Why Do You Hide Me Like I'm Your Dirty Secret?

It's Too Late My Sweet Dear

"Mmmmhnn...." I moaned, my mind still fuzzy from the night. 

The last remants of the dream was brushed away by the realisation that it's already a new day. Cautiously, I opened one eye, the sunlight streaming though the blindfolds blinded my eye. I shut my eye and opened them again, shut them, and finally mangaed to open both eyes. I turned to read the clock and it read 6:30. Giving up on going back to sleep, I sat up and stretched before I carefully got out of bed. The messy clothes on the floor and Kyuhyun who was still asleep reminded me of last nights activity.  Deciding that staying was no longer an option, I got up put on my underwear, bra, and a  tanktop.

Roaming around in his house, I eventually came to the desk that brought back many memories of the past. Careful not to make any noise I pulled out the chair and slowly sat on it. It was still the same, everything was so familiar, every inch and corner of the desk. I carefully slid my hand around the smooth wooden surface of the desk, gently like how a lover would caresses his partner.  The memories washed into my brain like how the ripples of water would hit the shore on a beach. It was the greatest memories, it was the darkest memories, everything was the same, everything was different. It was just like before how I would sit at this desk everyday stealing glances at him, watching his long slender fingers build the lavishly design another grand building. Watching him carefully calculate every corner of the majestic building that would soon come into the world. Sitting here once again reminded me of how he, just by sitting there, enthralled me to him forever. However, this desk brought back haunted memories, how I overheard him confessig his beautifully fabricted lie to another person. How much he made me despise myself and torture myself until I could bear it no longer. Oh, such loving memories that bore its' friut.

Having enough of dwelling on my sweet past, I went to the bathroom and finish up the daily cleaning. Looking into the mirror, I stared at the person inside it. She was beautiful, clear milky skin, small petite face, cute nose, large almond shaped eyes with small cherry lips. 

This is what Kyuhyun wants, beautiful outward apperance. I couldn't help but still feel that tiny tinge of sadness that reflected from the realization that Kyuhyun doesn't love me, only my goodly outside falsehood. Walking out to check the time once again, which read 7:25. I picked up my purse from the floor and took out my foundation, mascara and eyeliner. Returning to the bathroom I checked myself out once more and applied on makeup. I was applying on lip gloss when I heard Kyuhyun open the door.

"Did you sleep well?" I asked smiling. I was truly happy today, to be able to wake up with Kyuhyhun besdies me was something that I dreamed about happening everynight.

Insetad of answering, he smilied and walked over. His hands s his way around my waist and whispered into my ear

"Your so beautiful, I love you."

I giggled, he loved me, he finally loves me but somewhere deep in my heart I know that he dosen't love me, he loves my apperance. He's hand amde its' way under my tanktop and started to move downward. I laughed at how I enjoyed this feeling, this falseness that I'm living in. He nipped and at my nick leaving a sign of love. His strong arms pulled me into him and giving me support. We were laughing and having fun when we heard someone open the front door. He let go of me and walked cautiously towards the door.

"What are you doing?" I asked, isn't it just someone coming?

"Shhh!" He put a finger to his lip mentioning for me to be quiet.

"Hurry! Hide!" He said while pushing me towards his changing room.

"Wait, what? Why?" I asked, is hiding me? Then it dawned on me, his girlfriend must have came home. How pathetic of me. He shoved me into a random closet and threw me my dress before closing the door and telling me to change.

Behind the closed doors I heard a girls voice

"Oppa?" She said.

"Yes? Answered Kyuhyun

"What are you doing?"

"Oh I'm just cleaning, that's all. Let's go outside, you brought me your special coffee didn't you?" He said as he ushered her outside. As soon as I heard the doors close, I stepped out of the closet. A single tear slid down my face. I used to be the one brewing coffee for him everday.

Snap out of it Ryeowook! Your going to get him back, he's yours and only yours. 

After organizing my hair I stepped into the dress, before I walked outside I checked myself throughly just make sure that I will be able to prove to be prettier than Sungmin, his current girlfriend.

Walking outside I saw Sungmin and Kyuhyun sitting at the table, Kyuhyun sipping the coffee she brewed for her and smiling. They turned when they saw me apporach. 

"Hello, I'm Kyuhyun's new assistant." I offered her my hand as I introduced myself to Sungmin. I have to admit, she was cute but she's too pure, too naive. 

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Chapter 2: ohhh wookie with evel plan,go kick kyu in wookie i will support you he..he..he.. nice update thank you
Chapter 2: Oh I love evil Wook!!!
Chapter 1: Oh Wook's a girl?
*evil smirk*
Oh this is gonna be good!
(btw, girls don't have prostates ^^)
can't wait for next update!
Chapter 1: well interesting story,really corious how wookie revenge was
Chapter 1: well interergt
katharine #6
Is the last line for ryeowook? i want it to be him.wow evil ryeowook,but of course at the end i want them to be together.
update soon****
*breaks subscribe button*sounds sooo interesting update soon^^