This Love Will Kill Me

Kill Me, Kiss Me

She dotted the period on the letter she had written as she tied the rope to the ceiling. She stood on the chair, tears streaming down her face, and muttered up the courage to do it. Her legs were shaking, and her mind filled with thoughts of him and her. Her hands shivered as she held the rope in her hand. Then, she lifted her face into the big hole created by the knot of the rope. She jumped off the chair...

The pain and suffocation in her neck were nothing compared to the aching in her heart. She whimpered and struggled, while gagging and shaking her whole body. Then her eyelids closed as her whole body became relaxed....


She ran to the door when she heard the rapid knockings on it. It opened to reveal her husband in a drunken state. She helped him into the house as he staggered around un sobered while saying gibberish in his mouth. He reeked of alcohol, and she sighed inwardly thinking that he went to the club again. He didn't listen to her, he never did. She braced herself for what was about to go down.

"Why are you so late? And smelled of alcohol?" She asked as she took off his shoes and proceeded to wipe his face with a wet towel.

"I'll return whenever the hell I want woman!" He brushed her hands away. "I make the money for this house, I can do whatever I want!"

She flinched inside as she listened to him rambling on and on.

"And are an ungrateful ! You live in this house, you dress nicely, you eat good food, and you never respect me!" He yelled, catching her by suprise. He glared at her.

"What were you doing when I was gone? You were cheating on me! Ha! I work like a bull and here you are cheating on me!" He exclaimed as he grabbed her wrist and pulled her roughly.

"I am not!" She replied, earning a painful slap on her face.

"Liar! I know you were!"

The sting of the slap remained on her cheek as he pushed her down on the floor. She shook in horror as he pulled her hair and kicked her back repeatedly. More tears fell down her face as she struggled and writhed in pain.

"Stop Seunghyun!" She whimpered, only to have him pulled her up by her hair.

"I'll teach you a lesson." He ripped off her clothes.

She bit her lips and tasted the metallic flavor of blood as she braced herself...


When he was sound asleep in the bed, she silently stepped from the bed and sneaked out to the balcony behind the layers of curtains. The night sky was pitch dark, with stars scattered all over it. It was a full moon tonight; the brilliant rays of moonlight shone upon her small figure as she stood there with her hands on the railing.

When did it start? The drunk nights and the abuse? Why? Did he have something he hid deeply and couldn't tell her? Is that why he resort to alcohol? She didn't know if he knew what he done to her when he was drunk, but she never dared asking. She sighed deeply in sorrow, how did it become like this? Where were the times that he and she would laugh together over dinner? Where were the times that he would take her out or suprised her with little things everyday? Where were the times that he would look at her as if she was the only woman in the whole world?

She was a fool for still loving him and believing in him the way she did, she knew. She knew that the little hope in her heart was fading day by day. She knew that it was useless to hold on, when he wasn't even trying. She knew it was futile to talk to him, to figure out a solution when all he would do was abusing her and insulted her with cold words. She knew it was painful for her to say I love you at night when his replies were snores. She knew how much despair and agony she would experience when she discovered the smell of woman's perfume and lipstick marks on his shirts.

She knew, that this love will kill her.

But, she couldn't let go...


She marveled at the bustling streets and the sound of people outside as she strolled cheerfully looking at the stores along the busy streets. The fast motion of life and people fascinated her, and it's something to get her mind off the matters in her own life. But, she shouldn't think this way, she optimistically thought. Today was his birthday, and he would be happy that she suprised him with a cake and everything planned out at home. She imagined his suprised face and smiled, reminiscing the past. 

The birthday cake on her hand dangled while she skipped like a little child, happy at the thought of them celebrating his birthday. Leaving past memories and focused on the future instead, she was lost in her own thoughts and bumped into a handsome guy on the street.

"Oh! Sorry." She nodded and walked on absentmindedly.

At the moment, the bruises on her body didn't matter. The aches from the last beating didn't hurt as much, and her mind was cleared of pessimistic thoughts. The only thing that mattered to her was getting home and celebrating her husband's birthday.

Stepping into the house, she noticed his shoes in the front. She frowned at a pair of strange women shoes that she had never seen before. Not thinking much of it, she tiptoed into the house ready to suprise him any minute.

"Tabi where are you?" She asked playfully, not receiving an answer.

Supressing a giggle, she walked up the stairs. Hearing noises, she frowned wondering what could he be doing. 

The noises got clearer as she approached the bedroom. They were...moans? Trying not to overreact, she silently open the door.

What was inside, made her dropped the cake to the ground and gaped in despair.

Her husband, , was doing adult things to a woman who was in the same state as he. Their passionate moans and grunts of pleasure echoed off the walls as they continued their dirty deeds not noticing her presence. She covered to prevent from screaming out loud in despair and rushed down the stairs out of the house with tears rolling down her cheeks.


The thunder and rain slapped violently on the windows and occasionally flashing lights upon the dark room. Her feet wiggled desperately for a foothold as her hands gripped the tight ropes. She gagged and her whole body shook with pain as it dangled dangerously above the ground. Tears fell down her cheeks not at the pain, but from the bitterness and sorrow she was feeling. Why? What did she do? Did she even matter up to anything in his life? Why didn't he talk to her? Why did he crushed her hopes into tiny little pieces just when she had the courage to resolve things between them?

Why did she love him in the first place? Knowing that this love will kill her?

His smiling face went by in her mind and a series of flashbacks began to play. She was with him eating and laughing at his silly face. She smiled at him and said I love you as he gazed into her eyes. She pinched his cheeks and kissed his forehead when he pouted cutely at her. She yelled and chased after him as he made fun of her. She caressed and massaged his shoulders soothingly when he returned from work. She, who felt like the happiest woman in the world, waking up each morning and see her loving husband smiling at her as if she was an angel.

She closed her eyes and said goodbye to it all...goodbye to him as she felt her body relaxing and slipping into unconsciousness. She stopped struggling and her body stopped moving completely as she dangled above the ground.











SUBSCRIBER SHOUTOUT: Cissyy (hello :D) and bellaxjoker. YOUR SUPPORTS MOTIVATE ME! :)















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seoinae #1
Sweet Chocolate part 2 pls!
seoinae #2
Chapter 39: Damn this is so sad.. but what happened actually to him?
seoinae #3
Chapter 34: Awww cute!
seoinae #4
Chapter 33: It's good! N i laughing hard at 'machine' LOL
seoinae #5
seoinae #6
Chapter 29: Wheres the full story??
seoinae #7
Chapter 27: Lmao seunghyun as a genie?!! Bhahahaha hot genie~
seoinae #8
Chapter 25: Omg i luv this!!! ♡.♡
seoinae #9
Chapter 21: Aishh why cliffhanger
seoinae #10
Chapter 17: Why so many sad story haishh my heart can't take it anymore.. T^T