10 Days Away

Count down to love


Lee Taemin woke up one morning and he felt something odd on his wrists. Looking down he saw a strange watch like object attached to his wrists. Confused he trys to get a better look. -10 days 4 hours 36 minutes and 7 seconds- Of course he thought this was some trick that his brother pulled on him and so he tried to take it off. To his suprise a voice activated.

"10 days till you meet your soulmate. "

"What kind of joke is this?" Taemin mumbled out.

"ONEW! DID YOU DO THIS?!" Taemin yelled out to his older brother. "WHAT?" Onew yelled back as he ran into Taemins bedroom stumbling in clumsly.

Taemin showed Onew his wrist. "What kind of prank is this hyung!" Taemin pouted as Onew stood still not moving and eyes widened.

"Hyung! Answer me! I can't take it off!" Taemin said as he tried to take it off but just all it did was zap him. "Taemin-ah, that is a Countdown timer." Onew said still looking at the device cautiously. "Yeah, thanks that explains alot." Taemin said with sarcasm. "Now hurry up and take it off me I have to take a shower!" Taemin said impatientely to Onew who just took a quick breath and sat down.

"No, Taemin you don't understand! That will tell you when your soulmate and you will meet! This device doesn't just show up for everyone! Taemin you have to listen okay? Only two people in the world have this device and you're one of them!" Onew said quickly as he kept explaining to a confused Taemin.

"When the timer hits zero you and your soulmate will meet! Taemin this is fantastic! Although I don't want some random girl to get you and take you away." Onew said with a pout. "Hyung." Taemin replied as Onew nodded. "Ne Taemin?" Onew said with a grin. "You're crazy! I'm going to ask umma." Taemin said as Onew sighed. "Go ahead! She'll just freak out and tell you the same thing!" Onew yelled as Taemin ran downstairs to find his mom.

"Umma! Something happened last night!" Taemin yelled as his mom turned around. "Did you lose your ity! I told you that-" "UMMA! NO,EW!" Taemin yelled as he turned crimson red by his embarrasing mother. He showed her his wrist as her face suddenly smiled. "Taemin! You were chosen to recieve the countdown timer!" His mother said jumping up and down excitedly.

"O-Onew hyung was right?" Taemin muttered out as he took a seat down to get his thoughts straight. "so, within ten days I'm going to meet my soulmate, and it's all going to happen because this thing said so. What the hell is the reasoning for this?!" Taemin mumbled as his mom and Onew were squealing in the background. "There is no reasoning Taemin-ah, I always knew that it would happen to you!" Onew said with a smile as he hugged his younger brother.

"Now go and get ready for school okay? Oh! And call me when the time comes if I'm not there!" Onew said as he runs upstairs to change. "This can not be real!" Taemin says as he starts thinking about what just happened.

"why me?"


" Key umma! I have to tell you something!" Taemin yelled as he found his 'umma' down the hall talking to some guy.

"Like I said, just do my homework or else I'll everybody about what just happened." Key said with a wink as he strutted off to talk to Taemin leaving the guy with an expression of disbelief. "Whats up Taebaby?" Key says with a smile as he hugs Taemin.

Taemin looks down to his wrists and he un clips the bracelet that his brother made him wear to hide the coutndown timer. Taemin looked up to key and his face was the same as Onew's. "U-umma?" Taemin said as Key suddenly broke into a tight hug and lifted Taemin up into the air.

"Oh my gosh Taemin! This is amazing! I wonder who it is... Maybe she's in this school! I hope she's nice!" Key said as he pouted all of a sudden. "Although I wish that you were gay but, if the timer says it's supposed to be with a girl who am I to say other?" Key said as Taemin tilted his head. "Huh? The timer didn't say anything about it being a girl or boy..." Taemin said as Key looked a bit shocked. "Try pushing that button Minnie." Key instructed as Taemin follwed his orders.

-ten days until you meet your soul mate. compatibility :100% Location:Seoul Gender- ge- gen-ge- The device started glitching as Taemin quickly clicked the button again to make it stop. "Damnit! If only it could've told us if it was a guy or girl!" Key said as Taemin shrugged still a bit bewildered by all of this. "No, but really Taemin! This is a once in a life time opportunity!" Key said as they started walking to the music room.

They always go there early in the mornings so they can talk with no one else around, of course there are the occasional 3-5 people in the school but other than that it was completely quiet and they were alone.

"Ne umma, but you can't tell anyone! I only told you because I trust you and believe that you won't say anything to others! " Taemin scolded as Key nodded and smirked. "Taeminnie, do you think that badly about me?" Key said mockingly as a voices came down the hall.

"She was pretty hot but you know, I'm not that easy of  a man." A voice said as the faces and figures became more clear.

"Ugh, Minho and Jonghyun and their little pathetic group." Key spat out as I stared at him. "you mean that really popular group that everyone is obssesed about and they're treated like godesses? Is Jonghyun that one that you used to think was nice up until grade 6?" Taemin said cutely as he fixed his hair not wanting to be mad fun of like in the seventh grade.

"N-neh, he WAS nice but now he's just an attention . He doesn't even do it right. " Key said with a smirk as Taemin giggled. "Yeah umma! You're the best attention there is!" Taemin said as Key glared at him. "In a good way! " Taemin added cautiously as Key just laughed. "Hey, I can't help it these thighs and this face needs some love." Key said doing a pose as Taemin laughed.

"Key right? Nice figure you got there." Jonghyun said scaring Key. "What do you want?" Key asked as Jonghyun laughed a little. "So, do you want to talk at lunch or do you just want to skip the and get right down to it? "Jonghyun said seductively and held Key closer to him by his waist.

"Sorry, I'm hanging out with Taemin from Monday to sunday everyday except for saturday from 1 am to 2 am." Key said with a smirk then stuck his tounge out and touched Jonghyun's abs and did a shrug "Meh, average." and left Jonghyun standing there.

We heard laughs from the group and I think I heard Minho's voice... His voice is really nice... I thought as Key kept walking straight forward with Taemin by his side as they headed off to the music room.

"average? Are you kidding me?! I work out almost everyday for 4 hours and you call these average?" Jonghyun said to himself in the reflection of the boys bathroom mirror. "Jonghyun calm down!" Minho said as he laughed at how Key acted back there. "Key, just wait for it you're going to beg for me one day. Minho, you heard him say that he was free at saturday from 1 am to 2am right?" Jonghyun said as Minho laughed.

"You aren't thinking of going to his house at 1AM are you?" Minho said amused by how his best friend was dealing with this."You know me well Minho, so wanna help me?" Jonghyun asked as Minho replied as fast as lightning. "No. Absoulutely not. Never ever ever. Just No." Minho said as he shook his head knowing that Jonghyun was going to try to draw him into this. "Please! Just once!" Jonghyun added.

"No way Hyung! I'm not helping you in your little games again! Last time that happened I almost broke my arm!" Minho said as Jonghyun pouted. "B-but Minho! You ALMOST broke your arm!" Jonghyun said as Minho gawfed. "Yeah and this time I might just ACTUALLY break my arm!"

"Please Minho! Don't you care about your hyung?" Jonghyun said as Minho looked at his puppy eyes.

"Fine, just because you're my hyung and I care about you, not to mention I want to see you fail miserably." Minho said as Jonghyun jumped up. "YES! Now lets plan it out!" Jonghyun said excitedly ignoring the last comment Minho made.

Minho always acted like this since they were kids. Jonghyun was bullied for being a Teachers pet and Minho would always take care of him. When Jonghyun was hurt and broke his leg Minho piggy backed him everywhere because Jonghyun couldn't get crutches. Minho was a nice guy, he desereves someone amazing and gentle and who loves him like no one else could... Jonghyun though as he smiled.


"Umma! You were so cool back there!" I said as Key giggled. "Really? I was kind of freaking out back there, I may not like Jonghyun but that doesn't change him being amazingly attractive." Key said with a short breath. "really? Attractive? He reminds me of some Mix breeded Dinosaur and Puppy... A Puppysaur!" I said laughing as Key joined along. "Yah Taemin! That's- highly accurate...." Key said as he started to laugh more.

"Let's go Taemin, we have Home economics first..." Key said in an upset tone. "why are you upset Umma? Home ec is like one of your best classes!" Taemin said in an adorable tone. "Because I saw Jonghyun and Minho headed there..." Key said as he kicked a pebble in the hallway. "oh, I think that you should try to get to know Jonghyun, who knows? Maybe you'll like him!" Taemin said giggling.

"Yah! I'm never going to like him as a lover!" Key yelled as Taemin laughed. " I never said as a lover! Haha I win!" Taemin said with a clever smile as Key grumbled about how he fell for an easy trap like that. "What ever umma, can I ask you to do something for me? And you can't say no okay?" I say as he nods slowly. "I trust you minnie to not make me do anything weird..."  he says slowly as I giggle.

"Today we're making cupcakes and the teacher said that there were partners involved with this so-." Key cut me off. "OF COURSE I'LL BE YOUR PARTNER!" he screams while hugging me. "Uhm, no I want you to be Jonghyun's partner." I say.

"what." -insert awkward silence.- "Just trust me umma, I think you and Jonghyun might get along well!" I say as Key sighs and finally agrees.

Taemin, I'm never going to like Jonghyun in any form I'm sure of that! (key's thoughts)


"Everyone take your seats, today we are making cupcakes and this will be in partners like I said to a few of you last time. When I call you up you may choose your partners." The teacher said in a happy tone.

"Se Kyung." The teacher called. "I choose Yuri!" She replied as they giggled and ran off to get their ingredients. Of course no one dared to choose Jonghyun or Minho because they were the most popular in the school. After a few more names were chosen the teacher said Jonghyun's name.

"Kim Jonghyun." Jonghyun thought a bit as he looked to wards Minho but Minho shook his head (no) "I choose Kim Kibum." Jonghyun said with a confident smirk as Key cursed under his breath. "Come on Key let's go make some cupcakes." Jonghyun said as he stood a few Centimeters away from Key. "What ever." Key muttered as he dragged Jonghyun by the ear over to the ingredient table.

"omo look at the way Key is treating Jonghyun oppa! The nerve!" A few girls whispered to each other but it didn't last long by both Key and Jonghyun giving them glares.


"Lee Taemin." Oh, that's me! Key umma is gone...I really didn't think of what I would do at this point... I look around the room and everyone else was talking to their friends. I spotted Minho who looked so cool in his chair; him tapping his feet and pencil as he makes an up beat rythyme. His dark brown hair falling infront of his dark chocolate eyes. I couldn't help it and my eyes scrolled down to his lips... I thought of them saying my name and me replying...


. I did NOT just say his name please tell me the teacher didn't hear that! Well, apparently he did because the whole classroom was staring at me with open mouths and shocked faces. "Uhm, what I meant was .... I really didn't mean to-" My words didn't come out right and I  was crimson red and stumbling around.

"Are you ready? Or are we just going to stand in the middle of the class all day?" A deep masculine voice said as I turned around and saw Minho right behind me less than a few centimeters away. "A-ah! Ne! Uhm, let's go to the table thingy..."

I mentally slapped my self. Table thingy, are you serious Taemin? Great, now he thinks you're an idiot. What ever! It's not as if I'm going to ever really talk to him again... Taemin STOP TALKING TO YOURSELF. Oh great now I'm having an arguement with myself. Dude, you're so pathetic. Shut up! No you shut up! No you-

"Uhm, Taemin you know that I can hear what you're 'thinking' right now." Minho said as I felt heat run through my whole body. This. is. so. embarrasing! "Oh my gosh, Mianhe! That is really embarrasing... Omo you probably think I'm weird now..." Minho laughed and patted my head. "Aniyo, it's normal even I do it sometimes!" He said with a smile...

His smile was so perfect... Like an angel... "Taemin, I can still hear you." . I start pouting from the embarrasment. "I'm sorry..." I mutter as Minho smiles again. "No, really it's fine like I said, I do that too!" He laughed but then he stopped and suddenly seemed colder. "Whatever, just bring the right ingredients to our table." He said cooly and walked off.

"What was that about...?" I shrug and blush from the embarassment that I just encountered.


"Okay, I got them all!" I pull at the extremely heavy bag using all my strength but barely manged to move it a foot away from the table...This is going to be difficult. After around five minutes I picked up the bag and decide to run the last 10 feet. Almost there. "BANG" "AH!" I yell as I start falling but then to firm arms catch me before I hit my head on the floor. "Taemin, are you okay? You should be more carefull!" I hear Minho's voice talk to me as I blush because I realize that I'm hugging him right now in this pose.

"Ah- N-ne! Mianhe Minho..." I say as he smiles then gets me back on my feet. He does the thing where he suddenly became cold again and I could've sworn his eyes went darker. "Minho..." I mutter as I bring his eyes up to minho less than five Centimeters away; close enough we could've kissed. His eyes sparkling and his lips pouting.

"are you bipolar or something?"

I ask as he turns red from blush and pushes me away. "Aniyo! Let's just pick up the stuff already.." Minho said as I nodded and he helped me pick up the ingredients from the floor. "Kamsamida...Hyung?" I say as if a question. He looks up to me in suprise then smiles a warm smile.

Ah, I like this smile the best.

I think as he nods and pats my head. "you're welcome!"

The watch on my wrist suddenly became warm and it started vibrating a little, I wonder what that meant?

[AN:calling someone hyung means that you guys are closer friends ^^ Just saying incase]


I hope that you guys got a good idea of what the characters are like and their personalities ^^ Don't worry guys Jonghyun is a sweetheart later on! So, how's the first chapter guys? I hope that this story doesn't disappoint you! :) I'll work hard and try my best!

I know it's a short chapter but hey, It took me like 4 hours to write T_T Please look forward to my next chapter! Comments are highly welcome ;D

[There will be SHINee facts and a new Korean word/sentence in every chapter so you'll learn something (hopefully) new every time :D?]

Taemin fact #1: His favourite colour is either aqua blue or white!

Korean word #1:나는 한국 음악을 사랑 naneun hangug eum-ag eul salang  MEANING: I love music!

Thank you for reading the first chapter of: Countdown to love! Kamsamida and Annyeong!


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You know... I was always compared to Hermione... *does happy dance*
I love that you add in SHINee facts and korean words with your chapters. It makes it more fun I think, and I like your writing, you tell a great story. :D Can't wait for the update.
Awe I saw this on Tumblr, even the post with the example. I really like it. c:
april23 #3
AHH i really love this story and plot :D
haha jonkey are just so cute and funny here xD
update soon~ ^_^
SHINeeLove1st #4
I Love the story so far! Update soon please! Omo, I'm so excited :D
watwotwut #5
Chapter 1: Great first chapter! Update soon author-nim~ ^^
Maritae #6
Update soon, neh? ^^
DBSKmarula #7
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^