
Live In Peace

If there was only one thing I lived for in my life, it was Cho Kyuhyun.


We had been together since we were sixteen, we had been on the run since we were nineteen.


Minho, Victoria and Heechul had been on our trail for two years.


We were both witnesses to a homicide Victoria and Minho committed.


Heechul was just there by coincidence, but I guess they saw something in him that turned him into

what he is now - Minho's sidekick.


The police got to us before they could at first. But now, not even the police stood in our way.


So Kyuhyun and I lived under different identities. Moving to different cities, living in different homes,

working different jobs. Telling lies to protect ourselves.


None of our family knew where we were, but they knew what we were running from.


So when I was doing cooking us dinner in our small trailer, I was expecting just another ordinary day

in the lives of our new identities; Lee Kyungmin and Kim Hyesung.


Kyuhyun came running into the trailer, using his eyes for words.


I didn't need to ask, I just knew.


They found us.


He grabbed my hand and we snuck out, running past our neighbours.


I could faintly hear Victoria questioning our neighbours.


We both jumped over the wall and ran for our lives.


I didn't know where, but I just knew we had to keep running or else we would be dead.


We ran past the bridge where a big river churned underneath. So big that if anyone were to jump in, 

they would drown.


We kept running and running and running.


"Faster, Yoona, faster! They're following us!" Kyuhyun yelled.


I nodded and pushed my feet to go faster.


Kyuhyun stopped in front of me and I didn't know why until two seconds later.




A dead end!


I looked around.


There was no way out, and Victoria and Minho were running closer and closer.


"Kyuhyun, what do we do?" I whispered.


"I don't know, Yoona." He said, pulling me towards him, kissing my forehead. "But no matter what 

happens, I love you and I will always love you."


I nodded, not wanting to think of what was to come. "I love you too."


"Ah, so you two thought you could outrun us, huh?" Minho grinned cruelly.


Kyuhyun and I looked at each other and turned back to them.


"Victoria, grab him."


Victoria obeyed and grabbed Kyuhyun by the arms and started walking him back the way we came.


Minho grabbed my arm and pushed me in the same direction, directly behind Kyuhyun.


We were walking for what felt like days, it felt like we were walking in slow motion.


Finally, we made it back to our trailer park.


I sighed. Maybe they were actually going to let us go? Maybe on some conditions.


Minho let go of my hand, while Victoria made Kyuhyun walk faster.


We were just walking back into the park where Kyuhyun and Victoria were standing directly in front of

our trailer, when the doors opened.


And there, in all his glory, was Heechul.


It all seemed to happen in slow motion.


Kyuhyun looking up at Heechul.


Then Heechul pulling something out of his pocket.


I gasped when I saw what it was - a gun.


He aimed it at Kyuhyun and shot him straight in the head.


Kyuhyun collapsed to the ground. He would be dead within seconds.


"Kyuhyun! No!" I screamed.


Victoria and Minho both looked at me, their eyes glinting.


I didn't know what else to do, so I ran. I ran faster than before.


My life really did depend on it this time.


I turned around and ran, ran so fast that I felt I was flying.


I stopped when I came to the bridge, with the river underneath.


Once you fall into it, you don't come back out.


I had maybe 30 seconds, so I jumped up on the railing.


I turned around and saw Minho coming towards me.


I looked at him straight in the eyes, and lifted my other leg and dove headfirst into the river.


"Yoona, you stupid-" Everything else Minho said was drowned out by the river.


I couldn't hear anything, I couldn't see anything.


I just felt my body getting deeper and deeper into the water.


My head and body was pounding as I let the water enter my system.


I didn't care if there were any sea creatures about to eat me up.


What mattered is that I can be with Kyuhyun now.


I had no idea where I was going, but there was one thing I was sure of - wherever Kyuhyun was, I 

was going to follow.


My only love died, and I was following him.


My life was and is Cho Kyuhyun, and without him, I would die.


I could not live, so this was my only option.


Im Yoona and Cho Kyuhyun could finally rest in peace. writing style changes with my mood, and my mood right now is depressed and pissed as F***. Here's why. Anyways, enjoy and don't forget to comment! 




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Chapter 1: just a little moment.
But sure enough to show how they loved each other..
Waiting you to make another fic
yoonda #2
Chapter 1: why sad ending T.T wait for happy ending ^^ kyuna~~
Chapter 1: oh,, they both died:(but yeah, its good that they were together now.. make more KyuNa !!
Oh T.T they both died but at least they were together now living in peace. thanks for making this one dongsaeng i hope ur fine now.
anotherElji #5
Chapter 1: ugh so sad T________T
why should they're both died?? argh Heenim what did you do to Kyu~
so they finally could rest in peace.. T_T
author-nim, bring back them to live!! khekhe, kidding..

thanks for writing this story~ please write another KyuNa but with a happy ending and let me know.. ;)