30 Minute Love Affair

Kill Me, Kiss Me

30 minute love affair

All in the blink of an eye

There you were standing there

I heard an angel cry

Runaway lover, I soon discovered 

It was best when we left it,

I'd never forget it

Our 30 minute love affair...


She stared at her reflection in the mirror: powdered face, red lips, smoky eyes,...Fake, she thought, it was all fake. Her husband, as he was going out, leaned in to whispered in her ears.

"Don't embarrass me Bom." She didn't say anything, and he left.

Her marriage was a business arrangement made by her parents. They thought marrying her off to a successful business man would make her happy and benefit the company. Although the latter part was more important to them than their own daughter's feelings. She gave up a long time ago trying to figure out why did her parents do that, why did they just look past what she felt. Her dream marriage was with someone who loved and cared for her, not someone who treated her as if she was an object of use.

Everyday, she woke up to find herself alone in the king sized bed. She found herself staring at the walls with nothing to do. She wandered alone around the big house, hoping for someone to talk to.  She wasn't allowed to have a job, he said it would make.her rebellious. She wasn't allowed to go out except on occasions with him, he said there were lots of paparazzi outside.

Every night, she returned to the cold bedroom and the lifeless bed that she shared with him. She would wait for him and then gave up and slept because he was late again. He didn't say anything affectionate things to her, didn't show any feelings towards her and over time, she learned to live with him in that marriage like a dried tree branch.

Tonight, he was making an exception for her. There was a big party where all the business people would attend, but he couldn't go due to sudden business matters that came up. Business matters my , she thought, he was out with his lover again.

Yes, she knew he was cheating on her. But did it even matter? Their marriage was nonexistent anyway. The fact that he left her to go by herself just for the other woman said plenty.

She was going to a sea of people where all they talked about were business and money, and they would act all obnoxious and rich. Fake, she thought, that's what they all were. But she had to go and pretend like she enjoyed it, the thought disgusted her.

Stepping into the limo, she braced herself for tonight. Looking at the passing scenery, she yearned to be those normal people on the streets who could do whatever they wanted and marrying the one they loved. But she guessed that was just a dream.

A dried and repressed life was her reality.


The city let me out one night

Through lonely streets and neon lights

Searching, again...

She faked a smile in front of all the photographers when she stood on the red carpet with her light blue dress. She struck a pose and then walked into the grand room after all of that was done. The room was magnificent, decorated with golden lights and elegant chandeliers, it felt like the 19th century. People were milling around, all of them looked wealthy and high class with their appearances and manners. Here comes nothing, she thought and stepped into the huge room. As she made way for the food table, she was stopped by a couple who was friends with her husband. She fake smiled.

"How are you doing Miss Park?" The man asked her and smiled.

"I'm fine thank you." She politlely answered.

"You look gorgeous." The wife said, but Bom knew she meant otherwise.

"Thanks, you too."

"Where is your husband?"

"He couldn't come due to sudden business matters that came up."

And so, she talked with them and let them led her around the room introducing her to other important people. After an hour, she felt nauseous from the atmosphere and the fake people. She excused herself to the restroom but instead headed for the back garden behind the building that she saw earlier.


He was so beautiful there in my dreams

I left my heart and my memories...

The garden was pretty with various kinds of colorful flowers here and there. She walked along the stone pathway and admired the plants as well as the refreshing scenery. Hiding out here was way better than dealing with the society in there, she decided. She stood in front of the beautiful fountain in the middle of the garden and was lost in thought gazing at the flowing water and swimming fish. She did not realize a presence beside her.

"It's nauseous in there Huh?" The man beside her said and lit a cigarrette. Startled, she turned around and looked at him. He was young and handsome with those eyes, the jawline, those lips, and the weird platinum hair that was strangely fitting.

"You have no idea." She replied, and he laughed.

"Choi Seunghyun." He said, giving her his hand. She grabbed his cigarrette and snubbed it out under her feet. He looked at her suprised.

"Park Bom. Smoking in a lady's presence is unpolite." She smiled at him. He suddenly lifted her hand and kissed it, causing her to blushed. Not even her husband did that to her..

"Especially when that lady is very lovely like you." He said and she couldn't help but be flattered. Her husband never said anything like that.

"Why are you here?" His deep voice rumbled.

"The gentleman should answer first don't you think?" She said with a spark in her eyes, he smiled.

"Work obligations."

"Ahhhh....Money?" She asked.

"Not exactly. How about you?" He said, looking at her. She gazed at the fountain before answering.

"Husband." That was all she said, and he nodded understandingly.

"I'm hungry. Want to go eat?" He said, and after thinking about it she nodded. She had nothing better to do and she couldn't bear to go back in the room again. Besides, a part of her was pulled towards this alluring stranger and she wanted to know him more.


"I would never thought of you as a food stall person."  She looked at him amazed when they were walking down the streets filled with food stalls on both sides. She had a different scenario in her mind and was taken aback when he bought her roasted corn from a food stall.

"Well, now you know." He said, eating his fried banana that he got for himself. "It just makes me feel at ease being here." She nodded. It was refreshing for her to be like this: eating food from stalls, walking down the streets like a normal person.

"It's been so long since I eat roasted corn." She sighed longingly and munched on her corn, causing him to laugh. The sound was like music to her ears.

"You have a....on your mouth." He reached out and wiped a piece of corn from her lips with his thumb. She looked away, flustered and marveled at the contact.

"Oh look! That's cute!" She stood in front of a vendor and stared at the toys and accessories like a little kid.

"You two are make a good couple." The lady selling the vendor smiled.

"We're not a...." She was cut off by him.

"I'll have this for my girlfriend." He said, pointing at the corn barrette on display. 

"Yah! Why did you say that?" She smacked him when they walked away.

"Say what?"

"That I was your girlfriend."

"I don't know. I just wanted to say it." He smiled at her, and she could felt her heart beat faster. She gave him the alien toy that she bought earlier when he wasn't looking.

"For you." She said, not looking at him.

"An alien?"

"Because you are one." They laughed. He put on the corn barrette he bought for her in her hair.

"Very fitting." He said, and walked away.

"Yah! What do you mean?" She yelled at him as she catched up with him. He just laughed again.


Sometimes it's better just to let them go

Cause your illusion's more than what you could know...

"Woah..." They stood in front of the Han river and marveled at the shooting fireworks. She loved the bursting colors in the night sky and reveled in the moment.

"It's been so long since I saw fireworks." She smiled sadly and hugged herself.

"Thank you." He turned at her when she said that.

"For what?"

"For showing me what the world has to offer. I realized how much I've changed and how much I've missed all these years living like an emotionless statue." She smiled at him. "It was amazing. I guess I'll never get to experience it again."

She was startled when he grabbed her by the shoulders and looked at her in the eye.

"You don't have to live like that. You're your own person Bom. You control yourself. You can create a happy future for yourself. You can go your own path." She widened her eyes at him, and he released her when he realized what he just did.

They stood there in silence admiring the colors in the night sky.

"Close your eyes." He said.

"What for?"

"Just do it."

She did as she was told. The moment her eyelids closed, she felt something on her lips.

His lips on hers.

She was suprised but then kissed him back. It was sweet and soft, and magical.

When she opened her eyes, he was gone...

A tear escaped her...


Falling from the sky for him I'd never regret it

He took my breath away...

And although it was the shortest time I'd never forget it

He gave me such a beautiful lie...

She learned something from him in those 30 minutes. He showed her something that was valuable.

She could create a future for herself.

She could choose to live the way she wanted. She could make a path for herself and take it. She could marry the one that she loved and who loved her back.

He showed her what it was like to love and be loved.

She stared at the divorce paper she written up that night and stepped out of the house with her suitcase in her hand.

From now on, she was her own person....








SUBSCRIBER SHOUTOUT: MarchGirl and 21BigbangVvN






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seoinae #1
Sweet Chocolate part 2 pls!
seoinae #2
Chapter 39: Damn this is so sad.. but what happened actually to him?
seoinae #3
Chapter 34: Awww cute!
seoinae #4
Chapter 33: It's good! N i laughing hard at 'machine' LOL
seoinae #5
seoinae #6
Chapter 29: Wheres the full story??
seoinae #7
Chapter 27: Lmao seunghyun as a genie?!! Bhahahaha hot genie~
seoinae #8
Chapter 25: Omg i luv this!!! ♡.♡
seoinae #9
Chapter 21: Aishh why cliffhanger
seoinae #10
Chapter 17: Why so many sad story haishh my heart can't take it anymore.. T^T