5 Days away.

Count down to love


(I’m just going to write as Taemin’s diary for 4 days because day 5 is the ‘important’ date of the story ^^) Excuse my laziness xP

January 1st2012 2013!

Keke, I almost forgot that it was a new year! New years means a new start and so I hope that I don’t give up on my resolutions like last year… >.>;; Today I saw Minho hyung again and he smiled to me and I smiled back! I know diary, it’s not that important but I would really like for him to be my friend. Key umma and Jonghyun appa are always fighting; I think it’s a daily thing now. Umma thinks that Jonghyun doesn’t like him but Minho and I both think that Jonghyun is partially obsessed with Key… Stupid umma…

The main thing is that I’m kind of used to the strange device on my wrist now, I wake up and put on the bracelet Onew hyung got me and it’s like a morning schedule now! I found out that it’s okay to take showers with it on so that saved me a lot of grief. When ever I even try to take it off it zaps me (which really hurts! T^T) I don’t have much else to say… Today was pretty fun!

Minho and I got an A for the cupcakes we made last time, although we just kind of mixed random ingredients because our instructions were lost and there was no more left over… (all the cupcakes are different types and we got a ‘banana’ cupcake, personally I didn’t even know what those were but after we made them it looked really good!) That’s all for today diary; until tomorrow!

p.s Minho can be a total jerk sometimes! He acts funny and sweet then the next second he’s upset and grouchy. (Bipolar much?)


January 2nd 2013

Today wasn’t fun at all… Minho completely ignored me the whole day and I got tripped by a bully! Luckily Jonghyun appa was there to help me up and he gave the bully a glare. Kamsamida appa ^^ after that situation occurred Minho wasn’t even looking at me after I was tripped! He was talking to Yuri noona! That jerk, he could’ve at least asked if I was okay… I don’t know diary; am I getting obsessed with Minho-hyung?

 I don’t think that he matters that much in my life; he’s just a good friend to have around. It’s been killing me to know who my soul mate is, I know he’s in Seoul but Seoul can be a pretty big place if you ask me! What if she was a scary old cat lady? Or a e D”: Omo that makes me really scared just thinking about it. Onew hyung said that it was okay and that the ‘guardians’ (what ever those are) should know exactly who I’m compatible with. Apparently

I’m lucky to find a match of 100% Onew said that most people only get from around 60% to 80% which I find is weird. Maybe this stuff is just getting to my head… I also received three essays due by the fifth and two projects due on the same day! I’m seriously about to go crazy! It’s bad enough that my future will be decided soon but my grades too? Really? ... (So unfair!) –sigh- I’m getting to stressed, wrinkles are going to appear on my forehead soon and then my soul mate will think I’m old T^T. I’m hungry, now that I think about it I haven’t even eaten lunch yet because my food spilled when that bully tripped me!

Oh well, annyeong diary!

P.s I don’t think that I could eat even if a wanted to…My appetite is completely missing…

January the fourth.

Dear diary,

Sorry for not writing yesterday… I don’t know why but a lot of people were giving me mean glares, did I mention that I hate attention? Minho came to school for only half the day and we had the same P.E class together, today he helped me play basket ball although I was still terrible by the end of the lesson… Key umma got into a big argument with appa that went something like this:

 Key: why do you flirt with so many girls?!’ Jonghyun: why do you flirt with so many guys?!’ Key: When did I ever do that? Jonghyun: A few minutes ago with that chicken boy! (Most likely referring to Onew) Key: YAH, that’s Taemin’s brother you idiot. I was asking him about when Taemin was free to study with me!

Jonghyun: Well you don’t have to touch him like that! Key: Like what?! Jonghyun: you know when you hugged him and touched his cheek!. Key: His pet just died you jerk, what am I supposed to do, laugh at him. He was crying! Jonghyun: oh, you – I- …oh…

Well it went something like that, the subject changed a lot but either way Key won the fight and now he’s ignoring Jonghyun appa… Appa said that he didn’t care but I overheard him mumbling about how much he missed Key. Anyways, tomorrow I’m going to Key’s place for a sleep over after school which is going to be so much fun!

 His parents aren’t there and it’s just Key and I so that means that we can watch Mean girls while eating Nutella again like last time! Key’s mom thinks that Mean girls is a bad movie just because she doesn’t like the actresses.

I’m so stressed lately, all this stupid homework that’s due tomorrow and I’m only done half! I haven’t eaten lunch today either but I’m not even hungry at all these days. I’ve been dancing a lot lately too (what I do when I’m stressed) I go to the music room early now to dance with Key but he said that he can’t today so I’m going to have to practice alone. (Not that I mind, Key always ends up making me learn a girl dance….)

Overall today was a pretty bad day too; I’m not going to be writing an entry tomorrow because of the sleep over and everything else happening.

I wonder if Minho hyung is going to talk to me tomorrow… Anyways annyeong!


I wake up and rub my eyes as I drag myself out of bed with every last ounce of effort I had in my body. Today was not a nice day in my opinion; other than the fact that I have a sleepover with Key today. I woke up early to practice for my dance routine like every other free second I have. I got dressed in some light pink skinny jeans and a black tank top.

I chose these with a bit more effort because Key umma said that we’re going to the mall to find hot guys and shop for clothes.  I reach the school sooner than usual because Onew hyung dropped me off then headed to his student council class. Now, time to go to the music room!-


Minho's p.o.v

Why did I wake up early? I should’ve just told Jonghyun to shut up and leave me alone but he used his god damn aegyo on me. No, I don’t think it’s cute at all… He’s just a good hyung to me so I decided that instead of sleeping in my wonderful bed that I, Choi Minho must get up, get dressed and head to school EARLY because my idiotic Jonghyun wants to practice his song and composing. I don’t see why I have to come; his excuse was that ‘he gets lonely’.

I drag my feet across the halls with Jonghyun by my side singing some vocal warm up. I yawn as Jonghyun starts singing higher and higher until his voice almost cracks. Don’t get me wrong though, my hyung is an amazing singer!

His high notes are seriously high and he can hold them for ages! But trust me, if you were to listen to them everyday for your entire life you’d get sick of it. However from time to time he can sing nicely when you’re upset and make you a song; so I guess I kind of like his singing.

I reached the door of the music room and I heard music coming out from a stereo. “Jonghyun, someone’s already here; let’s just go again tomorrow…”  I mumble. Maybe I can just get some extra minutes of sleep in the library or something. “What! No way, I’m one of the soccer players in this school therefore I am one of the popular people so in conclusion I deserve every right in that room!” Jonghyun spat out.

 “Yah, that doesn’t even make any sense… babo.” I mutter as Jonghyun rolls his eyes. “What ever, who’s in MY music room?” Jonghyun says as I shrug. “Minho, go and check.” He says pushing me into the music room.

 “What?! Why me?!” I ask in disbelief as he grins as an apology. “What if it’s Key? I don’t want him to think that I’m a stalker or something” Jonghyun says with an innocent smile. “Jonghyun your reasoning doesn’t even make any sense-“I didn’t get to complete my sentence as I was tossed into the music room where a fast beat melody filled my ears. Upon me was something that I could truly say was amazing.

I’ve seen some pretty god damn amazing dancers before but never in my life have I seen such an amazing MALE dancer. Of course the occasional B-boys and everything but the sight that I’m seeing right now is breath taking.

Taemin was dancing; No, it wasn’t just dancing it was something way more beautiful. His arms and legs were moving in ways that I found attracting me closer like some sort of magnetic source. His figure was really quite perfect.

He had a nicely curved figure that made me want to just hug him and never let him go. His hair was being flipped around like he owned the place and in my dictionary; he did. He owned every single beat in the song making it as if it was his own rhythm. His eyes kind of fierce in a way but at the same time angelic… His lips were forming a slight smile as if he was in peace and this was his nirvana.  I felt amazed, astonished, completely attracted to him.

But that couldn’t be right, I liked girls because my dad taught me ever since I was young that a guy and a guy loving each other is wrong. He was a full homophobic and I always had to agree with him unless I wanted to be slapped and have my dinner removed and be grounded for a month. It happened once and I almost cried.

 I’ve never really seen anything wrong with loving someone regardless of their uality or gender or race. It’s their personalities you fall for right? Their feature that make your heart race and their smiles and laughter that make you seem like the luckiest guy in the world just knowing that the cause of that smile and laugh was you.

But maybe liking a guy is wrong… Maybe it isn’t natural… That’s what everyone else seems to think. I look back at Taemin, still not noticing my presence. He popped and twirled and did a few more dance moves that I couldn’t even try to attempt to do. He was truly breathtaking, his eyes shining like diamonds. He paused and body rolled down to his knees and started moving them in a way that I couldn’t describe.

 But damn, was it hot. I didn’t know what I was even feeling at this point. I’ve never really been attracted to a guy before or a girl even. I was stunned because he was so god damn y and I wanted to just jump on him or something… I step back feeling as if I can’t breathe causing the stacks of violins behind me to fall on each other causing a domino reaction. (And a loud noise…)

. Taemin noticed. He had to notice; I bet someone from China noticed the damn explosion of noise. Do I dare look back? “M-Minho hyung?” My heart sprung out of my chest at that second.

 Oh my god, his voice. I wonder what it would be like if he moaned my na- Stop it right now you idiotic frog, you are not gay. I think to myself. You’re just really sleepy and didn’t get any for a while now. “Minho? Right?” He says as he’s in front of me now. His eyes shining like stars.

 “Ah, uhm… Ne… Taemin-ah mianhe….” I manage to stutter out as I point to the violins. “Oh, it’s okay hyung; those were just spares either way. Anyways why are you here?” He asked with a smile grabbing my hand and sitting me down on the small chair and table they had in the room. His hand was softer than a girls… I want to hold on to it longer… “Hyung?” His voice says snapping me in to reality again.

“Oh, right. You see my idiotic friend Jonghyun; you should know him since him and Key talk to each other like every day. Yeah, um he wanted to use the music room for his singing but like if you want the room I’ll gladly just buy another room for my brother or something.” I said trying to act natural. Damnit, why is he bothering me so much?

 His lips and the way he moves them are too attracting for my own good. Why can’t girls make me feel this way? What is this anxious beating that’s happening in my head, I feel dizzy and hot suddenly.

“Omo, you own this room?! Mianhe hyung! I-I thought that it was the school’s property because Key and I have been using the room for almost a year now…” Taemin said smiling and trying to sit up straight… Awe, he looks tense…

“No, it’s okay maybe we could set up a schedule of the days that You, Key and Jonghyun could use it. But I’m just saying in case, I may use it as well… You know with exercising and all that stuff.” I say but then I realize how douche like I sound. “Uhm- Well you know what I mean…” I say as Jonghyun’s voice comes in.

“YAH. WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HERE? I’VE BEEN WAITING FOR LIKE 20 MINUTES OUT THERE.” He yells surprising Taemin. “Oh , almost forgot about you.” I say as he scoffs. “ALMOST?! You DID.” Jonghyun says his face red.

 “Mianhe hyung, Taemin and I were talking about how we’re going to share the music room.” I say smiling innocently. “SHARE?! Yah, you bought me this room for my birthday why should I share?!” The stubborn dino says. “Hm…? Oh, really? I guess Key will be sad then, since he can’t use his favourite room in the school now…” I say cleverly as Jonghyun’s eyes twinkle.

“Key? W-what did he say? He wants to use the room? I-if he does I’ll gladly share!” The dino says as Taemin and I laugh. “Alright then, Mondays and Tuesday is the days that Taemin and Key get the room, Jonghyun and I get it on Fridays and Thursdays; we’ll share on Wednesdays if that’s okay with you.” I say as Taemin nods. “Okay hyung! That’s fine!” He says grinning. Aigoo this boy will be the death of me…

-Short chapter because the real fun starts in the next one >:D I hope you enjoyed  the chapter so far, I think I'm going to make Minho more mean 8D- This time I wrote in Minho's p.o.v but for the rest of the story it's most likely going to be Taemin's (most of the time)

lol okay, Please look forward to the new chapter coming soon! ^^ Annyeonghase-yo~

Taemin fact #2: His ideal girl was Hermione and one point ( and so was onew's) -Taemin is a HP fan- *Me too :D*

Korean word #2:  sushi - 초밥 (chobab)

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You know... I was always compared to Hermione... *does happy dance*
I love that you add in SHINee facts and korean words with your chapters. It makes it more fun I think, and I like your writing, you tell a great story. :D Can't wait for the update.
Awe I saw this on Tumblr, even the post with the example. I really like it. c:
april23 #3
AHH i really love this story and plot :D
haha jonkey are just so cute and funny here xD
update soon~ ^_^
SHINeeLove1st #4
I Love the story so far! Update soon please! Omo, I'm so excited :D
watwotwut #5
Chapter 1: Great first chapter! Update soon author-nim~ ^^
Maritae #6
Update soon, neh? ^^
DBSKmarula #7
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^