
Chasing Snowflakes



Snowflakes were the last things I saw that night. I closed my eyes tightly only to open them again. I saw nothing, it felt like it too. I touched the window, and felt the cold, wet texture of it. I drew a heart but then I was distracted when I heard muffled sniffles beside me. I smiled lightly and shifted my gaze to him. The only warm thing that I felt right now was the tears. But I wasn’t wiping my own tears; I was already used to the sadness. The guy beside me shifted and said, "It's snowing." But I feel warm.





Meeting him was one of the best things that had happened to me. I don’t mean to exaggerate; it wasn’t love at first sight either. We were still seven back then, I don’t expect myself fall in love that fast. I couldn’t forget really, when he reached out his hand to me and said “Look at this snowflake! Minji-ah, you are as beautiful as this snowflake!” Believe it or not Jonghyun was a player even when he was that young.


My first priority isn't to find a boyfriend like the rest of my best friends who swoon after every guy they meet. I still remember when we were having a sleepover; they were talking about all the guys they scored. It was quite funny really.


But that’s beside the point. My main concern right now was to graduate from college. I know I may sound like a nerd, a geek or whatever you call a person who does all-nighters for exams but I do care about my future. Hey just because I’m an art major doesn’t mean I don’t have to study History and Physics. But it’s my senior year in college (hurrah!) and once you’re in my spot, you’ll understand why everybody starts worrying about their grades and not about the big party that going to happen that Friday.


I walked on the cold snow, every step I took seemed to make mark; I turned around and thought that if someone was trailing behind me to murder me, they’d probably find me. But enough of being paranoid, plus it was still early in the morning. I doubt anybody would think of killing me this early hour. I rubbed my eyes before looking at my watch. It glowed ‘6:13 am’, I smiled to myself. I made it just in time.


I held my books tighter against my woolen sweater. It was just a normal day really. I went to my second home (or how the generation now calls it, ma crib), the library. I grabbed a random book in the romance section. What? You really didn’t think I was going to study, did you? I sauntered my way to my usual spot by the window. I pushed my glasses upwards and started reading the book intently. But then as I got to the rising action of the story, I scrunched my face.


Just because she’s a nerd and you give her a makeover, doesn’t exactly mean she’ll be pretty. 


I’m not really a fan of cliché books and placed it as far away from me as possible and just grabbed my Calculus book instead. And it really didn’t make me any less bored, it made it worse. 


I looked outside and saw all the little dots of snow surrounding this little kitten. It was chastely white, and it looked so pure. Before I could ponder more on how cute it was, something else caught my attention or to put it more specifically, someone. A man came out and walked to the small creature; he crouched down to meet the animal’s eyes and smiled. He patted it with his hand, which sort of looked like he was hitting him. I mean the man had big hands. I bit back a grin as I recognized the man.



Kim Jonghyun, why do you have to have such a weak spot for animals?



After he ‘adored’ the cute little thing, he looked up and met my eyes. I arched one of my eyebrows, he just smiled back. I stared at the ceiling, trying to get myself distracted with the light bulb that had been there for as long as I can remember. Though it was freezing here, his smile made me it warmer. He makes me smile without even trying.


Next thing I knew was blackness and what I figured were hands that smelled like cat fur were on top of my eyes. Well, isn’t it hard to guess who it is?


“How are you today beautiful?” A voice whispered. I shivered from his cold breath, his lips touching my ears.


“A player as always dino,” I took his frankly huge hands off my eyes and fixed my fringe. “Good morning to you too.” My face scrunched up when he tapped on his cheek with one of his fingers. I shook my head furiously. “No way.” I whispered.


He mumbled a ‘fine’ and quickly kissed my cheek. “Seriously Minj, we’ve been together for two years already.” He sighed. “I remember when we were kids; you used to always kiss my cheeks.” He fixed his eyes on mine. “Give your oppa a break.”


“For your information ‘oppa’, I was probably still 7 or 8. I mean you bribed me into it, saying that if I do kiss you my paintings would get better.” I stared at him as if proving him guilty. “Now looking back, they never got any better. I’m not sure but maybe, just maybe, I think you just really wanted me to kiss you back then.” I smirked, bullseye.


Jonghyun cleared his throat and glanced at everything around him, like this was his first time. Which really wasn’t since we meet here everyday and he walks with me to school. He took a seat and he eyed the book that was approximately a meter away from me. “Reading a cliché book again, I see. Aren’t you satisfied with our own fairytale?” His playful voice rang in my ears.


I ignored his question, going back to my Calculus book. “Isn’t the final exams today?” I could see his expression change from the corner of my eyes. He looked like a lost puppy; I had to bite back my laughter so I wouldn’t ruin the serious aura. I heard him curse and he shifted closer to me, peeking at my book.


Great, I don’t think I can concentrate anymore. But I tried throwing the formulas in my head, though dino kept breathing on my book. What? It was annoying okay. When I really couldn’t take it anymore, I turned my head to the side to tell him to get his own book.


But his chocolate orbs stopped me. I couldn’t move since his eyes were on mine too. He inched closer to my face; due to the reflex I closed my eyes slowly. I felt a ticklish peck on my nose, and a low chuckle came after.


“You really didn’t think I was going to kiss you, did you?” I was embarrassed but my poker face was on.


“As if,” I scoffed. He ruffled my hair.


“Don’t worry Minj, a week after graduation when we’re married you can kiss me all you want.” He teased me while running his finger on my ring. I stared at him like he lost it. But he disregarded my stare and raised his eyebrows up and down.


“I really don’t know why I ended up with you,” I shook my head.


“Yah! Minji! You are quite lucky to have me, don’t you know how many girls cried when they found out I asked you to be my wife. Don’t you know that a lot of women would kill to be Kim Jonghyun’s wife?!” The librarian looked at him, like she wanted to kill him. And that was a sign for Jonghyun to shut up. He looked down on the ground avoiding the gaze of the people passing by.


Like I told you, without even trying he makes me smile.








AN: I hope you guys find this okay :) There's one/two more chap/s to come (lol im not sure depends). Just to avoid confusion though, if the text is gray than it means that it is in the present. If you don't understand the first part now, it will silently unfold in the last chapter :D 



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DarkAngelMay #1
Thank you! And congratulations!You succeeded in making me cry! But thanks for writing something so well. :)
Chapter 2: I hope nothing wrong happens >.<
Chapter 1: They're engaged?! Woah!! That was unexpected (though cute)!
I laughed at the part when she believed that if she kissed Jonghyun, her paintings would get better :)
Update, update, update!!