SEQUEL + comments replies!!

We'll end the pain together

HEY I'm making a sequel to this oneshot. 

So you all better gtf over to the sequel now! :D 

Here ---->


Okay, I hope you like it. :) 

It's in Jonghyun's POV ^_^ 

Have a nice day! :3

Replies to people who commented on the original oneshot ! :) :

shinytaemint: You lucky duck. You get 2 times are much as other people! (Coz I commented back to your first comment :P) Okay, here we go! *flexes finger* You read it again?! I couldn't even read it through once without finding the ceiling more interesting XD But I guess that could be because I was the one who wrote it :P The ending is still killing you?! AWWHH SHEEETTT! I BETTA GET YOU A DE-FIB FO SHOOWWWW!! AWWHH HELL NAAWWHHH! I love you too, almighty tripple commenter! <3 :3 HERE YOU GO YOU'RE REQUEST! A PROLOGUE ONESHOT-ISH THING! :D May it kill you once more, mm kay? :)

Lovewounds: YES!! :D So it was sad enough to make people cry?!? MISSION COMPLETED SOLIDER! (Disneyland ride Mission space reference RIGHT THERE! BOOM!!) I took into account your idea. But I decided to make it just after the dinner (so the walk to the train station) Yaaahhh :3 I hope you enjoy it ^_^

GabiOncioiu: First of all, your name took me three times to type XD I am NOT a fan of copy and paste when it comes to names. I like to get in the ROLEEE! Fan for life? ZOINKS! ... Not another scooby doo reference *facepalm* I'm saying scooby doo stuff way too often recently D: AND GLAD YOU LIKED IT! ITS WHY YOU SHOULD READ THE SEQUEL! And comment :3 Comments make me scream with joy! :D *suppresses urge to link on going fics* But.. Uh.. Yeah... *coughs and deletes clipboard* Have a nice day! :P 

Kikwik: You love this, I love you. Mm kay? *creepy stalker mode ACTIVATE* !!! Jk jk. ANYWAY! Thanks for the comment, it made me happy :) 

iluvbubbles_yay: Thank you, my aim is to make people cry ;D XD LOL No, I just like depressing stuff. I GET SO MUCH INSPIRATION!! :D

bananamilkluvchicken: You don't normally read depressing stuff? :O Welcome to the dark side, young one. We've been expecting you... A friend reccomended it? Tell your friend I love them please ! :D And you like my writing style? I didn't know I had a style XD Thanks for liking the ending, that was my big turn pointer thing :P I enjoy making thinks suddenly change XD It makes it that much more emotional :3 I hope you like the sequel too! :) 



>The addicted one<


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Chapter 1: I keep coming back to read this omg what am I
Chapter 1: Oh no why did I come back to this again *screaming on the floor*
meemow123 #3
Chapter 1: *wails* NOOOOOOO JONGKEYYYYYYY *sobbing* nooooooo ... Whyyyyyyy ... *cries* Jonghyun loved Key so much, it was so sweet that I cried to much ... Ugh damn tears ...
This is amazing ...
You are awesomely talented, authornim!!!!!!
Well done!!!!!!
Chapter 1: *sobbing my heart out*
Chapter 1: *sobs* so ... Damn ... Good ...
I looooove it soooo much authornim!!!!!! You are amazing
Jonghyun and Key (?) dieeed noooooooo ...
Chapter 1: Wow man,this is the best suicidal fic I ever read! I'm so upset that I found it this late,. This is superb you know. Honestly superb! Great work man!
Chapter 2: This was so good omg
Time to read the sequel~
hi! i hope you dont mind but i featured this story in my jongkey collection :) i gave credit, and if you want i can link them to your profile too.

you can find the collection here:
Omo~ This is so sad..But i loved the story author-nim~