The Secret Plan [Part 1]

Don't Wake Me Up If This Was A Dream
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They finally arrived at the restaurant. Hoya's relatives were nice. They were his cousins. 

"Oi, Howon-ah. You brought so many friends with you." said the girl whose named Lee Yumi. 

"Yup, as usual, Infinite, plus another 2 special friends of ours." 

"I can see that, pretty girls. Hi, I am Yumi, Hoya's cousin. But we are like siblings. I'll give you big discount!" She said again.

"Whoaa~~ thankyou, noona. You are the best!" Sungjong raised his thumbs up. 

They sat down in the largest table. The sitting arrangement was like this:


Sunggyu Woohyun Hyemi Hana Sungyeol


Dongwoo Hoya Sungjong Myungsoo


Once they were all seated, some waitress handed out the menu. 

"Let's order samgyupsal, bulgogi, um... What else?" Sunggyu mumbled.

"I want kimchi fried rice!" Hana put her hands up, loud voice.

Hyemi closed her eyes. "Aish this girl knows no place."

"Why are you so cute, Hana." Sungyeol, again, praising Hana because he thought she was adorable. This time, he pinched her cheek.

Hana gave an awkward smile. "He..he.... I am hungry...." 

"Monster girl." Myungsoo said, not looking at her.

Hana kicked him at the leg, because they were sitting across each other.


She stuck her tongue out. Sungjong giggled and teased the both of them. 

"You two seriously would make a super cute couple, or funny." 

"NO!" Myungsoo, Hana and Sungyeol said altogether at the same time.

"Ow, ow. I heard 3 voices...." Sunggyu also started to speak. 

Sungyeol cleared his throat. "Oh, I was about to cough, ahehehe...." 


"Babe, I think something goes wrong here." Woohyun whispered to Hyemi.

"I know, honey. Sungyeol... I just noticed that he had something toward Hana. How is our plan?" 

"I told everyone else but... Lucky I didn't tell Sungyeol. But what are we going to do to him?" 

"Honey, you know, I think Hana had that chemistry with Myungsoo already so... We need to say

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Hello guys! I will post the foreword for the upcoming Myungsoo's fics tomorrow!! Who's excited? ^^ Anyway, for the sequel, pls wait a little longer. THANKS♡


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cheekylittlechubba #1
Chapter 52: It's such a sweet story !!!

great job authornim ^^ !!
B2utyShawol19 #2
Chapter 52: Lovelovelove itt!!!
OMG author-nim, you just gave me a heart attack by myungsoo's nightmare O_O
i even cried when i knew that it was only a dream :"DD
Author-nim, hwaiting! ^^
Chapter 50: Sequel please ... *o*
Chapter 49: auwww i want a seqeul so badly :(
Kpopiseverything #5
Chapter 8: omgomogomg i love this story no doubt at all sungyeol and myungsoo are my baises!!!
Kpopiseverything #6
Chapter 6: omgomgomog!!!love love love it!!!your story is makig me have fan girl feels!!
Kpopiseverything #7
Chapter 5: omg that's so cool i love love love this story and I just started to read!!!
Kpopiseverything #8
Chapter 3: some times i think i should do that HUGE sacrifice myself but if i did i would never survive.
Chapter 51: KYAKYAKYA!!!! I LOVE BTS <3<3<3
asianfanficlover #10
Chapter 51: hi! Love BTS very much! Kyaaa sequel!! <3