Mysteries and Crimes



It’s modern day Korea, the sounds of bustling cars, the constant chit-chat of people trying to get to their commute. Constant crime and murder going on in everyday life as people see it, from simply stealing food from liquor to having throats slit in alleyways. Of course crimes like this are easy to solve most of the time for police and detectives. But, when things get out of hand like when sometimes the killer is simply too smart for the police nor detectives who get absolutely nothing out of just examining a dead body. This is when they pulled out the best hidden cards in crime solving; Bang Yongguk and Jung Daehyun.


Crime-solving was the thing these two were the absolute best at, the pay wasn’t that bad either. They liked to stay hidden most of the time, never liked to go out much. Daehyun kept Yongguk in his right mind, from doing idiotic things, and never left him lonely. Yongguk was an unbelievably intelligent man in his nature; a huge workaholic too. When these two worked together, any crime could be solved.


This is like a crime-solving/mystery type of story with Yongguk and Daehyun. Hope you enjoy! 


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