Staying Away

Living the Dream

“Yah Chanyoung-ah. Hurry wake up. Don’t you have class today?” You heard Ahgi woke you up. While still trying to gather up your soul, you got up and check on the clock beside your bed. It’s still 8 in the morning though. But Ahgi already ready and about to go. The house was quiet, you didn’t heard Hyera toasting her bread or Sungi making fruit juice as they usually do before going out.

“Where are you going? Where are the others?” You yawned and took milk inside the fridge. On the table there were one bread left and sunny-sided egg. You believed it was yours as you see the others leaving you with the dishes. Those little brats.
“They already leave for class. Don’t you have one?” Asked her while she wandering around finding shoes that fits with her clothes.
“I have. Public speaking class on 9 am.”
“Aigoo, why don’t you prepare yourself? It’s 8 already.” She shook her head and took a sip on your milk. “Thanks. I’m going. Goodbye!”
As you finished with your meal, you went to bathroom. You enjoyed your shower too much, you didn’t realize that your class about to begin just in half an hour. ‘Damn damn damn,’ you mentally cursed yourself. Grab on the easiest clothes you can get and only brushes your hair with your hand. You went outside and started to running to the building. Because to catch on the bus seems almost impossible at this time. You decided to run with all of your strength. People on the street looked strangely to you, but it’s the least thing you care about. To your luck, you’ve arrived just 5 minute before the class started. You entered the building and say hi to the security necessarily and sprinted to the elevator.
“WAIT!” You screamed on top of your lungs as you see the eleveator door is about to close. You were just a meter away from it, you tried to quickened your pace but you’ve reached your limit. Thankfully the person inside was kind enough to keep the door opened.
“Thank you.” You bent down holding your knee, trying to keep up your panting breath.
"Late huh?” The person next to you scoffed. You looked to your right and saw familiar figure standing there beautifully with those face. You rolled your eyes, why does he always appeared at your lowest time, made yourself looked even worse in his eyes.
“No. I still have 3 minutes before the class started.” You replied coldly, didn’t bother to even look at him. Just at the right time, the elevator had reached to your destination. You were about to go out when you felt he grabbed on your bag so you were restrained.
“You don’t have to be that cold you know.” He pulled it so you were taken aback while his face was remained the same. You scoffed, speaking of being cold, he should've said that to himself. Those cold piercing eyes, cold husky voice, cold -face, these cold thingy describes Kris Wu perfectly.   
"You are the one who always being cynical and irritating to me. And you keep saying mean things and looking down at me. I don't even think I made any mistake to you. If you hate me, just stop talking with me. So now, just pretend that I'm invisible everytime we met. Don't bothering me and I won't bothering you either. Okay? Thanks, bye." You pushed off his hand slightly and went out the elevator. You don't know why did you suddenly raged out like that. Only to see his face already made you feel want to punch him on the face, despite his gorgeously handsome face. Rather than give a damn about his behaviour to you, you better keep your distance away. Even though deep down inside, you're still hoping for a better relationship. But it seems almost impossible because you've sucessfully made your own wall with him even more wider.
"Yah, neo babo." Lay commented as Kris finished with his story. Kris couldn't help but spoil all the thoughts he had been thinking of to Lay. He didn't know, why were you suddenly fumed like that. He even getting more frustrated when you told to keep your distance away. He think that he didn't do anything wrong.
"What I did was just asking. But she suddenly get angry, even told me to stay away." He sighed, he knew that getting attached with a girl couldn't be any more stressful. But it's all already happened, he already cared.
"What did you exactly do to her? Seriously. What I knew is you being totally jerk and made her mad. No wonder she got furious."
"I was just teasing okay And...." He paused for a while. Suddenly remembered something. "and maybe I said some of harsh word to her."
"Like what?" 
"Like I said it's none of her business?" He sighed again. He knew it was wrong to say. But at the moment, when he knew that you saw him going out with a girl, he didn't want you to asked anything about this. He just had a lot of thoughts in these few days, and he think to date some random girls could make him forgot all of those things. But he didn't expect that you'd see him in state like that, and he didn't want to. 
Lay shook her head in amusement. He knew him too well, it's common things for him. Kris is being kris. Sometimes, Lay always had to help him to prevent him doing anything stupid. "So, what are you planning to do?"
"I don't know. Maybe I'll just do what she wanted. She doesn't want to see my face anymore, so--" He shrugged his shoulder unknowingly and his lips tugs upward, trying to cover up his disappointment. Although it was no use to Lay. Lay is like a mind-reader, he would know Kris' feeling without him telling. "She probably doesn't care either. Maybe her days would get better if I just stay away from her." He added.
Lay tapped on Kris' shoulder and let out a light chuckle. "You know, about few days ago. When you're going out with Yejin--" He rolled his eyes. Lay actually doesn't agree if Kris going out with different girls to ran away. But he knew what Kris had been through, so he could understand. "We were all there, except you. And the first person who noticed your absence was her. And you're still thinking that she doesn't care to you?"
It makes him silent. "I'm stupid, aren't I?"
"Oh yeah totally stupid." Lay bobble his head repeteadly only to get death glare fom Kris. Lay smiled, he was glad to see Kris like this. It was a rare to see Kris truly care for a girl, a real and pure girl, not like the others Kris' used to date, who always putting on her fake smile with thick make ups covering their face. He believed that you could help Kris go through with his problems, he hoped so. 
"So now, you better clear this things up before it's too late. Okay? You're welcome". Lay gave a wink befor went out of the room. It makes Kris smiled softly. Lay always knew how to help him with his problems. He was more than happy to have a friend like him. 
The rest of the day wasn't going really well for you. You late in the class and got lectured with the teacher in front of the others. It's even worse when you didn't get your partner for the activity in the class so you have to pair up with your teacher. Almost all of the time you got scolded with her because you were stuttering when you're talking. In the end, you got an extra one hour class with Ms. Seoyoung. Congrats for today.
Your mood doesn't help you either. You don't know why since in the morning, you got your mood down. So now, you were quiet and sulky which brings questions from your friends. You told them about your class but you didn't tell your quarrel with Kris in the morning. 
"See? You're late right. Don't tell I didn't warn you." Ahgi advised while your pout grew even more. 
"I'm sorry, okay." You grumbled to her. She always right, you should've listen to her. But at this time you just didn't want her to lectured you. You had enough already in your class.
"Are you having your menstruation syndrome? You keep fumed out like a lion." Sunggi muttered.
"I am not!" 
"Indeed." Your friends responded in unison. All of them always knew when you're PMS-ing, you also know when they're too. You're always denied them, but in the end, in the next two days you'll have your period.
Now you were still in the building. All of you already had your class. It's still in early evening though, it would've been bored if you just straightly went home. So you and your friends decided to wandered around the building, hoping you could meet someone to hang out together with. It's between you had telephaty with your friends or all of you expected a person in same group. Since they're the closest one with you too. You were all heading to EXO's dancing room unconciously. 
"Why are we here?" Hyera the first one noticed, while the others giving shrug on the shoulder. No one dare to went inside because most of you were still doubting and afraid that you might disturb their practice. Just at the right moment, the door opened and there were Lay and Kai. 
"Oh hey there." Kai stepped back, got surprised probably because seeing four girls standing right in front of the door. "Why aren't you guys coming in? Come on." Kai lightly pulled on Ahgi's hand and went inside. The others following behind them. But Lay was still standing there, so you went back to him.
"Aren't you coming?" You pointed your index finger to the door. He just replied with a light nod and slowly walked inside.
"By the way, Kris is in the room." He chuckled and giving that knowingly look. Why does he always know what happened between you and Kris?
You suddenly stopped and stepped back out. "Oh. Well, I want to go to bathroom first." You gave him light grinned and walked quickly away from the room. On your back you could hear Lay calling out Kris's name. You quickened up your pace, now you didn't think where you were going. You were just go straightly without thinking, because you can't imagine how to react with him after those quarrel. 
Darn it, Lay.
Hello again there! 
Super late update I know, so sorry >.<
but i hope you guys still enjoy my story. If you think I'm taking too much time for updating you can protest and critic me. Just feel free to tell your opinions~
Thanks for keep in touch, hope you like it! ^^
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Been away for almost a month. I'm really truly sorry :'( i'll try to update this week.. Thanks everyone tto read this story, I'm really happy! ^^


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KpopAddict28 #1
Chapter 14: UPDATE SOON ^.^
giantpanda #2
Chapter 12: Hohohoho. I give MUCH LOVE into the side story part!! You know.. It feels like my real life written here... Kekekeke. Love you author-nim!! Update more!
xiseyre #3
Amazing! I 've read this for the second time. LOL
choicolate12 #4
Chapter 11: Mihihi author-nim! Daebak~ ^^ lol i thought the rap part was cute :3 fighting!!
Chapter 11: Please update soon, author- nim!
choicolate12 #6
... Why did I write Chanyeol lol... I meant Chanyoung.. Sorry authornim! ^^"
choicolate12 #8
Oh Kris why are you doing that to Chanyeol :( You're being mean...
Great chapter! ^o^ Looking forward to your next update.. Fighting! :)
serafina91 #9
Chapter 9: Kris Kris Kris... why you so hard to undersrtand?? well dont play too long with her.... hihihi she might end up with Lay...update soon Authornim ^^
serafina91 #10
Chapter 8: wow amazing story... lay confused so cute when kris told him to walk her home.... :)