Chapter Eighteen

The Mysterious Play [Discontinued]


Jieun slowly opened her eyes to find herself in her room.
Hm? Haven’t they already left the quarter to look for the other warriors?
She frowned her brows in confusion and sat up on her bed. She looked around. Nothing seemed to be wrong but yet, she felt like she had lost something.
She stood on her feet, making her way to the window. Kids were playing outside while their parents were trying hard to make some money out of their work. And the same thought was playing again and again in her mind. At the beginning Jieun accepted to be the priestess of EXO only to save Jiyeon. But she slowly started to realize that her mission was beyond that. She had to save those people. They suffered so much but yet were so nice and warmhearted. They deserved way better.
Jieun sighed softly before turning around. But she suddenly jumped when she nearly bumped into Baekhyun. The other just smiled warmly and waved at her.
“Gosh! You scared me! When did you come inside? I didn’t even hear you!”
Baekhyun’s expression immediately hardened from what she said but he quickly forced a smile back on his face.
Jieun caught it and asked, “What’s wrong? You look concerned,” her eyes filled with worry,
He just shook his head in response.
In fact, he was worried as hell. It seemed like she hadn’t realized she lost her hearing yet, and Baekhyun was trying hard to not open his mouth, or she’d suspect something. It might seem stupid from him at first, but he didn’t want her to panic.
“Baekhyun something’s wrong. I can see it in your eyes. Tell me,” she said softly,
The boy just shook his head once more; giving the most convincing smile he could give and put the set of tea he brought in for her, trying to make the less of a noise he could.
Jieun’s brows frowned even deeper as she put her hand on Baekhyun’s while he was pouring some tea in the cup, “You’re hiding something from me,”
The other one swallowed hard, not daring looking into her eyes, and just kept doing what he was doing.
Jieun started to get irritated, “Baekhyun say something,” she urged. But when he didn’t react, she strongly jerked Baekhyun’s shoulder so he could face her.
She gave so much strength that the boy let the cup slip out of his hand and break into thousand pieces on the floor.
She froze. Usually Jieun would have gasped in surprise and quickly help Baekhyun to pick the pieces up before anyone gets hurt, but the only thing that happened was a sudden rush of memory in her mind.
That’s right. They did go to look for the other warriors, and they found Hwangshi. Or Tao. And those bastards from Roman were there to. The burning house, the fighting kids, the suffering Hwangju and…
“I’m deaf…” Jieun choked, still staring at the broken cup on the floor,
“Jieun-ah,” Baekhyun started but he immediately regretted, because Jieun saw his mouth move, without hearing the sound of his voice. And she lost it.
She went to the door and opened it, slamming it shut immediately with a loud ‘BANG’. “I can’t hear it!”
She ran to the window and opened it, “I can’t hear the kids laughs!”
She stood there and started clapping her hands near her ears, “I can’t hear anything!” she cried,
She kept going like this in her room until Baekhyun grabbed her shoulder and put his hands on her face, making her face him, “Jieun! Jieun! Stop! Calm down!”
“JIEUN STOP! LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT ME!” Baekhyun yelled back, though it was useless but still he did it, and forced her to look at him,
She slowly calmed down a bit and looked at him. Baekhyun sighed softly and then mouthed slowly and clearly, so that Jieun could read on his lips “It is going to be okay,”
And Jieun crashed into his arms, sobbing all her tears in his shirt. The boy wanted to whisper reassuring words in her ears, but it was obviously ridiculous.
“JIEUN!” the other boys who were alerted by the fuss burst in, meeting with the mess in the room,
“What happened?” Suho whispered. He looked down at the devastated Jieun in Baekhyun’s arms and the younger one shook his head, giving a sad look to his Hyung.
Suho sighed and his brows curled in concern. Since they came back from the village with Tao and his family, Kris and Suho had explained everything to them about EXO and the prophecy. But the fear of Jieun’s reaction when she’d wake up was stuck in his mind the entire time.
Jieun kept sobbing in Baekhyun’s arm for about an hour before falling asleep again. He placed her back on her bed, covering her with the blanket and joined his comrades in the meeting room.
“How is she?” Kai asked,
“I think she’s shocked, angry, sad and every other crap feelings you can have,” Baekhyun sighed,
“What are we going to do about this?” Tao asked,
All heads turned to Suho who had zoned out, thinking about any solution to Jieun’s hearing lost.
“Hyung. Do you have any plan?”
“Lay,” the elder snapped his finger, “We have to find Lay! He’ll heal her,”
“That’s right!” Kris exclaimed,
“Lay?” Tao asked,
“He’s one of us. His power is healing. Unicorn as a symbol,”
“Ah right! I remember,” Tao said, remembering what they had told him earlier.
“You’ll come with us right?” Baekhyun asked the younger one,
“Of course! Jieun did a lot for us. This is the least I can do. And my family will be okay with Mrs. Yang taking care of them and the money you gave us. Thank you so much for your help by the way,” he bowed,
“How many times did we tell you? It’s nothing. You’re part of the team now,” Suho smiled,
“I feel proud of being an EXO warrior, and that Jieun’s our priestess,” he beamed,
“We all are,” Kris added, “So, when are we leaving?”
“Let Jieun rest for the day. We’ll leave tomorrow and head to the North,” Suho said,
“Why the North?”
“Because there’s a village there, where all the medicinal herbs are planted. If we have to look for Lay, maybe we should start there,” Kris explained.
“There was just one thing I was wondering,” Baekhyun suddenly said,
“How are we going to communicate with Jieun?”
Right… How?
-bows 90°- I’M SO SO SO SO SORRY! I haven’t updated since aged!
I really can’t find the time to write this story with all the work I have for school.
This chapter is really short too! Sorry about it. I didn’t want to make you guys wait any longer so I kind of rushed the end of it.
Anyway. Hope you liked the chapter. And please leave comments! 
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100 subs!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you!!


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nitaluviu #1
pls update soon
Lilyxxi #2
Chapter 40: Iam reading this fic one day all along in my holiday, this is a nice story, i'm so sad you cant continue this fic. But glad i read the summary if you make this summary long chaps it'll turn out so well i thought hehe, yey goodluck for everything you do, im sorry for bad english, this isnt my native language soo ppyong~
MeloveKpop91 #3
Chapter 40: So... I've read the summary of what's gonna happen, but, you've never mention what happened to Jieun's brother (forgot his name)
Adh_IU #4
Chapter 40: why u no continue the story? T.T Seriously, it's really sad that you choose to discontinue this awesome story. And yeah I'd been waiting for a long time to read it. I'm so excited whenever you update the next chpater, but I rarely comment :' I know it was my fault. But I know I can't force you.. I just hope the best for you ^^ Thanks for telling the whole story, Keep Spirit! ^^
Chapter 40: So yeah it's really sad that you choose to discontinue this great story of you, actually this story was one of my favorite. :( but it's okay! We can't force you to continue this story as well. Just hope you will come back someday and write another exo with iu story ^^ and thankyou for telling how supposed this story happend and ending ♥♥
Chapter 40: I would love to know what was gonna happen! I'm also sorry that you are discontinuing this story, but if you feel like it, we can't change your mind :) thank you for writing it so far ♡ But please tell us the end ☆
Chapter 39: Well, from the tornado I suggest one of them is my precious Sehunnie ^^ If they are brothers, then maybe one of the others is Luhan... And I still believe that Chen did the storm, so ^^ That is my opinion, of course. I liked the chapter. The only thing I don't like is that you always seems to make EXO weaker then LOEN. Like seriosuly... 6 against 2 and couldn't do a damn thing? And Jieun was studying so hard how to fight and etc., how she couldn't even try to do something? Whenever LOEN shows up, it's like EXO's powers die :D But, do whatever you like, i still like the story and i'll still keep reading it ^^ Now i'm really intrigued to who might those strangers be :D
Chapter 38: Omg, how could Yongguk teleported too?? Is he got Kai, and do something n got his ability? Pls noooo
Chapter 38: Oh my?!! Where's kai actualy? I hope he's okay... :(
Chapter 38: As usual, this story makes me forget about all my exams I have tomorrow xD
You're daebak author-nim! Keep up the good work^^