Nice Guys Finish Last 3

Nice Guys Finish Last


Your P.O.V


You were kind of shocked that Hyuk Jae asked you on a date. You never really expected him to like you and you didn’t really fall for him either, but right now you started to like him… A lot.


“What are we going to do, Hyuk Jae?” you asked him.


“I don’t care, you think of something to do!” he said as careless as he learned to be at his “bad boy” lessons.


You were surprised, you never thought he could act like this. But you liked it, he acted exactly as the bad boy you were looking for.


You told him you wanted to go to a movie.


He said it was okay, as long as he could pick the movie.


He had you paying for the tickets and the food, since he “forgot” his wallet.


So the two of you went to a movie that scared you to death. You didn’t really like horror, but this was the worst horror movie you had ever seen.


When the movie was over and the two of you were walking through town his phone rang. He answered his phone and told you he had something important to do.


But you stopped and asked him “Errr… Hyuk Jae, I know it’s kinda fast since we just had one date and until now I never really saw you as more than a eh friend, but would you like to be eh my boyfriend?”


Hyuk Jae’s P.O.V


You were shocked by what _____ asked you. You never expected her to even say yes to a date, but being her boyfriend? You couldn’t do anything but say yes.


“Err…  Of course _____, otherwise I would never have asked you on a date, right?” you said to her.


She looked at you happily and took your hand.


But you had to go. Donghae called you to tell you there was an extra “bad boy” lesson.


“I really have to go,” he said and he walked away without saying anything.

You almost ran to the school. You saw Donghae and ran over to him.


“Why didn’t I know there was an extra lesson?” you asked him.


“I didn’t know it, until Kyuhyun came over to me and told me there was another very important lesson. So I had to call you to come here,” said Donghae.


“Then, what are we waiting for, I mean I already had to thank Kyuhyun since I now have _____ as my girlfriend,” you said to Donghae.


“So fast??” he asked surprised.


“Yeah, I was kinda shocked too, you know, I never expected her to even say yes to a date. And after you called me she was like hey, you wanna be my boyfriend?” you explained.


The two of you walked over to Kyuhyun for your third and last lesson.


“Hey, today I will tell you the most important rules of being a bad boy,” he said.


And Imma beat you,

In every competition!

Goin' out with the girls?

You better get my permission!

Wait no, I take that back you can't go.

House is on tonight and that's my favorite show!

"Do I look fat in this dress?"

Hell yeah you do!

Wait let me speak your language,

Cows go mo!


“Never be nice to her and always make her feel bad, then she will hang on to you,” ended Kyuhyun the lesson. “And don’t forget, NICE GUYS FINISH LAST.”


You were going to be the best bad boy ever, so _____ would stay with you forever.


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spoliarium98 #1
Chapter 5: i like the alternative ending more than the previous one... of course he lied to you, but he admitted that he's faking it! at least he told you the truth. i wouldn't mind since i like him.