The Meeting

Passenger's Seat

Jiyoon's POV



"What's with me? and why are you talking like that? Yo-You're scary" I asked at the handsome man beside who surprised me bigtime.

"Sorry, I'm just surprised to see you again" he said and made me even more confused.

"Wait um excuse me? Have we met?" I asked again.

"Met? no but See? Yes. I'm the one you bumped earlier" he said.

"OMO! I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to. I was just thi-" he cut me off.

"Calm down Miss..."

"Jiyoon, Kwon Jiyoon"

"Ah! Calm dom Jiyoon, No harm done. and by the way I'm Myungsoo" he said and we shook hands.


Aigoo! His hands are softer than some other girls.


"Err, you can let go of me now" he said and I quickly pulled off and blushed right there.

"So-Sorry" I said to him.

"It's okay"

"Uh So I see we are going to the  same school. Want me to tour you?" I offered generously but even before he reply the vehicle came to a stop and voila we are infront of the school. He quickly went out of the vehicle and swiftly went inside the campus. I hope he won't be lost. I'm in the middle of spacing out again when a shriek was heard.




"Ohmygosh Zyzy I missed you so much!" I said and hugged my bestfriend Linzy tight.

"Me too Yoonie" she said and hugged me tighter. After a good 2 minutes of hug we pulled off.

"So how's your vacation?" I asked her.

"I had a blast Yoonie! I spent my vacation with Seungie that's why it's 10x better than any vacation" she said and blushed.

"Aigoo this lovergirl. I'm glad you're happy with Hyunseung." I said and smiled at her.

"Of course I am. By The way how's yours?"

"Everything's cool and quiet but today is one of the best day I guess?" I said and grinned.

"Wae Wae? Tell me " 

"I met a handsome man earlier."

"Awww that's nice Yoonie. I think he's the one"

"Aigoo We only met this morning and you think he's the one already. Suit yourself Mrs. Jang" I said and smiled at her.

"OMO! Let's get our sched now before we forget it." she said and I followed her.


To our delight, Linzy and I have the 3 same subjects together and same breaktimes. As soon as we learn about this, we jumped for joy 'cause most likely we will meet almost the whole day.


"ZyZy see that? We have same breaktimes and 3 same subjects!" I squealed.

"YEAH! Rock on. I love the schedule" she said.

"Me too."




"OMO! We need to go. See you later Yoonie" Linzy said and we split ways.


My first schedule is Homeroom and as soon as I reach the room I quickly occupied the one nearest on the window on the last row. It's not that I'm a delinquent or something I just like to be near the window so that I can breathe fresh air. Little by little the room started to pile up. Usual faces are seen and the only new thing is that almost all of them are in a relationship and then there's me. Don't misunderstood me, I'm not that ugly and I also have suitors but I don't accept them since I don't feel the 'spark' yet to any of them. I'm still waiting for the right one.


"Busy daydreaming my sweetie?" I froze when I heard that voice.

"Junhyung oppa! You surprised me" I said and hold my heart to add some drama and he just laughed.

"What are you thinking Jiyoon? My beautful body? or my oh so perfect face? Which one" he said and all I could do is laugh.


Junhyung oppa is one of my suitors whom I didn't accept because of that reason but he's the only one who stayed friends with me and it's fine with me since he's really nice and good looking too and also because he's part of Beast where Linzy's boyfriend, Hyunseung , is in too.


"Stop with the nonsense!" I said and playfully punched his shoulders.

"Good Morning Class!" Mr. Kim, one of the most hansome teachers in our campus, said.

"Good Morning Sir" we replied while some girls just stayed on their seats fangirling over our homeroom teacher. Well, I can't blame them Mr. Kim Jonghyun is really a hot one. 

"So guys I have a great news for you. We have a transferee!" he said and some cheered. Mr. Kim motioned the newbie outside to enter the room and to my surprise....

"So buddy introduce yourself to them" Mr. Kim said and he nodded.

"Hello I'm Kim Myungsoo, you can call me L. Please take care of me" he said flatly and now the girls have found their new idol to fangirl with. 

I guess Mr.Kim has a rival now......

"Uh Myungsoo you may sit beside Ms. Kwon right there. Ms. Kwon please raise your hand" he said and I obediently raised my hand. Surprised look is really evident on Myungsoo's face as he slowly crept his way to the seat beside me.

"Hi Myungsoo! Nice to see you again" I said happily to him and he simply nodded.


Don't misunderstood me but Mr.Kim blaberring about school rules was kinda boring and to ease my boredom I started poking Myungsoo.

"What is it?" he asked slightly irritated.

"May I see your schedule?" I asked just to start our convo.

"Why? Will you stalk me? If you'll just stalk me then no" he said.

"Aigoo! I just want to help you tour around." I said

"Then why do you need my schedule?"

"So I know where we should start." I said and motioned him to give me his schedule.

"Here" he said and handed me the paper. And Guess what? We have the exact same schedule. Same subjects, same breaktimes! Now that's awesome.

"OMO! We have the exact same schedule Myungsoo" I said excitedly.

"Okay" he said.

"Aren't you happy?"I suddenly blurted.

"Why would I? You should be the one happy cause you'll be with someone as y as me every subject" He said and grinned.

"Aigoo this little man."I said and giggledd.

"Aigoo this grandma." He copied my tone and we both laughed.

"Jiyoon and Myungsoo, please pay attention to what I'm saying." Mr. Kim said slightly annoyed.

"Neh!" We both answered and guess what the fangirls of Myungsoo sent death glares to me like I care.





"Myungsoo, wanna go with me to the cafeteria? Come on I'll introduce you to some of my friends" I generously offered.

"Uh okay" He said quite unsure. We made our way to the cafeteria and there's more students than I expected and ofcourse more fangirls for Myungsoo. When I was about to fall in line a girl bumped into me and walked to Myungsoo.

"Aish this girl!" I cursed under my breath. The girl kept on whining at Myungsoo to join her for recess but Myungsoo kept on declining it.


When I was about to get my food, someone grabbed my arm.


"Oh Myungsoo!" I yelped.

"I'm sorry to ask this but can you buy me food. I promise to pay later. I'm just too lazy to form in line again 'cause it's too long. Please grandma! Please" he said and I nodded.

"Alright. Just wait for me at the cashier and oh tell me what you want" I said and he started saying the food he wants.


After getting our food, Myungsoo and I paid for it. Myungsoo took my tray and said that he want me to help carry it since he also have his food place there. 


I was busy looking where Beast and Linzy is when I saw Linzy waving her hand. I told Myungsoo where they are and we sat with them.


"Oh Hey everyone! I would like to introduce to you our new classmate, Myungsoo" I said and pointed at him and Myungsoo politely bowed.

"Hello, I'm Myungsoo but you can call me L. Nice to meet you" he said and smiled.

"Myungsoo, Let me introduce to you my friends. Linzy, the only girl there and beside her is her boyfriend Hyunseung" I said and the couple smiled at him sweetly.

"And there the foreigner-like is Dongwoon, he's still a junior" I said and pointed at Dongwoon.

"And then there's Yoseob oppa, the bubbly cheeks. Gikwang oppa, the muscular one. Doojoon oppa, the panda eyes. " I said.

"Yah! Jiyoon I don't have panda eyes" Doojoon oppa protested and the rest laughed.

"Aigoo whatever oppa!" I said and laughed with the others.

"And last but not the least my bestfriend, Junhyung" I said and went beside Junhyung.

"Nice to meet you Myungsoo" Dongwoon stood up and shook hands with Myungsoo.

"Come on everyone let's dig in" I said and we started eating our foods.




What's more joyful than to see your friends together happily chatting at each other and meeting another friend. I guess for now it's nothing. I'm so glad to see them after a long time together happy.


I think this schoolyear will be a blast.











Side Note/


Oyeah! Hope you like it :) Myungsoo's POV will come up on the next chapters so watch out for it :)

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And oh I made another poster :) HAHA :D



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Do you want me to make you a poster too? Pm me and let's talk there :D


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