Finding Girls

Girl Group: Dust

Hello, here is the first chapter! I'm sorry I couldn't accept all >w< But I'll most likely use your character as the girls trainers and other stuff! I've changed stuff in some applications so it'll fit the story better!

Because I know some people will go away from this page when they reach the bottom (I hope not >w<) they'll miss my promotion of my other fics xD if you want to laugh you should read my others because I've noticed (with my ideas and such) this will become a little more serious and dramatic than my others! but still funny of course! so here is my first :

Code Name 7 8 9

The Sewing Club! <-- another apply fic ^^ but this is of course closed!

So here you go, an little introduction of my character as well!

 Han Ah Ri



“No seriously, you want me to find them?” Han Ah Ri said and gawked at the president of Hanra Entertainment aka her father. He nodded fiercely and gestured with his whole body, first touching his chest then the thin air and then in a pose as he had won the biggest price in the world. As he did all that he also talked, oh boy what a multi-tasker. “My one and only daughter is the only one I can trust on getting the perfect girls.” He said to then later walk up to her and caressed her chin. “I know you’ll get the ultimate girls”

Ah Ri just stared blankly at her father and then slapped away his hand with the backside of hers. Her father looked at his hand with a devastated look. He then later ran towards a big picture of a beautiful woman that hung on the wall. “Ah, Ra In! When will our daughter ever listen to my decisions?” He said dramatically.

“But I don’t want to! I’m still young! I don’t want to spend my Saturday on finding young girls to some new girl group!”

“But-But-But you have to”

“No I don’t” Ah Ri said and turned around but she could only take one step before her father attack hugged her from behind.

 “You have tooo~” He whined, “Only you can do it! And besides you only have to find then they’ll be out of your life!”

“But dad~” Ah Ri looked at her dad with the biggest puppy eyes “I don’t wanna” She said cutely and wiggled her body.

The president squeal and hugged his daughter “Of course you don’t have t- ” He didn’t get to finish of his sentence because a big paper file was thrown at his face removing him from Ah Ri.

“Here are the papers you were supposed to sign yesterday...” a man in a black suit said coldly.

“Secretary Park....” Ah Ri mumbled clearly irritated over his presence. She was this close to get off the hook.

“Miss Ah Ri” he said and looked at her from top to bottom.

“Seeing something you like?”

Secretary Park’s cheeks changed color to bright red and he fixed his glasses.

“How cute” Ah Ri said sarcastically and looked over at her dad. “I’m not doing it”

“Yes you are” Secretary Park said

“What? Don’t we have people who can do this? Why me?”

 “The president specifically asked for you to do this”

“You only have to find them! Nothing more!” Her dad said

“Only and only find them?”

“Yes!” He nodded fiercely

“Fine, I’ll do it!”


♪ ♫

“I can’t believe I’m doing this. On a Saturday night….”

Ah Ri looked at herself in the mirror. She looked damn fine. She corrected her bra and clicked her 7 inch heel on the floor. Ah Ri walked out of her apartment and locked the door behind her.

“Oh god I can’t believe it…. I’m going to kill you dad…” Ah Ri said when she looked around the mass of people. She had walked to an area where she knows some underground music artist usually play. There was this big square where there were different artist played music and a lot of people where dancing everywhere. There Ah Ri stood in her expensive mini skirt and short jacket and she could clearly see the different between these people and herself. Now.  Ah let’s just get this over with… she thought and walked into the mass of people. “So… What should I look for?” In the paper it had stood that the girl should contain a Main Vocal, Lead Vocal, Main Rapper, Lead Dancer and Vocal/Sub Rapper who can do a little of everything. She looked down at the papers in her hand, she hadn’t really read it thoroughly but she had seen that there were a lot of demands of joining the group. She tsk-ed and threw the papers in the nearest garbage can. If she was suppose to do this, then she’ll do it her way.

“Let’s see if the street has something good to offer”


♪ ♫

“Ah Ri!”

Ah Ri turned around when she had heard a male voice called her name. Her face lit up and hugged the unbelievable tall guy. “Long time no see!” He said took a good look at her. “Yeah I know! So is something happening here?” She said and pointed behind him. He smiled “That? Well me and my buddies are about to perform”

“So you’re still at it?”


Ah Ri smiled at her old friends optimistic thinking. “You’re not?” he said. But Ah Ri just shook her head. “I think someone is calling you” She said, “Oh right! You’ll watch our performance right?”

“Sure why not?” She said and walked beside him to the little stage they have created. Ah Ri saw some familiar faces but decided to ignore them. It didn’t take long before they started and people where gathering around the stage. Everything she heard was good nothing over the top but later a girl stepped out on the stage with her old friend. She looked pretty confident but Ah Ri could still see some fear in her eyes. The music started playing and her friend started rapping. He was good, like seriously good but it wasn’t until the chorus she got amazed. And not by her friend. But by that girl. When they song broke into the chorus the girl began to sing and her voice was clear and dominating. The girl sang emotionally and her facial expression fit with the song. And before Ah Ri noticed the song was over and the girl was nowhere to be found. Ah Ri looked around the stage but she could find her. Her instincts told her that this was the girl and she had to find her before she really disappears. She went ‘backstage’ and found her friend. “Alex!” She called out “Who was that girl you sang with?”

“Oh her? She’s -”

“What?” Ah Ri yelled. Some people had started cheering over something and she could hear him clearly.

“She’s over there!” He yelled back and pointed a cross the square. Ah Ri gave him the thump up and thanked him. She ran over the square with her 7 inch heel and Ah Ri could see the admiring looks from the girls.

“Yah! You!” Ah Ri screamed to the girl who stood by a little food stand. The girl wore a black t-shirt and a pair of blue baggy jeans. The girl turned around with food in and pointed at herself.

“Yes, you. Can I speak with you?”

“Umm, sure….” The girl says with full of food. The girl swallowed the food and walked to her.

Wow easier than I thought….  Ah Ri thought. She cleared “So… My name is Han Ah Ri… I come from Hanra Entertainment and we’re currently looking for members to our new girl group. And I saw you singing before and I really think you have talent!” She said and smiled.

The girl just stood there stunned, “Um, what’s your name?” Ah Ri asked when the girl didn’t speak. Still no answer. “Hello?” Ah Ri said and waved her hand in front of the girl’s face. The girl finally responded, “Ah, I’m Cho Sul Jung! Is this reality?” Sul Jung said and pinched her cheek leaving a red mark.

“Yes it is! So you’re interested? If you are here are my contact info, number, address and what not!” Ah Ri said and dug into her pockets taking out a business card she had prepared. Ah Ri looked up at Sul Jung, who stared at her. “What?” She said.

“How can I know you’re not a fake?”

“I’m not! Look here look!” Ah Ri said and pointed at the card “And besides I know Alex! The one you sang with! Speak with him and he’ll tell you that I’m serious”

“O-kay….” Sul Jung said and looked down at the piece of paper she had received.

“Yes great! Just contact me anytime!”

Sul Jung mumbled something Ah Ri couldn’t hear and walked away.Oh my god I can’t believe I just did that….


 Cho Sul Jung



♪ ♫


Ah Ri sat down on a bench, she had given her contact information till three other girls but she had seen them throw it in the garbage bin when they thought she wasn’t looking. “Gahh I don’t want to do this….” She said and let her head fall down. “Stupid youths…”

Ah Ri heard cheering from her left and looked over to see a couple of girls standing in a circle. One was beat boxing and one little girl stood in the centre of the circle like she was preparing herself for something. Ah Ri was about to turn her attention elsewhere but suddenly the little girl started rapping. Even though the lyrics were a little weird the girl still managed to sound good. When the girls were done Ah Ri got up from the bench. Ah, why not?

“Eey, you little girl”

The girl turned around, she had a big purple scarf around her neck and her hair up in two buns on each side of her head. “M-M-Me?” She stuttered and her eyes widened.

What’s up with all the girls not noticing I’m talking to them?

“Yes you. I’m from Hanra Entertainment” The girl took a step back “and we’re looking for a new girl group and I think you have the talent of being in it!”

“Whaaa! What are you saying?!” The girl outburst. “Why do you walk up to someone and just asks them to join your company? That’s not normal!”

Ah Ri, stunned over the girl, said “Um, this is quite normal if you ask me - ”

“And do your parents know that you do this?” the girl asked.

“Yeah they were actually the ones who told me to do this.. What are you talking about? I’m freaking 23, what are you, 14 or what?”

“No actually 18” the girl said but then gasped “Oh no! You tricked me to tell you personal things about me”

“You did it yourself” Ah Ri muttered. “So you’re interested or what?” she said getting irritated over this girl.

“Can I see the contract before?”

“The contract, do think I have it with me woma- Oooh right here it is…” Ah Ri said and took out a piece of paper from her bag. “Look at it and then contact me?” She clenched her fists and smiled. Calm down you need to calm down…

“Yeah thanks” the girl said turning around.

“Ah wait what’s your name?” Ah Ri asked

“Jong Ja Meon”

Jong Ja Meon aka Jay Jay



♪ ♫

Ah Ri looked at her watch, 22:30, “Ah I should have taken a warmer jacket…” It had begun to get colder and Ah Ri was just wearing a thin jacked over her bare arms. She looked over to the other side where she saw a lot of people dancing, she decided to go there because many people = warmth. When she got closer she heard house music and recognized the dance steps and smiled upon the sight. People really enjoying good music. She saw a girl that interested her, not really because of her dancing, but because she was absolutely sure she had seen her in another stand only minutes ago, singing. Ah Ri decided to let it go and moved to the music. When she was warm again she stepped out in the cold. “Time to find some more then”

She walked closely to people and she tried to eavesdrop and maybe she’ll find one. Then a sudden black hat and green tights caught her sight. That girl again? And now rapping? Ah Ri had to admit she was quite good, and the speed was really fast. She walked past the girl letting her eyes move around the square until she looked at her right and the girl was standing next to her. “Ah! You scared me!” Ah Ri said and placed her hand on her heart, feeling it going some beats faster than usual.

“What’s wrong with me?” The girl suddenly said.

“What?” Ah Ri said confused.

“I’ve heard that you’re searching for girl, and I can sing, rap and dance. So what’s wrong?”

“Umm, nothing, I don’t really unders- ”  Oh wait, She’s voluntarily asking me? “Oh right! You know, I was thinking that you were perfect!” Ah Ri said and her cheeks hurt from smiling.    

“Really?” The girl said with her eyes sparkling. “Yes!” Ah Ri said and feeling the tears in her eyes. I didn’t need to do anything… I really like this girl!

“Well, I have to get approval from my dad…” she said and brushed her feet along the ground. “It’s okay, here are my contact information” Ah Ri gave the girl her business card “And you can call me whenever you want!”

“Oh, I’m Park Aki by the way” the girl said smiling

“Han Ah Ri, I’ll be expecting a call from you in the near future then?”

Aki nodded and smiled at the Ah Ri. Well she got the beauty .  

Park Aki


♪ ♫


“Michin geoni wae geureoni
Ije geuman najom naebeoryeodwo”

Song Ji Eun’s song ‘Going Crazy’ played loudly from a big stage which Ah Ri happened to go by. The girl on the stage was so-so. Her voice was plain and she went of key sometimes. Ah Ri didn’t really care about the girl so she walked past the stage but heard another voice singing the same song. She looked around but she couldn’t see the girl to that voice. That girl’s voice was much powerful and clearer than the girl who preformed it. Then she spotted a girl wearing a cap and big glasses moving her lips to the song. And as Ah Ri came closer she heard that it definitely was coming from that girl.

“You should be performing it instead” Ah Ri said when she stood beside the girl. The girl looked up at Ah Ri.

“No I’m not that good” She said and scratched behind her ear and glanced down at her feet.

“Oh, well I think so. You’re a lot better than her” Ah Ri nodded at the girl on stage “And I work with artists so I should know”

“What you do?” the girl said surprised and lifted her head.

Ah Ri smiled, I got her hooked. “well I work at Hanra Entertainment, you’ve heard about them?”

The girl nodded as she fixed her glasses, some make up and better clothes would do great, “Well here is my contact info” Ah Ri gave her the info “Just call me when you have thought about it” Ah Ri said cooly and turned away.

Ahh, I look so cool right now.

Lee Kyung Mi aka Mimi


♪ ♫

“I’m fed up… Seriously fed up with this” Ah Ri mumbled to herself with her head hanging low. She had spoke to at least ten girls but they had only looked at her as she was crazy and walked away. “They don’t appreciate things in life” she kicked a small rock that headed towards to some people standing in a half circle looking at something. She could hear the loud hip hop music and the bass in her chest. This is music she thought and walked nearer. When she could see clearly she saw six girls dancing. They were almost synchronized and on beat but one who stood out more than the others. She was good, and she knows it. Her moves were more precise and her facial expressions were better than the others. But one thing disturbed Ah Ri. This girl was so concentrated on making everybody see than she was so much better the whole dance looked a little awkward. They got huge applause at the end of their performance and Ah Ri clapped too. She walked up to the girl. This will be the last, after this, I’m going home.   

“Hi, I’m Han Ah Ri I come from-”

“Sorry girl I don’t swing that way” The girl said coldly and took up her bag from the ground.

“W-What? No-no-no I’m not hitting on you. I’m from Hanra Entertainment an -“

The girl scoffed and tapped her feet on the ground. “You know what?” Ah Ri suddenly outburst “Take this” She gave her business card “because I don’t care anymore!” she said and walked away.

“Wow, anger management much?”


Jeon Mi Ah aka Mia



▂ ▃ ▅ ▆



Sooo there it was! Some parts may be rushed ! I'm sorry >w< and congrats to:



Ps guys, have you heard Block B? if not THEN DO!

I'm in love <3

They are seriously great!

Well then.... PEACE OUT!

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@sevvo yes haha it's her ^-^ I like her grandma but she's a little weird o-o <br />
@4evah haha I'm glad you like it >w< :D<br />
@TAE true xD haha <br />
@Tillie I love him to <3 ehe she is.. Thank you :*<br />
@owd I'll update more soon ! :D
i love the poster~! i agree, it is pretty. ^_^<br />
can't wait for the next update. :)
x_T-AE #3
Time to make their decisions now~ though some of them are pretty decided already xD<br />
<br />
Oh I like the poster; it's clean and pretty.<br />
mushiemonster is a great designer :D
Kya~ I'm so glad you updated!<br />
Aww the poster look pretty! :)<br />
I loves it! :D
Sevaouna #5
är det jay jay som är sista bilden?? haha fett skön jayjays part hon och hennes mormor hahaXD<br />
update soon~ BTW I like the poster ;P<br />
@owdsxz aha awesome character 8) <br />
I know right? they are the best rookies *^*
Hi! I'm the designer of your request from Summer Spring, maybe you could give me the names of the Ulzzangs (if you know) so that I could somehow change them since it's kinda hard to make your graphic with those pics or maybe I could change them... sorry for the bother.
omgomgomg i'm there! hahaha. x] <br />
thanks for choosing me. ^__________________^<br />
<br />
block b's songs are soooo cool~ fell in love with them when i heard `Don't Stop`~ <br />
<br />
can't wait for the next update~ ^^<br />
@sevaouna haha Block b ♥ yeah I love jay jay ^^ more randomness to da people! <br />
yeah her dad *^^* <br />
<br />
@Jace Why thank you~ ^^ I appreciate it! <br />
<br />
@x_T-AE well I'm glad you checked in anyways! :D <br />
She's fun to write about !