He Hates Me???

A Fools Only Tear


 I craned my neck to look at the beautiful view of Jeju Island as routing the Hotel where the seminar will be held.  “Can I open the window?” I ask the driver.


“Yes Ma’am” he answered politely.


I’m at the service car that hotel provided for the attendees of the seminar.  I open the car window and slightly out my hand to fee l the cold fresh air, suddenly memories from past back.




“Do you like it here?” Sehun asked me from behind. I looked back to him and smiled then backed my attention to the breathtaking scenery of Jeju. I don’t need to answer him verbally it’s written all over my face the answer already. He stepped in behind me and wrapped his arms around my front. He leaned his face on my shoulder.


“I love you” he whispered in my ear.


 I spun around in his arms and stared at him as if there’s no tomorrow. He brushed my hair backwards behind my shoulder.  I nodded my head as my lips reached up to meet his. Our lips battled with passion after a minute I broke the kiss and met his gaze. I was trying to compose myself as I took a deep breath and position myself again after our lips separated. I tried not to fall my tears as we kept looking at each other.   


“Let’s break up Sehun”




 The drop of tears from my face brings me back to present. I wiped the waters ruthlessly and closed the window hoping it will help me not to go back to past again. It was a relief we reached the hotel after a few minutes of remembering.  


I arrived at the hotel three hours ahead from when the seminar starts as expected.  I sighed and got out of the car looking up at the huge ravish Hotel and dragged my luggage and went directly to reception area but I was in my halfway when someone got my attention at the reception area; a very manly man, wearing an American suit that looks so good on him.


I stopped, “Se….Se—hun?” I struggle with my words, blinking my eyes a couple of times. Is this real or my eyes only deceiving me? His dark eyes shifted to me; suddenly I couldn’t move. I felt the world stop from that moment. My heart starts to beat unconditionally just like the time I’m with him. I wanted to run him, hugged him. Hell. He’s more even handsome than ever. His eyes were in shock but in just a second of surprise those set of eyes were change of hatred and anger that terrified me inside.


My knees are shaking as well as my hands from the realization why he’s looking at me like that. I seriously don’t know what to do. I was thinking what suppose to do and for a jiffy I thought I should run and get out of here or stay and forget that I saw him. I wasn’t through planning when crew interrupted my thoughts of train.


“Ma’am this way.” So there’s no way to escape. I back my eyes to him and still his eyes are on mine.  I tugged my luggage with my trembling hand and try not to be affected from his presence but it was fail as I get nearer and nearer to the reception area  where he exactly standing.




I slightly bow my head to give acknowledge to his presence as casual as possible though I feel I might breakdown anytime soon but he didn’t response instead the hatred on his eyes gets more intense.


I reached the reception area and we are now few steps away from each other. I could tell the tension between us gets bigger and bigger.


 “Hi I’m Nam In Hye representative from Korean Time Publication” I manage to say to the receptionist as I keep enduring his existence.


“Nam In Hye” he said. There was a bitter the way he said my name then followed by smirk. The two receptionists in front simultaneously look at him but I didn’t dare to look at. I was afraid of what I’m gonna see if I dare.  Perhaps the two receptionists sense there were something goes on between us.


 I suddenly can’t breath. The air gets ticker and ticker from us. “Can I get my room?” the receptionist backed their eyes to mine. “Oh I am sorry Ma’am just a minute”


“No need she’s with me” I felt my forehead crease involuntarily. What in the world was going on? “She’s my girlfriend.”


“No no..” I said in desperate hushed tone as shaking my head rapidly. 


 My jaw dropped, my train of thought taking me on a one way trip to never. This must be some weird dream but he walks up to me and grabs my waist, pulling me close to him in front of people.  His actions made the thumping in my chest even louder. As our bodies touched I felt the longing to feel him. Oh god how I miss this man; his smell, his lips, touches everything about him I missed it.


I had been so engrossed with longing that I’d forget what was actually going on. I wanted to curse my self. What the hell am I thinking right now? I should push him not thinking him but part of me wanted to stay like this.  I’d open my eyes and met his eyes trailing thoughtfully on my flushed face.


 I hurriedly retrieved my body as I got my senses back and managed to breathe unevenly. An irritating smile suddenly trailed on his lips and he seemed enjoying my embarrassment. I could feel my cheek’s burning right now. Without a word he steals my things and walk steering the elevator if I’m not mistaken.


I was left there dumbfounded avoiding the demeaning sets of eyes and left myself to process the things but still I couldn’t process anything.


“Room 601 ma’am” receptionist said.




Yey chapter one is done finally! I am sorry if Sehun here is more mature than his real life. Probably most of you expect this story is kinda high school love story, you know teenage romance which I also like but I prefer to write it in mature one but in a cute way so don’t worry.  Well, what do you think of this chapter? Send me your thoughts please I would love to know what’s in my readers mind. Pardon me if you encounter some errors. Thank you for subscribing ohmylulu,Sherleen,LulusLullaby,tooth-fairy and thank you for the comment alobeiro. Love lots. ^^ 


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LulusLullaby #1
Chapter 1: It's great so far ; ~ ;
Can't wait for the next update! <3
alobeiro #2
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^