The important question

The important question

Kyungsoo was so excited for this date with Kai. He wanted this night to be special, and the fair was in town, so he wanted to take him

there. He planned to take a romantic approach and officially ask him out on top of the ferris wheel. With breathing uneasy and heart

pounding against his chest, Kyungsoo took a deep breath as he pulled up to pick up Kai, who was already waiting outside and smiled

upon his arrival. “Um.. Heyy” Kai said shyly while opening the door and giving a warm smile. “Hey, you (:” Kyungsoo said shakily. Kai

took a seat and off they went to the fair. Kai noticed Kyungsoo was a tad shaky.. “Hey, are you doing alright?” he said, placing a hand

on Kyungsoo’s that was on the middle console, the other one on the steering wheel. He let out a small gasp and cleared his throat in

attempt to play it off. “I, uh. I’m fine. Why do you ask, Jongin Opp- *AHEM* Jongin-ssi?” Kai giggled a little. “Aha, I was just curious.. You

seem..” Kai looked at Kyungsoo and gave a crooked smirk. “..Nervous.” at that moment, his fingers laced with Kyungsoo’s. “We’re

here!” Kyungsoo said, his voice cracking and eyes widened with nervousness. He stepped out with legs like jello and made his way

over to open the door for Kai, but Kai stepped out the same time Kyungsoo got to him, so there they stood..

Nose to nose.

Kai softly placed a hand on Kyungsoo’s chest.

“Shall we go?”

Kyungsoo put a hand on Kai’s and held it. “Let’s.”

The night was filled with laughs, expensive deep fried foods, and winning toys for one another in fair games. And finally, the big

moment came.

“Hey Kai, we should go on the ferris wheel” he said, looking down at his feet and then shifting his gaze to Kai, rubbing the back of his

head and smiling a little. “I, uh.. I’m a little scared of heights.” Kyungsoo’s face dropped.. “Oh, but.. For you, I’ll do it (:” immediately a

smile was placed on Kyungsoo’s face once again, and they were off towards the ferris wheel. “2 riders? Here you go.” the ride operator

motioned them to their seat.

Kyungsoo offered his hand. "There's nothing to be afraid of." Kai smiled and accepted his hand with his. Side by side and hand in

hand they sat. The higher they got, the tighter Kai clenched Kyungsoo's hand. Kyungsoo picked up on his fears and wrapped his arms

around him. Kai rested his head on Kyungsoo's shoulder. Around they went a few times, and eventualy the ride stopped at the very


Kai burried his face in Kyungsoo's chest. "Kyungsoo-ssi..." Kyungsoo began to Kai's hair in comfort. At that moment, Kyungsoo

found it the perfect oppertunity to ask the question.. "Jongin-ssi... May I ask something?"

"Anything." Kai replied.

Kyungsoo lifted his head up by his chin with his index finger and looked him in the eyes.

"Kim Jongin... Will you.. go out with me?"

Kai's eyes grew wide and a smile immideatly spread across his face.

"Kyungsoo-ssi.. of course!"

Kyungsoo planted a soft kiss on his lips and pulled him into a hug. 

"Call me Oppa."



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Chapter 1: sweet story!!!!
i love it!!