
found beauty in your words.

1. Hyukjae wondered what it would be like to have friends, but then he remembered why he didn't. Friends weren't people you could trust, they were only there to give you some company. Sometimes they even called you, so that they could feel less lonely. At least that's what he thought. Honestly, he acted like a child. I think he acted blind to protect what was left of the innocence, he once had.

2. He sat down holding tightlier on to his notebook than the coffee in his left hand. The man sitting on the opposite table started to giggle as Hyukjae poured way too much sugar into his cup. A blush appeared on Hyukjae's face as he realized; the man giggled because of me. He was lonely and so the only thought that crossed his mind was at least now, I have something new to write about.

3. Things like that don't leave your mind if you have nothing else to think about. He wasn't the only one, the man to whom the giggle belonged thought about him too. Hyukjae had read about those things more than once but it didn't compare to reality.

4. Days passed and this was probably what most 19 years old teenagers would call a crush (or a ert because the man he was thinking about was at least 10 years older). He figured that most teenagers would probably talk to a friend for the simple need of advice. The young boy decided to ask his books, there was no one else he'd trust. Someone had to make the first step and most of the times it was "him". Which was pretty useless for people who fell for the same e, how are you supposed to find out who tops in bed, if you haven't even met?

5. In the end it was indeed the man with the handsome face and cute giggle, that talked to him first. His messy hair and plump lips made him quite attractive. She decided it was time to trust people, just a bit, so that he could feel what usually he'd only read. It was cold and he stood in front of the glass door waiting for the snow to stop. He had been sitting in his favorite shop way too long. It was indeed beautiful to watch the snow and it's details, something that not everyone could see;

humans are like the snow,

as soon as you touch their ice cold skin,

the beauty melts away,

and the only thing left,

is what they're made of.

so he decided to write about it.

6. Thats sounds really beautiful and if you let me I'd like to read more of your poetry, the older man said. Those were the first words Hyukjae heard from him. He drove the younger home, he didn't have a car. The man revealed his name was Donghae and so Hyukjae told him his. Hyukjae still thought he didn't need a car because if he did this wouldn't have happened.

7. After 16 dates (more or less), Donghae got Hyukjae to undress. Not only did Hyukjae show him his scars, he also told him his past and how much he wanted their love to last.

8. It took Donghae almost a year to confess, that Hyukjae's words were what attracted him, that he wondered if his touch could show him who Hyukjae really was. It did, but he said the beauty didn't fade his boyfriend only got more handsome, which made him want to stay even more.

9. You held on to your notebook as if your life depended on it. I know you were only searching for someone, brave enough to read what's written inside of it, he said. That was when Hyukjae couldn't hold back the tears, and wondered how someone could read him so easily. He knew how right Donghae was.

10. Years passed but Hyukjae didn't believe in marriage. He wanted to wait until they both grew ugly together, and if by then his boyfriend would still kiss his face the way he did after their 4th date, he'd agree. He always wanted them to wear their rings though, just so that they'd be reminded who they belonged to.

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dinocheeese #1
Chapter 1: Thanks for the beautiful story!:-) short but sweet!
Chapter 1: omo, it's so beautiful!! ;-;!
I love the fact that donghae is older (dunno why but it always seems to get me!!)
Is it just me or did you practise?? It feels like you've gotten sooooo much better :0!!
maybe It's this sad feeling your story has but damn!! ;-; at the same time It's really.poetic and hopeful ;-;! loooove it :3!!