Hyun Jung

Saved by Kpop

Junhong led Lana to a building close to the one that Junhong had come out of earlier.  The building was just like the ones around it. The only thing that made it stand out was a sign that read "Vacancy" in English.

Lana nodded and they entered.  The first thing that caught Lana's eye was, nothing. There wasn't much in the lobby other than a concierge desk and a few over stuffed chairs.  Junhong walked over to the concierge desk and yelled, "Harmunee!"

Out from the back room came a little old lady.

"Oh Junhong! How long has it been?" then she pinched his cheeks and said, "My you've grown up!"

Junhong smiled and then said, "this is-"

"Lana" Lana said

"-and she was left behind by her class for her school trip could, she stay here for a little while?"

"Of course! I'd do anything for a friend of Junhong," she responed cheerfully." How long will you be staying, dear?" She asked Lana

"A little over three weeks"

"Then I have just the room for you," and then she said to Junhong, "Iff that's all, you can go. it was nice seeing you, Junhong." She then turned and waved for Lana to follow.  Junhong just shrugged and then said, "I'll see you around, Lana." He then grinned and left.

Lana followed the old woman to a room and waited for her to open it. As the ajumma fumbled with some keys she said, "My name is Hyun Jung by the way.  Sorry I'm informal but I have lived in America for most of my life so I guess I'm used to those ways," she laughed and then continued, "I've known Junhong for a long time. Before he signed with TSENT, he and his family stayed here for quite some time.  His family was very kind to me so I lowered the rent for them and haven't raised it since." She finally get the right key and opened the door.

"Here we go. It's small but clean. If you have any questions, just ask me."

She started to leave when Lana stopped her.

"Hyun Jung shi, How come you were talking in English to Zelo when he came in, if you don't mind me asking," Lana asked shyly

"It's just to keep him sharp with his English," Hyun Jung anwered and then add, "Oh and please call me Harmunee, dear" She smiled and then left

Lana bowed and closed the door to her room.  It was small and clean just as harmunee had said.  Lana unpacked her bag and then got changed for bed.  To think that just an hour ago she was lost in Seoul and now she has met her favorite idol and staying with his old friend.  Lana smiled, closed her eyes and then drifted off to sleep.



Sorry this isn't very interesting, YET!!! I swear, soon, stuff is gonna happen! and thanks for reading :D

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I really like this story! I've been wanting to read something like this, and you write it very well. Update soon, araso? :)
Chapter 3: I'm very sorry that I keep on commenting : /
NICE CHAPTER! Update soon please!!!
Chapter 2: Yay! You updated! This chapter sounds nice!
Chapter 1: OHHH this sounds like a good story! I like reading about foreign fans! I hope you update! Please do it soon!