

Youngjae was seated on the couch in their dim lit living room watching an action film. It was a Friday night and he didn't have to do anything the next day so he was savoring the moment he could stay up late 'till the abyss of the morning.


A particular person was missing though. He was supposed to have gotten back by now but texted that he was going to be home at a later time. Although it was unknown to him why he had to go home late, he trusted him that it was for a logical reason.


Just as things were about to get good in the movie, he heard a click from the front door and footsteps walking towards the room. He peered over to the source of the noise and as expected it was Daehyun.


"Hey." Daehyun curtly greeted Youngjae. He came closer to where he was and planted a kiss on top of his head before settling down beside him. Daehyun lazily plopped his body on the couch and rested his head on Youngjae's lap.


"Tired?" Youngjae asked as he his hair in a soothing manner. "Mmm." He hummed in reply. "Go take a hot bath, bumhead." Daehyun just groaned and muttered something along the lines of 'I don't want to', 'too tired', and 'let me rot'. Youngjae just chuckled at his state. "Go, shower. I'll be waiting here."


Daehyun heaved out a heavy sigh and with much reluctance sat up straight. "Shower with me." He cooed at him with a slight pout and a pleading voice. "Wipe that pout off your face. I just showered, you're going to waste water." He reasoned with him. "Fine." With that, he left to wash up.


Youngjae was left behind, the movie long forgotten since Daehyun came in. He looked really worn out and tired. It concerned Youngjae to no end. Of course, being the good boyfriend that he was would make an effort to help him out with whatever made him this exhausted.


A few minutes passed and Daehyun came out of the bathroom wearing comfortable clothes, smelling nice and fresh. He sprawled on the other side of the sofa and for the nth time sighed. Well obviously he's tired. "You okay?" Youngjae questioned. "Hmm? Oh... Yeah, just stressed out." Daehyun said absent-mindedly.


This time around Youngjae breathed out a sigh. "Mind telling me about it?" Youngjae sat nearer to Daehyun indicating that he was all ears and was ready to listen to whatever he had to say. "Well..." He started. "This morning at work I accidentally broke a glass and my boss scolded me for being so careless. Then this one customer was annoying me so much, I just wanted to squeeze his head out just-- ugh" Daehyun made this strangling motion with his hands as if wringing the head of the man he was talking about.


"He was telling me to get his coffee done faster because he was late for work. I mean, why didn't you wake up earlier? Or even better, don't even drink coffee." The more Daehyun elaborated to Youngjae his day, the more his voice raised. "Then my boss told me to work the night shift because apparently one of my co-workers can't come for some reason so he decided to make me do the job. There are loads of people at work, why couldn't he have chosen someone else. It's a good pay but why, of all days, would it be today. It was really hectic awhile ago and all I wanted to do was to go home and see you and just..." Yet again, another sigh escaped his lips. 


"I'm sorry you had to listen to my rant, Jae. I'm just so infuriated." He rested his elbows on his knees and ruffled his hair in frustration, grumbling incoherent words to himself. Youngjae chuckled lightly. He stood up from where he was seated then crouched on the floor in between Daehyun's agape legs, hugging his knees to keep himself.


"Daehyun-ah" Youngjae cooed. This made Daehyun stop from ruffling his hair and looked at Youngjae to find him crouched down in front of him. Their faces were a mere few inches apart. Youngjae smiled at him before leaning forward and capturing his lips. 


Daehyun was surprised by Youngjae's actions and only when it dawned to him that Youngjae was kissing him did he react. He responded and kissed Youngjae back. It was sweet and it satisfied their need for each other from one days worth of not being in the presence of the other. It may not have been that long but with todays events, it was more or less necessary. After a long days work, this was just what Daehyun needed to aid his mental crisis.


Youngjae cupped Daehyun's cheeks to deepen the kiss, only to lose his balance and topple backwards. He yelped in surprise then hit his head on the table. "Oww." Youngae whimpered. He rubbed the part where he hit his head from colliding with the table and sat, rather slobbily, from falling on his . 


Daehyun snickered in amusement. "Lost your balance, huh?" He said in a teasing voice. He kicked his shin as hard as he could, which wasn't really that hard since he was just recovering from hitting his head. "Oh, shut up, you idiot." Youngjae huffed in annoyance. "Well, look who's talking." Youngjae could only glare at him. "Just kidding." Daehyun gave him a chaste kiss on the lips before helping him up.


He encircled his arms around his waist and hugged him to his lap. "I love you." Daehyun nuzzled his head on Youngjae's neck. He blushed because of Daehyun's words and actions. Then muttered something Daehyun could not quite catch. 


"What?" he questioned. Once again, Youngjae uttered the words he had said. Only this time, Daehyun could decipher what he was trying to tell him but he was not going to stop interrogating him to say it one more time. He wanted to hear it loud and clear.


"Could you say that again?" Daehyun demanded. "I s-said I love you t-too. Tch, such a deaf person." He stuttered. Youngjae could not hide his beet red face as his blood rushed all the way to the tip of his ears. Daehyun grinned so much at the sight of Youngjae blushing that he had to bite on his lower lip to keep himself form widening his grin more. This was definitely something he'd like to see more often, Youngjae blushing beet red. 


Although you could say that Daehyun's day wasn't the greatest, it was definitely worth it if after each day he could come home to experience these kind of intricate moments they only share. The ones where he could always remember by and keep in his memories.


"Hey, Youngjae?" Daehyun called after he had recollected himself from blushing too hard.




"For what?"

"Just, thanks."

"If you say so... You're welcome then."


Youngjae, enclosed around Daehyun's arms and settled comfortably on his lap, smiled to himself in content. He leaned his head on Daehyun's chest and snuggled onto him. He definitely knew why he had thanked him and it was heart warming. He had done his job right and that's all that he could be grateful for at the moment.


He had fulfilled his task as his lover. 


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Chapter 1: Ayyshhh too cutely sweet! Daejae forever cx
petalcha #2
Chapter 1: dfghjkhgfdfdh Sweet!! This is so so good! :)
isabel15 #3
Chapter 1: awww daejae <333
Sachika #4
Chapter 1: Daejae feels... Anne this is a good, good way to start the year. Oh my gee~
Youngjae such a sweetayyyy. :3 I love dez.
keygakeun #5
Chapter 1: omg that was so precious ;___; <3 <3 <3 <3
Chapter 1: its so sweet & cute :'D how Jae'd try his best to talk out w Dae about his work & problems,which is oneof the reasons why Dae wanna go home as fast as he can to see his boyfriend~ahh,the fluffiness,then they'd tease each other then end up cuddling & saying sweet confessions to the other,the best to end a hardworking day & the happiness of fufilling a duty of a true lover~
tks for tge cute shot :D fighting & happy new year :D
Chapter 1: awwwwwwww~~~~ so sweet.. love it so much!!! :D
Chapter 1: aawwww this is so cute and sweet ~ <3
to have someone like Jaebby in home after the hard day at job ~ happy for daehyunnie~ <3
Tharanghae #9
Chapter 1: Oh god my daejae feels
Bruh. Why you be using that gif of iness. Dying here.
Anyways. Can't wait to read it ;AAAA;