Just Another Day

Living the Dream


"Well you start." Hyera pointed you as she snuggles up into her blanket beside Sunggi. The weather getting colder each day looks like it'll be snowing in few more days.

"What? No,no,no. Mine is nothing. You go first." You pointed back to Hyera. She shook her head repeteadly and nudged your arm. You replied her same and you keep pinpoint on each other.

"Just tell me already! I don't care who go first, but you guys better up tell me. It's your fault to make me curious as hell like this." Ahgi snapped in frustrated. You chuckled seeing her like that. She got her emotion up easily, especially when she's being curious with something. She won't stop asking until you tell her, even if it takes all day long.

On your way home, you couldn't help but spoiled about Hyera sudden closeness with Suho. She keep denying though, only telling that they just happened to had conversation together. But you knew, it's really more than that. But as the revenge she also told about you and Kris.

"I don't know you guys suddenly get close with the guys. What I mean close is well-yeah like lovey dovey or something" Sunggi told her thought.

You shook your head, totally disagree with her. "It's only Hyera and Suho, not me. Well my situation is defintely not some lovey kind like that."

"Ha, as if I didn't see how Kris tied your shoes before you going." Hyera scoffed and wiggled her eyebrows which made your face heated.

"WHAT?? He what?!" Ahgi blurted her eyes. "I thought Kris was that super cool type."

"And totally jerk." You mumbled quietly, but they still could hear you.

"See? That's why! He is that super cool type, but he cared about you." Hyera beamed out to you. It made you thought for a moment, is it true that he cared? You blushed at the thought, but to know that he had said something bad to you made you think it's kind of impossible.

"You don't know what he had said about me." You sighed. "He said clumsy to me for like million times, and so careless and foolish. And it's only in our second meeting!"

"But he's right anyway. It's the fact." Ahgi remarked straightforwardly, only to get light smacked from you.

"Well, tell us if there's any progress between two of you. So, what about Suho?" Sunggi changed the topic and all attention was turned to Hyera. She was just his behind her pillow to cover up her heated cheeks.

"You guys should know! Back then in cafe, Suho treated her drink and they keep looking and smile on each other. I see on our way too that they keep talking with each other. And they really really look good together!"

"It's nothing special really!" Hyera denied, "He was just being nice I guess?"

"But you should've seen his face, when he looked at you, like 'Whoa, I've seen an angel~'" You made a face which bring disgust looks from your friends. You laughed seeing them, "But it's true!"

"I could imagine that." Sunggi bobble her head.

"Ah right. You guys look good together. Both of you are like angel. So one angel and one guardian. What a perfect couple!" Ahgi clapped her hands happily.

"Ahahaha right right." You joined her clapping as you heard your phone rang once. You then remembered that you haven't told Jaewoo. 'Damn, I'm so dead' you thought.

From: +601328xxx

Chanyoung-ah! You're so mean going out without me. You owe me one drink okay? Treat me tomorrow, kkkkk. Annyeong~ ^^

You tilted your head in cofused. It's an unknwon number and you'vegot no idea whose number is this. You asked your friends but they didn't know either. Ahgi suggest it was Chanyeol, but it's impossible because he was going out with you too.

To: +601328xxx

Sorry... But whose number is this?

From: +601238xxx

It's Baekhyun T3T. After your practice meet me at dancing room okay? Maybe I've finished around 3. Oh and bring Sunggi too, someone want to meet her, kkk. But it's a secret. So, see you guys tomorrow~

"Ohmygod!" You let out a squealed when you have finished reply him and also give Jaewoo text message. "Sunggi~ someone want to meet you~"

"Who?" She asked look like not as surprised as you. It's her anyway, she's always been popular among guys. Not to mention a lot of them trying to get close with her too, so it's not the first time.

"Don't know. Baekhyun said it was a secret." You shrugged your shoulder.

"What if it's the D.O guy?" Hyera teased and wriggled her eyebrows.

"Oh God no, I don't know where to put my face. It's so so so embarrassing" She kicked her leg repeatedly and squirmed on her pillow which made you got the hit. You slapped her as the reply.

"I'm sleepy, let's sleep." Ahgi yawned and rubbed her eyes. You see it's almost 12. You got morning class tomorrow, even though it's Saturday. So you and Sunggi went back to your room and started to sleep.


"Repeat after me. Naega geurin giringeurimeun jal geurin giringeurimigo niga geurin giringeurimeun motgeurin giringeurimida “ Teacher Hwang ordered. Today you've got a rap class with Hyera while Sungi and Ahgi in vocal class. It's the 6th toungue-twisted you had. He said rapp is all about quick speak with clear pronunciations. Don't forget also, you have to match with the beat and rhythm. It's really not an easy one. The class was mostly boys, only you, Hyera and other 2 who were the girl.

All of you repeated Teacher Shim altogether. Then he gave another one and you repeat him and so on. At the end of class, he hiphop music and we have to rapp one by one spontaneously. Started with Teacher Shim then continued to the students. The Byeonghun guy, who seems a year older than you, rapp a perfect paragraph then goes to Songyeon, the girl one. It became funny because one with another didn’t fit in each other, but it’s still made a song anyway. Then now it’s your turn then Hyera.

A-yo yo all. Here we go. Once I start, I never stop. Blame on music, or the alcohol? And I won't get mad, cause I'm so bad .The rap you have is the rap I had. A rap in my trash can top your best. Check it out boy, here and now!”

“Okay, you got what she said. We are living in SM. Welcome to our crib. You here the music? Yeah. So I’m the rapper, to let you know. It going to hit you with the music I go, you better watch your head and never let go. So baby got now? Scream out loud!”

“WHOOOOO! Yeah. Good job guys!” Teacher Shim clapped his hands as the song finished. “For your next assignment, I want all of you to perform a song with mostly rapp inside it. The best one will get star on your report book. Okay, you can go home now. Have a nice day.”

“Ye. Kamsahamnida seon-saengnim.” The students thanked the teacher and give a bow to him before he went outside.

“Good job guys!” Kangmin high-fived all of you one by one. He seems to be the senior one in this class, looks like he’s already in college. “Hey newbie, nice try.” He winked to the two of you.

“Thank you.”Hyera and you bowed lightly to him. “We’re going first. See you all next week. Bye!”

“Byeeee!” All of them replied and waved to you.

“Haaah.” You relieved a deep sigh. “It was so much fun. Although I slip a lot at the tongue twist. And also our rap were so funny. I don’t know what to say.”

“True. I only talking what’s on my mind. Chanyoung, try imagine when we’re already debut, we’ll be the main rapper.” Hyera chirped out her thought. But yes, just to imagine about debuting already made all of you feel excited.

“Ah, Sunggi texted me they’re already in EXO’s dancing room.” You informed.

“Oh, okay. But, I think I better go now. I don’t have any business to go there.” Hyera said unsure.

“Ah just come. Maybe there’ll be Suho there?” You . She just denied again that there’s nothing happen between her and Suho.

You then arrived at the dancing room and went in. There were only all of EXO-K and also the EXO-M except one person. They were sitting on the floor with Sunggi and Ahgi. Some are lying down and stretched. Exhausted look come from their face but they still had energy to mess around with the other. Now, they’re probably teasing D.O and Sunggi. Obvious, Sunggi’s face was clearly red and D.O didn’t take a look at her, just keeping his head hung low.

“Chanyoung!” Baekhyun waved to you. Slowly, Hyera popped out from behind. She still unsure to go or not, but you keep insisted taking her. “Ah and hello too Hyera.” Baekhyun smiled.

“Oh hey Hyera.” Suho who was lying down before, suddenly get up to see her coming.

“Hellooo.” She waved back. Then she and you joined the other.

“Don’t forget Chanyoung. One drink.” Baekhyun winked to you. You rolled your eyes and pretending to be not interested.

“I want one drink too!” Tao chimed out and put his index finger up. Hoping that he’ll be treated a drink too.

“Nope, it’s only me.” Baekhyun put his tongue out to him. Tao become sulky and crossed his arms.

“Sorry, Tao. Next time okay?” You assured him, to cheer him up also. His face become lightens and he nodded excitedly. “You guys going somewhere?” You asked your friends.

“Sunggi have got her date.” Chanyeol teased and slowly pointed to D.O without him knowing.

“Wow date already? Congrats!” You tapped on her shoulder.

“It’s not  a date!” D.O denied with red face. “I was just asking if she want to go somewhere with me.”

“It doesn’t make any difference.” Kai rolled his eyes.

“But you and Ahgi are coming anyway. So it’s not a date.” D.O keep denied. While Sunggi just kept quiet and nodded at his statement.

“Eh ,but what about Hyera? You’ll be alone right? Just come with—“  

“She can come with me.” Suho cut off before Ahgi could finish. “But if she want to.” He rubbed his back unsure, probably afraid being rejected.

“Okay. No problem.” She chuckled.

“Ah you guys so . Everyone has their own date. While me? Probably just going home with the boys, and boys again.” The chubby cheek guy complained. “Oh and I’m Xiumin by the way, just call me Minseok.”

“Where’s Kris?” You couldn’t take any longer, you’ve curious since then because only him who wasn’t in the room.

“Looking for Kris, huh?” Lay didn’t answer your question instead he wriggled his eyebrow clearly know something beneath it.

“I was just asking.” You looked away from Lay. Totally busted, you thought.

“Probably going out somewhere with some random girl.” Tao shrugged his shoulder. Like it’s already common when someone asking about Kris’s presence.

“Oh.” You nodded. Actually you became more curious about him. You wanted to ask more but you know if you continue the others will tease you. But it keep bugging on your mind. Was Kris really that kind of type? You thought he was a difficult type to be with girl.

“Let’s go.” Baekhyun suddenly snapped out from your thought and pulled your arm. He walked quickly outside without saying goodbye to other. You tried to catch up while trying to say goodbye to others.

“Be careful!” You heard Suho shouting.

“Bye! Have fun guys.” The others added and waved to you.

“What’s with the rush?” You chuckled as he already slow down his pace.

He just grinned and put off your arm. “Because it’s getting late.”

“Well, the shop opens until 9 pm. It’s still 4 though.” You looked around as you crossed the crowded street.

One side of his lip tugs upward making a small smirk, “Who says that we’re only going to get a drink?” 


Once agin, sorry for the lated update ;_;

School's really keep me busy these days :( I hope you guys understand.

Also, thank you very much for the comment and subscribe. I think I havent' thanked all of you about that.

So, please keep in touch with my story. And thanks for reading.

Hope you like it~

Bye! ^^

and please don't laugh at the rap, lol

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Been away for almost a month. I'm really truly sorry :'( i'll try to update this week.. Thanks everyone tto read this story, I'm really happy! ^^


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KpopAddict28 #1
Chapter 14: UPDATE SOON ^.^
giantpanda #2
Chapter 12: Hohohoho. I give MUCH LOVE into the side story part!! You know.. It feels like my real life written here... Kekekeke. Love you author-nim!! Update more!
xiseyre #3
Amazing! I 've read this for the second time. LOL
choicolate12 #4
Chapter 11: Mihihi author-nim! Daebak~ ^^ lol i thought the rap part was cute :3 fighting!!
Chapter 11: Please update soon, author- nim!
choicolate12 #6
... Why did I write Chanyeol lol... I meant Chanyoung.. Sorry authornim! ^^"
choicolate12 #8
Oh Kris why are you doing that to Chanyeol :( You're being mean...
Great chapter! ^o^ Looking forward to your next update.. Fighting! :)
serafina91 #9
Chapter 9: Kris Kris Kris... why you so hard to undersrtand?? well dont play too long with her.... hihihi she might end up with Lay...update soon Authornim ^^
serafina91 #10
Chapter 8: wow amazing story... lay confused so cute when kris told him to walk her home.... :)