The Last Hour

New Years

Everyone is ed up...seriously ed up. It's 11pm and everyone has pretty much resorted to the hard liquor. Even the trainee got a hold of the good stuff. The dance floor is packed and everyone is grinding on each other whether they hate each other or not. Minzy the wild one is already starting to spill her drinks, Psy is turning every song into a gangnam style, and Yang is just being himself really chill in the middle of the floor. 

The five members of BigBang are scattered around the venue. It's a good sized club with luxury VIP booths and tables. All the groups have their own tables but everyone is so drunk it's pretty much every ones tables. Jiyong on the other hand is not so happy about the party. He originally had a date, but at the last minute the girl bailed out on him. Like really some crazy girl stood him up. 

This really hurt his pride, so he told everyone that there was an emergency in her family...which was pure bull, but they believed it. Seungri in the beginning of the party hung out with his hyung and even took shots with him. The younger of course got distracted when the trainees and other female employees started filing in. Jiyong gave the kid permission and with no hesitation he was gone. 

YoungBae and Daesung brought dates so they were busy with them...and Seunghyun...he was just all over the place chatting with everyone but not really drinking. The alcohol has never really been his thing. 

Jiyong downs another drink and sighs. He wants to leave but he doesn't want to look like a party pooper. So he bites the bullet and just keep ordering weak drinks. He really is not in the mood to get ed up and grind on people. Yea yea call him a grumpy old man, but how would you feel if you were stood up. 

A slow song comes on and Jiyong rolls his eyes...couples make him sick...why...because he doesn't have anyone to be with. You know the feeling when you are jealous but you act like you are not jealous...well this is Jiyong at the moment. He sneers at the couples...he feels the table rock a bit and he looks over to see his hyung smirking at him. 

"What you smirking at mother er" 

Seunghyun laughs. "You and your jealous ." 

Jiyong points at himself. "Me? Jealous? Ha! Yea ing right. I would have had a date but things happened." 

Seunghyun laughs again and takes a sip of his drink. "Oh yea...she had an emergency." Jiyong furrows his brows at the tone of voice. "What the hell is that tone for?" 

"Because I know you lied." 

"No I"   "Don't even Ji. I have known you for a long time now and I know for sure that you are a terrible liar." 

Jiyong sighs. "Yea...true...sorry I lied." 

Seunghyun waves his hand. "No worries man. It's not so fun when your supposed date bails on ya." 

"She didn't...okay yea she did...but I don't understand. I'm gdragon...leadershii...king of biting his lip...I'm cute...who wouldn't hang out with me..." Jiyong sounds disappointed. Seunghyun chuckles. "It just didn't work out Ji...and who wouldn't want to hang out with you. You are perfect..beautiful..." Jiyong perks up when he hears the words. "Ha hyung I'm far from perfect...I'm a mess and you know it." 

"No you are not." Seunghyun takes a untouched drink from a near by table and places it in from of his dongsaeng. "Here drink's will make you happy" 

Jiyong laughs. "Oh wow hyung really?!" the younger laughs again. "You need to stop watching cartoons." Seunghyun chuckles. "I'm a kid at heart. Still drink this it will fix your mood. You never know what will happen when the clock strikes twelve." Seunghyun gets up from the table and Jiyong laughs and goes back to watching the couples dance to the music. 

The music ends and the DJ comes on the speaker. Jiyong didn't realize how fast he downed his drink. It was a weak drink but it really did lighten the mood. The DJ speaks again and it gets Jiyong's attention that it's almost mid night. He is surprised he even lasted this long. The younger wants to make the most of his last minutes of 2012. He gets up from his chair and walks to the dance floor. The music of course is slow so he keeps to the side of the floor. The song playing is a old Korean song that his parents would listen to and Jiyong doesn't mind. He looks up and notices the countdown beginning and it's 2 minutes to 2013. 

Jiyong unconsciously rocks to the music and just stares at the clock. Even though he was stood up he still had a great year with his band mates. They traveled the world met many people  and he  still finished his solo album in time. There are many things to be thankful for. 

Suddenly two arms wrap around his waist and a warm body presses to the back of him. Jiyong tenses and the arms tighten around him.  The person leans down to Jiyong's ear. "It's almost 2013 Yongie." 

Jiyong knows that voice and he turns around with the arms still wrapped around him. Their bodies are pressed intimately together as one. Seunghyun looks down at the coffee eyes and grins. Jiyong is speechless. Seunghyun is the last person to do these type of things. "Hyung...are you drunk?" Jiyong looks up at his hyung and Seunghyun smiles. "Jiyong I want to tell you something before the year ends....I have fallen for you..." 

Jiyong's eyes widen. " are don't like guys..if you like guys I think you like Daesung...." 

"but I like you...I can't stop thinking about drive me crazy with everything you do...I just had to tell you..." 

Jiyong is still speechless and Seunghyun looks at the clock and smiles. People start cheering and balloons and confetti starts to fall from the ceiling. Seunghyun then leans in and presses his lips to the younger into a kiss. He moves his lips on the pouty ones and Jiyong slowly starts to respond. The kiss becomes more passionate as Seunghyun turns his head to deepen the kiss. Jiyong hitches his breath and Seunghyun slips in his tongue to taste inside the pouty mouth. The long tongue makes JIyong go crazy and he reaches up to grab his hyungs hair.

The glances...the secret garden...the gdtop photo shoot...sunny ten...the bracelets...everything...everything was starting to make sense. Seunghyun then releases the kiss and they are both out of breath with their foreheads pressed together. The older keeps his grip around the smaller waist and grins at the dazed expression of Jiyong. 

"Happy New Year." 

Jiyong still who is still in the clouds grins "I like you too...I mean happy new year....since when...Um..I like you..." 

Seunghyun chuckles and steals a kiss. "Let's get out of here." 

Jiyong smiles. "Ne...lets." He takes the larger hand in his and curves his digits around. The two walk out of the drunken party into the midnight air of 2013. 

Never feel like it's too late to  confess to the one you never know what could happen. 

Happy New Year :)

Hey all happy New Years! This is a short but sweet fic. If you like this please check out my other fics:)

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Pame10 #1
Chapter 1: The fluff is real
Chapter 1: This is so sweet <3 Adorable ~~~
Chapter 1: So cute!! If only this really happened. Happy New Year. :-)
Chapter 1: Happy New Year
Chapter 1: Happy New Year ^^
theatreballadstorm #6
Chapter 1: I love it happy new year to you too
Looking forward to your future posts :) Happy New Year!
Chapter 1: Yay fluff<3 Love the fic~
Chapter 1: Happy New Year!! Nice one!!
Chapter 1: It's funny how in this fic TOP doesn't like alcohol but irl, he drinks bottles of red wine by himself lol thanks for the fic! Happy New Year!