Love story pt. 1

Flower Boy.

I lay in bed, staring up at the ceiling of my room. Somehow at this time, it look so fascinating. That's right, I've already spent 10 out of 16 years of my life staring at the same spot everytime I lay in bed. Not much difference anyway. 


I thought of the roadtrip, which is happening tomorrow. Some of my friends would be thinking, hey, I'm pretty excited tomorrow because it's going to be a fun roadtrip with my friends for the first time. For me, it was different. I wasn't excited for the roadtrip just because the reason was going to be how fun the games and strolls would be. The reason was her. 


I first met her in elementary school, when we were 7. She was this bright, cheerful girl full of smiles all the time. She was the first person that I noticed the first thing on that fateful morning. She greeted me with a smile at first though, good enough to make my heart melt. During our break time, she approached, her long and soft, brown hair resting on her shoulders. 




I look up from my storybook. There she was, smiling at me. I could only stare at her at that time. 


"What's your name?", she asked. 



Her voice was sweet and graceful. "...Hoya. Lee Hoya.". She smiled even more. 


"Nice to meet you Hoya! I'm _________"


I smiled at her as she reached her hand out to shook mine. We spent break time together, talking about what we like to do, our pets, what we want to be when we grow up. It was different back then. It was different now. 


I went downstairs to the kitchen to find my mum making kimchi with her pink rubber gloves. "Good morning", I said as I sat on the dining chair. "You don't seem to be excited for tomorrow at all. Why?". I sighed, "I am. Just that I'm tired. Anyways, it's not like i'm going to another country or something. We're just taking a train to another town.". My mum shook her head, "I know you want to go and explore the world. But I'm afraid I can't let you do that right now. You're still young". I ruffled my hair, clucking my tongue. "I'm going to the market soon. Do you want me to buy anything for you?". "No. There's no need to. Just go and walk around and buy whatever you want", mum said as she shooed me away from the kitchen. 


I went back upstairs to take a shower and put on a fresh set of clothes. As I headed out of my house, my neighbour's dog, Buddy, barked at me and wag his tail. "Hey Buddy. Nice day today huh?". It barked again before lying down on the ground. I made a mental note to myself to look for some books to bring with me during the roadtrip. The air was fresh as the wind blew the trees, swaying side to side. It wasn't a busy day today, so I thought I might as well just walk around the market and visit the farm for a while. The bookshop wasn't crowded as always. The smell of old and new books filled the air. Somewhere behind the counter there was the sound of the radio programme. I went over to my favourite section and started to look for books. Sometimes there wouldn't be any new books but today, I spotted one in the middle, looking as new. I pulled it out, admiring the pale blue cover with a photo of a tree. It was a story of a man, who was on his journey to look for something he had left behind a few years back when he met a woman on the way. She accompanied him, since she was heading towards the same destination. I thought that it might be a good story, so I brought it to the counter to pay. Mr Kim was having his nap. He's just a normal old man, with that happy face on him. At times I would help him out in the bookshop and he would recommend me a few good books. I knocked on the table, as he stirred awake and puts on his glasses. 


"Found a book to your liking?", he said in his humble voice. I grinned and gave him the book, "Yes. I needed to bring a book with me on the roadtrip tomorrow. Thought it might help". I passed him the money, in which he waved his hand. "You don't have to. You can have it for free. You've been a good boy to me and you did many favours for me, so I might as well return you one.". I smiled at the book. "Thank you Mr Kim. I'll be sure to read the whole book". The old man nodded his head, "Alright, have a safe trip tomorrow". I bowed to him, "Thank you Mr Kim. Take care of yourself. I'll see you around".



That night, I packed my bag, making sure I didn't forget anything for the trip. I received a text from Yunho, asking me to meet him outside the school gates so we could walk to the train station together in the morning. 


"How do you feel? Now that you're going on a roadtrip, moreover she will be with us too?" 


I smiled, "I don't know. Part of me says it will be a memorable one". 



Yunho knew that I liked her. He is the only person who knew besides myself. I zipped up my bag for tomorrow and put it beside my mattress. I lay down and stare at the ceiling again and rested my arm on my forehead. My heart is all prepared for tomorrow. 



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Chapter 2: Aww hoya's soooo cute!!! Please update soon^^
Marciakslp #2
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^