What the heck?

My Brothers Best Friend

 *Taec's P.O.V.*

I woke up this morning feeling very weird. I had the weirdest dream ever, I was dreaming that _____ was screaming for my help. I tried to help her but I couldn't find her! It was so weird almost like a nightmare, because u know I don't want anybody hurting my sister. I know nobody would hurt her, if anybody did they know I will kill them! I don't mind Chansung I know he teases with her, because he will know what I would do. And I also know his secret.

I walk out of my room and I have a hard time opening the door, like there is a whole pile of clothes. I know the house is messy, mostly because of me, but it's not that messy. I finally push open the door and I see two people. I'm trying to comprehend what Iam seeing, Am I still dreaming, is like something wrong with my head? "WTF is going on!?" was the only thing I could manage to say in this situation.

*_____'s P.O.V.*

"Wtf is going on!?" I hear somebody yell in a faint voice. "uggghh shut up and go away! 5 more minutes!' I yell at the person, that is probably Taec out of my room. I snuggle into something and try to fall asleep, but a I noticed something. This doesn't feel like my stuffed animal. or my pillow, this thing was moving, almost like breathing. With that I woke up right away opening my eyes and realizing I'm not in my room, nor this thing im snuggling with is a stuffed animal, nor a pillow, or Taec!  I push, now that i was realizing Chansung, off of me. He went down with a loud sound. "Yah! What was that!" He asked really mad, but he still looked dozed off and tired. "What happened?" Taecyeon asked trying to be calm, but I would tell he was really irritated, I giggled silently. I didn't know what happened either, until I remember everything that happened last night, The scary movie, and the prank, the crying and asking for help, falling asleep.... next to Chansung. Once I realized we took to long to reply I decided to answer, since I know Chansung wont't to anything. "Nothing I don't know what happened" I lied, but it was for Taecyeon. I know if he found out what happened he would probably get mad at Chansung and they he would be misriable until they made up. But after that I got up glaring at Chansung. Yeah we wouldn't be in this if it wasn't for him, Yeah I just had a simple prank, but NO he couldnt just do that, he had to go all out.

*Nobody's P.O.V.*

_____ walked up going to her room,but before she could she heard Taecyeons voice. "Hey where do you think you are going? We still have school to attend." _____ couldn't believe it, she thought today was Saturday. She was so tired considering she stayed up late last night. She groned as she made her way to her room to get changed. When she went down stairs she already found Chansung and Taecyeon down there. "Good morning!" She said in a cheerfull mood, forgetting what happened just a few moments ago. "Hey" Taec said as he bent down to go in the fridge to get out milk. Chansung just scoffed. mockingly. _____ just rolled her eyes and tried to ignore, while Taecyeon just smiled after drinking the milk. He loved how you guys teased each other, and he also wished that you guys would get along with eachother. It was mostly because of you that Chansung and him became bestfriends.

Everybody was sitting in the silent kitchen, it was very akward, espically for _____ and Chansung. After a short period of time Somebody finally said something. "Ok guys lets go to school!" Taecyeon said trying to get rid of the akward atmosphere and to get everybody pumped up to leave. _____ has never felt so happy to hear those words. She wasn't the type to like school she just wanted to stay home and sleep, but today it was different. She was happy to hear those words. She quickly ran out the house to go to school. Chansung did the same thing. The only one who was left behind was Taecyeon, he was so confused, since he knew that you hated school, but he put his thoughts aside and went to his car. 

~At school~

After getting out of the car, you felt so relived about everything. Now you won't have to see anybody in your house until lunch.. maybe. Since _____ met Yoona and everybody she hopes she doesn't have to sit with the boys that much. _____ put that thought in the back of your mind, she thought she was being way to over dramatic about this whole situation, so she thought she would just stop thinking about it in general. She walked into school and to her locker, and started thinking about something else.

When you got to your locker, you took out all the things you need you heard somebody scream your name. "_____!" you turn around and see a bunch of girls all walking towards you very fast and very happy. Like they were going to explode, besides Yoona she looked pretty regular. 'Wonder what's up with them' You thought as you looked at them with a curious expression. "Yes?' you asked wanting to know what happened. Then you remembered that they got a ride home from the boys. Your face grew bright in an instant . "Oh my gosh I forgot they gave u a ride home!" I squelled as I jumped up and down looking like a maniac. "Well here is what happened" Yuri was about to start but the school bell rang indicating class. I whined really loud like a baby. 'Why out of all times! 

"Aish! Okay we will tell you at lunch time, since we don't have the same classes all together so we can't tell you... sorry" Seohyun said with sympathy. 'She is really kind!' You thought. Most people older than other make them do stuff for them, but not these girls espicaaly Seohyun, she even apalogized for something that is not even her fault. "Oh no its Okay" you quickly respond back. You are somewhat like Seohyun, but if somebody gets on your bad side they stay there, for an example Chansung. Realizing you are waisting time you and the girls break apart your first class is with Seohyun, and Hyoyeon. Everbody is on their way and you really can't wait for lunch. Your not really the one known for patients, and you really don't like surprises, considering the ones you just got recently. But this is something you cant wait for!


*Authors note*

OMG! I'm so sorry for being late on this update but I will make more

I promise! Just like Snsd's new song (In love with it! <3)

I got really lazy with school and eveything. But i will be more active.

Speaking of that I am being more active by making a new story!

All one shot stories (Like b.a.p. song) But this is different.

Ok thanks for reading this chapter and remember....

No Silent Readers! (please)

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Eunhae123689 #1
Chapter 8: I really like this fic so please try your best to update soon ^^
ToeNeeSha #2
Chapter 3: I like it a lot, it feels like its really happening to me as I read. Keep it up I can't wait til the next update