Nice Guys Finish Last 4 (real ending)

Nice Guys Finish Last


Your P.O.V


You and Hyuk Jae were now together for a few days and something really started to bother you. It seemed like he didn’t care at all. At first you liked that idea but now, it hurt you. You actually wanted him to care and be nice to you. And so you were going to tell him as soon as possible.


Then you saw Hyuk Jae walking on the other side of the street but, he was with Donghae, so telling him right now was impossible.


You were about to run away as they saw you.


“Hey _____,” Donghae yelled.


You saw Hyuk Jae looking away as you yelled hey back. You waved and walked away yelling you had to do something important.


You knew Hyuk Jae was actually really kind-hearted, so you kept wondering what happened. It was true, you fell for the bad boys, or at least that what you thought. Now you dated one you weren’t really sure if bad boys were good.


Even if he changed just for you, you didn’t want to be with him anymore, because that  meant he lied to you, which was as bad as the way he treated you.


Hyuk Jae’s P.O.V


But behind the scenes,

She means the world to me!

I wanna tell her thats she's beautiful,

And show her that she's loved!

Hold her hand when shes scared,

Tell her how much I care,

But that won't win her heart because,


Nice guys finish last thats,

Why I'll treat you like trash it's,

Not what I really want to do!

You only date bad guys so,

I'll give it my best try to,

Treat you the way you want me to!



You really didn’t want this to continue. You felt terrible for treating _____ this way, but it’s what she wanted.


You really wanted to tell her the truth even if it meant the two of you were to break up after that. She deserved to know it.


You were really nervous when you went to her house, you wanted to keep _____ as you girlfriend but you just couldn’t keep up the bad boy image anymore.


You walked to the door and rang the bell.


Your P.O.V


As you were looking out of the window you saw Hyuk Jae walking to your door and you heard him rang the bell.


You went downstairs and opened the door.


There was Hyuk Jae with a bouquet of roses. He stared at the ground and started to talk.


Hyuk Jae’s P.O.V


“I must convince her to stay with me, I mean she must like me since she asked me to be her boyfriend...” was all that was on your mind.


As _____ opened the door you didn’t know where to look, so you just looked at the ground and started to talk.


“_____, err there is something I want to tell you. The way I treated you the past few days… that’s not how I really am. I ain’t a bad boy, I acted that way because you told me you liked bad boys, but now I feel really bad for treating you this way. I don’t want to treat you like trash. I love you so much. But you never liked me until I became a “bad boy” version of myself. I just can’t keep this image up, it’s not how I really am. I hope you still want to be my girlfriend even if I’m not the bad boy you liked…” you said with a trembling voice.


After you told her all this you finally looked up.


And you saw _____ was about to cry.


She looked at you and told you how she felt about it.


Your P.O.V


While Hyuk Jae was talking you got really angry. You knew he was actually kind-hearted since you had been friends for quite a long time. But you really hoped his bad boy image was true. Not that you really liked to be treated this way, but at least it would mean he didn’t lie to you.


But he did. And even though you liked him, you couldn’t stand him lying to you. So you decided to break up.


“Hyuk Jae… I knew you were kind-hearted, but I hoped your bad boy image was real. Now I found out you lied to me I don’t want to err be in a relationship with you anymore. I’m sorry. I thought bad boys were cool but I was wrong. I’m sorry for making you changing yourself. I… I think it’s better if you go now,” you said.


You looked at him and you knew you just broke his heart.


“I gotta go” was the only thing Hyuk Jae could say with a trembling voice before he ran away, crying. 

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spoliarium98 #1
Chapter 5: i like the alternative ending more than the previous one... of course he lied to you, but he admitted that he's faking it! at least he told you the truth. i wouldn't mind since i like him.