
Chasing Snowflakes


Memories are what keep everyone moving; in fact it keeps me moving. It keeps us moving for the reason that even if it's cold, it warms us inside. As time passes by, it's the warmest memories that stay closest to your heart.




My eyebrows furrowed reluctantly. I looked at the canvas and then to the object then to the canvas again. I frowned and stood up. I made my way to the table and grabbed the suspect. I used all my mind-controlling powers to transmit the message. Stop being so hard to paint. 

"Why are you making enemies with an apple?" Jonghyun's voice caused me to flinch and drop the apple. Damn, I was thinking of eating it. I glowered at him, ignoring the incredulously look he gave me. 

My parents and I were so used to him coming over that my mom even gave him a key to our house, and also the fact that he doesn't even knock anymore. But usually he would have the decency to call before coming over, and when Jonghyun calls I wouldn't paint because I want to actually spend time with him. Though I will never say it, I really love this dino to death.

"I was painting," I glanced at the messy corner of my room while picking the poor thing up. Jonghyun, my boyfriend-slash-fiancé, nodded and started walking to get a good look at my work. But before he could get to the painting (which I think is my worst one yet, even though it was just an apple), he first looked at the new one's I've made. 

I stared at the apple but through the corners of my eyes I could see him going from looking at the walls to crouching down to gaze at each of my paintings. My room was disorganized since I didn't have enough wall space to hang all my paintings, so some of them get to sleep on the floor. But at least I covered them with plastic in case I would throw a tantrum and throw paint everywhere.

I have to be honest in some days when I am sad, I walk around my room and just stare at my artworks. Reminiscing the times when I painted each one of them. I would start to feel warm in the inside. I wonder how far I could go with my dream of being a well-known artist, based on other people I was going to go far.

Despite the fact that I can only see his back side, I couldn't help but know that he was proud. And I smiled at my little theory, except if he caught me I might have given the impression that I was in love with the apple instead of him. He finally made his was to my painting, and well he did nothing but stare.

"This is really good," He muttered, hoping I didn't hear. I smirked teasingly and asked him to say it again. He seemed to have broken free from the trance and smirked back, and turned the canvas around. "It's good, for an amateur." I just knew he was lying. But where would the fun be. 

I put on a fake hurt expression and I threw whatever I was holding. He hardly seized it before it gave him a black eye. He chuckled and he didn't move, instead he kept the apple close to his eye and said "You're the apple of my eye," and winked with his other eye. I suppressed a laugh grabbed my pillow and threw it at him. He paused then he taunted, "Nobody hits Kim Jonghyun in the face with a pillow. Nobody." I squealed as he ran after me. I dodged him like I was born a ninja.

I ran everywhere around my room, even though it wasn't big enough to fit a king sized bed, it was enough for the wife. I was trapped at my painting corner and he used his hands to tickle me at my sides. I was now helpless, so I just grabbed anything I could find. I was able to pick up a stick and flicked it at him. 

He seemed to have wanted revenge more now. I realized that I was holding my painting brush, my head turned to him. Red dots were on his face, as if he got a dangerous case of chickenpox. I laughed maniacally. And before I knew it I was immersed in blue paint, I glared at him but his eyes had a little glint. He ran away somewhere around the room (but he didn't go anywhere near my bed. Imagine the tantrum I would pull if he got a hint of paint on my bed) and clung to the wall. I clutched the container that held my 14 other tin cans. I slowly walked to him, enjoying his pleading look.

Minji has now taken over. I took a random can that was probably yellow and threw it at him, splashing the walls in the process. I threw another one, and Jonghyun's white shirt now turned pink. I was amused by his reaction when he looked at his shirt. He brought his head up and raised one of his eyebrows up. It was like he was saying ‘You did not just do that'

I was terrified that I was only able to get one more can before dropping the rest. Good news is I had one more can to spare. Bad news is Jonghyun got 11 more. . I frantically tried to stay away from him, going everywhere he wasn't. He grabbed one and threw it at me, then another. My walls were now splashed with different shades of colors, but that didn't stop Jonghyun. He kept on tossing different colors of paint that I lost count. When I saw that he had run out, we both raced to the painting corner. Both had the same motive. Find more paint.

When he was really close to me I threw him the only can I had. I dropped the can and ran even faster while he was in a trance. I put my hands on the poor apple painting for support, I recklessly looked everywhere for paint. But with bad luck, another hand was on top of my painting, it was much bigger than mines. 

I turned my head, and couldn't take my eyes off. As if his evil puppy dog eyes were a drug, and I being the addict.
Jonghyun has now taken over.




Jonghyun always thought he was handsome,

And somehow, I always tend to argue because I don't believe that there are humans that are truly beautiful. Yet at the moment, I couldn't agree more. But this thinking didn't make me stop my belief in imperfect humans. Rather, Jonghyun didn't look like a man, he was an angel. 

It's 2:16 am right now and I was far too hyped up to fall into serene sleep. Last night gave me too much happiness. To let all of you know, it was my graduation. It was when I finally get out of such hell. I lightly closed my eyelids. I started to trail back to school at noon. Me and Jonghyun were sitting next to each other, my hand enveloped in his. As each name was called, I had the massive urge to just grab the envelope right away and go home instead of listening to our vice-principal's deep voice, pausing every 3 seconds before saying another name. Beside him was the secretary who was giving the diplomas to the principal, who hands it out and shakes your hand. Congratulating you for at least passing.

When all the names.were called (including mines and my fiance's). It was time for thee special awards, and my feet were getting really itchy. I just want to go home. I started seeing my wedding, Minji in a white dress and Jonghyun in a tux. I knew it was going to be perfect.

I was probably really out of it, I awoke through Jonghyun's slaps on my thighs. And telling me congratulations. I looked around and saw people clapping and giving me the you-deserve-it smiles. Next thing I heard was the vice-prin cipal telling me to come up on stage through the microphone. I was really confused but I went up anyways. The Secretary gave this trophy who gave it to the Principal who gave it to me. The trophy was a deep amber, I ran my fingers along the well crafted letters that read 'Best Artist'. I thanked him and for everybody else I bowed and acknowledged my parents, teachers and those who have always supported. People kept whistling, and others were smiling knowingly at me, as I said dino's name. I walked back to my seat, everybodies attention back to the stage. He smiled at me.
And that made everything even more perfect. 

My eyes opened to the curtains, all I could hear now was the wind softly telling me to fall asleep and light snores. I stared at his face, as if memorizing all his features and imprinting it on my mind forever. But what would be the use of cellphone cameras? 

"You look like an angel." With a soft click, the picture was captured. I gazed at the picture longer than usual and saw that his eyes were open and he even flashed his pearly whites. 

"I know right." He smirked.


Jonghyun always thought he was handsome.




This man and I have spent a lot of time together, and I still remember how I was so excited for that week to be over. I wanted to make more warm memories than there already was. I was ready to get married and be happy. To spend the rest of my life with the people I love.




And when the final vow was said and his lips were on mine. I finally realized my true dreams. It wasn't to be well known for my paintings, it was rather simple.

I wanted to be happy with this man and have a family with him.

And just like that, a week of our honeymoon was finished. Moreover, our plane ticket said we'll have to leave today. Though, I know both of us didn't want to leave. We decided to take a taxi to the airport, we were on the sidewalk and it was rather too cold for my liking. But who am I to complain, my husband's hand was intertwined with mines. My eyes traveled to the other side of the side walk, there also lies other people. 

I stared at them, one being a mother and her child. She was keeping her daughter from freezing by rubbing her hands with hers. I smiled secretly. We finally found a taxi (one that had a great heater too!). I looked outside as the trees slowly turn into green blurry lines as the taxi driver sped up when he knew about the fact that we were running late. And so I looked at the sky instead.

I wouldn't mind staying here.


Traveling is just tiring. And I was totally exhausted. We came out of the International Arrival Department and made our way to the exit.
There was one man, whose face I could never forget. He had an unshaved beard, and he was probably middle-aged. He had sullen eyes, and he looked so pale that we could already tell he was standing there the whole time. His attire was barely warm; the man was only wearing maybe 2 layers of clothes with slippers on. He held a sheet of bond paper which was written very cutely. It read ‘THE LOVEYDOVEY KIM COUPLE', though all the O's were hearts. It was really funny how he and the paper totally contrasted.
Jonghyun tugged my hand and jerked his head to the man's direction. It was amusing to see that his face changed right away when we were in sight, like he was finally free from prison after 10 years. He gave dino the keys and said something like the car is parked in the front part of the airport and I think he said that the car was a red toy or something. I couldn't really concentrate from the amount of haze that came out from his mouth when he spoke really fast.

Since it couldn't be helped, me and my husband (I have to get used to that) ventured around the front parking lot of the airport until Jonghyun pointed at a red minivan.

"That's it!" He smiled in triumph. 

Wait, that does not look like a toy. "Hey that doesn't look like a red toy to me; I don't think it's that one." I told him confidently. He chuckled and pointed to the brand of the car. The silver lettering traced ‘TOYOTA' over the metal. "Oh." He kissed my cheek.
"You're still as cute as ever, Minj."

We went inside the car; of course first Jonghyun opened my door, being the gentleman that he is.. The engine started and the radio was playing mellow song that was soft, but it wasn't the sad kind. I stared at my window and now the green blurry lines were now replaced with smooth dots of the street lamps.  I wanted this moment to last forever, silent happiness. 

It was probably already quarter to 9, but I swore I wouldn't sleep until we arrived home. At this time, nightlife would start. I could imagine kids loosing their purity and drinking and just letting loose. I wonder how many hearts broke tonight, how many died in the inside. I know that I wasn't one of them today. I'm lucky.


Oh. How wrong I was.




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DarkAngelMay #1
Thank you! And congratulations!You succeeded in making me cry! But thanks for writing something so well. :)
Chapter 2: I hope nothing wrong happens >.<
Chapter 1: They're engaged?! Woah!! That was unexpected (though cute)!
I laughed at the part when she believed that if she kissed Jonghyun, her paintings would get better :)
Update, update, update!!