Saved by Kpop


"JULIA!! Shut up!" Lana yelled, louder than Julia. "You're gonna scare off anyone before you meet them!" Lana teased playfully.

They had separated from the rest of the class to buy food for dinner. They decided to go to the local market. It was hard trying to communicate since they knew very little Korean but they managed by using pointing and grunting.

After they bought some ramyun, they returned to their hotel room that they shared with two other girls.

"FOOD!" the girls screamed.

They all ate the ramyun quickly.

"I can't believe tomorrow is our last day in Seoul," one of the girls pouted

"There is so much more to see and do! It's terrible that we only had four days but on the other hand, I wish we had more than four weeks to see all of Korea," Lana mused

"We just have to soak up all of the culture we can," said the other girl

"And hope that within the next 24 hours we will see bap, b1a4, bigbang, b2st, boyfriend, btob, block b-" Julia started

"ok we get it Julia haha" Lana interrupted.

"I haven't even finished the b's"

" It's okay, we get the picture," laughed one of the other girls

Even though they had no idea what Lana and Julia were talking about, they were still entertained by it.

After everyone finished dinner, they washed up and went to sleep.


It was around six PM and everyone was packing their things and getting ready to walk to the bus terminal to go to their next location.  Despite the city lights, it was pretty dark outside and very cold.

"Is everyone ready?" one of the teachers asked, trying to quiet the students down. "Now remember stay with your partners and don't get lost. It's very busy and crowded and the last thing we want are upset parents complaining about how we lost their chldren in a foreign country, understand?!"

"Yessir!" the kids yelled back

"LET'S Go!"

As soon as they left the hotel, they practically froze.  It was so cold.

The next thing that hit them were the crowds, literally.  It seemed like half the planet was packed onto this one street.  It was incredibly hard for the class to stay together.

Right away, Lana was separated from her partner.  The faster she tried to go to catch up, the more the crowds seemed to push her away from her class.  Before she knew it, Lana was all alone.  She had gotten away from the busy street and was pushed into a smaller street.  She tried looking for her class or any of her class mates but they were long gone. She had no idea where she was or where to go.

She was lost in Seoul.

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I really like this story! I've been wanting to read something like this, and you write it very well. Update soon, araso? :)
Chapter 3: I'm very sorry that I keep on commenting : /
NICE CHAPTER! Update soon please!!!
Chapter 2: Yay! You updated! This chapter sounds nice!
Chapter 1: OHHH this sounds like a good story! I like reading about foreign fans! I hope you update! Please do it soon!