow the snacks.
"That's a paradise!" I say cheerfully.
"Exaggerating." Eunhyuk laughs and I unconsciously pout. "Is it the same food you offered me at our first meeting?" He suddenly asks.
I’m surprise. "You remember?" I raise my eyebrows to make my eyes bigger.
"Of course, you were being so weird" He quickly say to make me feel devastated so suddenly.
"I just want to let other people taste my paradise. I really like this chocolate" I tell him.
"You do?"
"Yes! Don't you like it too?" I shifted closer at Eunhyuk and expecting a good answer.
He reply, "It tastes good. But I don't really like sweets"
I grimaced and lean on my back again in disappointment, "Ah, too bad"
Just like that, our first journey today continues. Then with those topics, we start to know each other even more. We talk about so many other things until we almost forget about time.
"Sorry, are we late? Your brother might be worried, am I right?" That’s the first thing I say to Eunhyuk after I help him got off of my motorcycle under the big tree on the park.
"No it's okay"
I smile at his answer, "I really am happy today! Thank you" I say cheerfully at him.
He smiles back genuinely and nods, "Yeah, nevermind. Since I agreed we have to know each other more" I can feel happiness at his words, I don’t know why. I just can feel it and I hope it’s true.
"And I got to know you a lot better. You too, right?"
Eunhyuk just smiles signaling me he is thinking the same way. I feel so happy.
"I will call my brother to pick me up. You can go home now." He says for the last time.
I get on my ride and turn the engine when I suddenly remember something, "Uh, Eunhyuk. Let's hang out again later" I smile at him, secretly hoping he is able to see it.
Then suddenly I see Eunhyuk brightened.
"You know, Sehun and I might hang out together before he gets back to Seoul, you can join us!" I quickly add with my big grin when I thinking about hang out with Sehun again since a long time.
I just thought Eunhyuk will be happy with it since earlier he looks so brightened but suddenly his face turns flat again just like usual, and he reply me with a simple "Oh." It's making me confuse.
"You wanna join, right?" I ask again to make sure.
"Sure" He answer briefly and I smile even wider.
"Okay then! I will go now. Take care, Eunhyuk. Bye!" I say before I ready to start my engine and step on gas pedal. Stupidly waving my hand in front of Eunhyuk. Yelling a loud ‘bye’ when my ride pass by to leave him alone in the park above orange sky of this great day.
I arrive at home but I find no one. I don't know where is my mom and dad. I was about to call them to ask where they are but when I take my phone out, I feel that I don’t need to call them anymore. There is two missed calls and each of them is from my mom and dad, and then two messages.
I open the first message. It sent by my dad, telling me that he and mom go out for a while for some business. He didn’t tell what kind of business yet I just reply with a simply okay. The other message is what I really not expect but makes my eyes widen in shock.
From: Sehun
Hi, fishy! I just got news that I only have three days more in here before I go back to Seoul. So I guess we have to quickly arrange our meeting or else I will leave with a bunch of tears in your eyes.
I giggle at his text message while slam my body on my bed. I quickly reply his message.
To: Sehun
Yah, I think it’s you who will regret for not meeting me. But yes, I think we should arrange our meeting quickly. Can I call you now? We need to talk on the phone!
I hit the send button. For last minutes, I’m waiting for his reply. But I get shock when suddenly the ringtone which ringing is my incoming call ringtone. I look at my screen and find Sehun’s name in it.
I pick it up and yell, “I just said I will call you! Why are you calling me instead?”
“Is that even matter?!” Sehun’s voice on the other line quickly heard and I can’t hold my smile back. It’s good to hear his voice on the phone again. I really miss him so much.
I laugh in respond, “Are you still at your event?” I ask when I can hear a loud music on Sehun’s side.
“Yes. You get back home already?” Sehun asks. I was about to answer him with a yes but suddenly he cut me off, “What kind of date which ends so early?” He says.
I stunned and frown hard.
“A date?” I can't understand what he meant.
“Yes, a date with a guy I met on night market earlier. You’re dating him, aren’t you?” Sehun’s words leaving me speechless.
“W-what? No, silly! He’s just a friend I knew not a long time ago; I’m not dating him. And that was not a date.” I say quickly and sit up on my bed while hugging my pillow. Staring at nothing in front of me.
“What are you doing at the night market? You have a special matter?” Sehun asks innocently with his cute voice.
I frown, “No, just hang out to know each other”
He sighs hard in understatement, it's annoying to hear that. “That’s it! How could you say that was not a date, silly?” Sehun say with a loud voice and raises his tone. I’m not answering. He’s just continue his silly words that unbelievable to be understood, “You played happily, eat, had a great time together, with someone you just knew for a short period of time, and you’re not consider it as a date? There is something wrong you I guess”
Now I’m afraid Sehun was right. No. Not right about he guess something wrong about me, but he’s right that what I had with Eunhyuk today was a date. Isn't it too early to had a date?
And Sehun is annoying to repeat it once again, "That was a date, you know it."


A/N : New chapter wohoooEveryone, have you seen I Wanna Dance MV short version?!! Damn, that was awesome OH MY GOD MY EUNHAE asdfghjslpw. What do you think, guys? Isn't it really awesome? I wanna die :') Oh, by the way I hope you enjoy this chapter hehe. I will share a few of Donghae and Sehun moments to help you imagine what it's like hehe. Thanks for reading and please give your comments ;) -arthie-



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[TSD-01/02] 2nd January!! Happy Anniversary to this story lol although I don't update this often. Sorry! I'll comeback soon!


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MeinAltire #1
Chapter 20: OOOhhh poor hyuk, hae will leave soon...
please update again, this story is great :)
Chapter 20: Just got back to aff huhuhu pls continued ;(
Chapter 20: Oh my shisus OMG yes Hyukkie I'm so happy for him but Hae
Don't worry Hae we'll find a solution
Chapter 20: I don't want them both to separate please please stay!! My heart breaks for them.
Chapter 20: aish... they just need to change number and donghae to know Hyuk addresse..
Chapter 20: Aww... :( I wish Hae didn't have to move....

Thanks for updating!
257471 #7
Chapter 19: NoOOOO please don't separate them....
please update soon
Chapter 19: Oh my god no you have to update like today like now like please omg this was one of the best stories I've ever read so far
Don't do this to me please!! Update soon I loved this story so much
Chapter 19: why????? why hae's father let him stay.... :'(
Chapter 19: uuuhhh T_T.... andweeeeee don't go haeeeeeeeeee , thank u for update *sobs*