The Truth Comes Out

An Early Christmas Present

            “Okay now, where did they put it?” the teenager asked aloud as he searched for the bag that held what he wanted, “I know it’s in here somewhere.”

            His hands rummaged through the large closet, inside the built in drawers, over the clothes, in the shoe boxes. Nothing. He couldn’t find it. He had been looking through the house for an hour and still hadn’t found what he was looking for. Resignedly, he shook his head before grabbing the last two boxes from the top of the closet.

            He opened the first only to find another pair of shoes, “Aish, how many do they need?” He placed the box back on the shelf then opened the last. With a sigh of defeat he began to replace the lid, but hesitated.

            “What are these? Pictures?” He picked up a few of the pictures before slowly going through them. He gasped, dropping the pictures back into the box and slammed the lid back on, “What the ?!” he screamed out.

            With great haste, he picked up the box and rushed down the stairs to where his parents were at. He ran into the living-room and stopped in the doorway, staring at his parents.

            “Did you find what you were looking for?”

            After a few minutes of silence one asked, “Taehyun? Your Appa asked you a question.”

            “What are you hiding from me?” Taehyun asked his parents, his voice barely above a whisper.

            “What do you-?” his Appa stopped, seeing his son’s wide, fear filled eyes, and the box in his hands.

            “What are you two hiding from me?” the boy’s voice shook slightly as he looked back at his parent’s stunned expressions, asking again.

            His Appa was the first to speak, “Taehyunah, come sit down. I guess we should explain.”

            Very slowly, Taehyun moved to one of the chairs that were facing the couch that his parents were sitting on. He sat down in front of them, clutching the box with white knuckles. He sank into the chair and took a deep shuddering breath.

            “Son, are you okay?”

            Taehyun opened his eyes, he wasn’t even aware that he had closed them, “Am I okay? Am I okay?! No, I am not okay! What the hell is going on here? What the aren’t you telling me?!”

            “Do not speak to your Appa in that tone. I understand that you are upset, however, that does not give you the right to speak to him in that manner Taehyun.”

            The angry teenager turned his gaze to his other parent, “If you were me... in my situation, how would you react to finding these?!” at that last statement Taehyun opened the box and grabbed a handful of photos then threw them onto the coffee table between him and his parents.

            With a heavy sigh the two looked at each other, “I understand son, but let us explain. Then you can be mad at us all you want.”

            “Is there really anything to explain Appa? I mean the pictures say it all. I mean, sure I have two fathers but I didn’t know that I had two fathers! How is it even possible for Baba to have been pregnant? He’s a man!”

            Another look and sigh were exchanged between the two men, “Kris, I think this is your story to tell. You were the one to carry and birth him.”

            Kris nodded slightly; he took one last deep breath before picking up the pictures that were on the table. One showed him before he started to show while they were at the doctor’s office. A second was taken at the end of the third month and how it looked as if he had put on a few pounds, consequently losing the abs he was so fond of. The next was of him lying in bed with his shirt raised, rubbing his stomach and smiling. Another was taken during the middle of his pregnancy, stomach rather large, as he sat on the couch with his feet propped up on a pillow eating vanilla ice cream and kimchi with a look of bliss written across his strong features. Kris paused at the next picture; it was one of the few where Kai was actually in the picture. Most of the time he was the one taking them, but this one Kris took. Kai was leaning forward kissing Kris’ stomach that was protruding over his sweats, shirt raised and hands rubbing over where Taehyun was kicking. On that particular day he was the most active; Kris was almost eight months pregnant and on bed rest. Kris smiled fondly at the picture, slightly rubbing his fingertips across the surface.

            Seeing his lover’s expression, Kai leaned over to see which picture Kris was staring at. When he was able to place the picture he began to chuckle slightly, “Remember that day? He was so active I though he was gonna kick himself right out of you.” Kai stated while smiling at the photo as well.

            Kris laughed, “Oh I remember. That was the day we knew he was your son. Not that there were any doubts but those kicks told us that he had your dancing legs.”

            Taehyun watched his fathers through the exchange not knowing what to think or feel. He listened carefully to every word that was said, committing it to memory. When Kris handed over the picture they were looking at Taehyun hesitantly took it. When he looked down and saw his Appa kissing what had to be his Baba’s stomach, a slight smile graced his lips.

            “Taehyun, I’ll start from the beginning okay?” Kris asked while standing up and going over to the bookcase in the corner of the room, “When my mother was young she always wanted a little girl. She got married and got pregnant not long after. To insure that she would have a daughter she began to take extra estrogen tablets. They were really never enough to affect her, only me. Once she knew she was having a boy she continued to take them, hoping that maybe I would change. Well, she went into labor and I was born relatively healthy. My mother was devastated to find that I was still a boy, she really wanted a girl but my father was pleased. Eventually my mother came around… slightly. She loved me, in a way, but it wasn’t until I was fourteen until she began to truly love me. One day, while I was at school something happened. I began bleeding from my . I didn’t know what was wrong. I told my teacher who then called my mother. Both of my parents came and rushed me to the hospital. The doctor ran tests and didn’t find anything that he was looking for. He did an ultrasound to see if there was anything wrong with my kidneys, that’s when he found them. I have… had a uterus and ovaries. No one knew if they were actually functioning, or how I was bleeding for that matter. They did a surgery that discovered that my ovaries were nonfunctioning but were sending a hormone that caused the uterus to go through a menstrual cycle every few months. They also found that there was a passage that led from the uterus to the rectum. In short, I was unable to get pregnant but I had female reproductive organs and actions. My mother was ecstatic… as were the doctors. They wanted to do experiments but my father wouldn’t have it. That’s why we moved to Canada, they would leave us alone there.” Kris was facing the bookshelf through the whole explanation; he then turned to see his son’s stunned face.

            “My mother was excited at the thought that I could get pregnant. She seemed to think that the doctors didn’t know everything and that the possibility was still there. She wanted me to be in a homoual relationship so bad that she set me up on dates. That was the most attention that my mother ever sincerely gave to me. When I was approached by the SM representative I didn’t hesitate. Anything that got me away from that was better than nothing. It wasn’t until after I finished training that I felt like I was truly free. And just to upset my mother even more I dated females when I was allowed to.

            “Years passed and after the members went our separate ways [GOD FORBID!!! I’M SORRY!!!!!] I started to develop feelings for Kai. He and I were working on an album together when they began. Yes we were in the same group, but for quite some time we didn’t see each other as much as before our debut. When we were training that’s all we did, train. When we had time to bond was when those feelings made themselves known. Before long he and I admitted our feelings for each other. We dated and it was working. Of course we had to keep it quiet; it would create too many scandals. Well, once our contracts were up and the company wanted to renew them we declined. We wanted to work on our own lives. It wasn’t until a few years after living together that I told my parents. My father was livid, my mother ecstatic. When I told her that I was… well, the… dominant one in our relationship, my mother began brooding again.”

            At the last statement Taehyun interrupted his Baba, who had walked back over to the couch and sat back down, clasping hands with Kai, “Wait, if you were the top, then how did you get pregnant?”

            Kris and Kai laughed at their son’s bluntness. Kris spoke, “I’m getting there. Be patient. Anyway, Kai told me that my mother began calling him, she had learned some Korean to tell him that she wanted Kai to at least top once. Only once was all she asked for, once and without protection. Even if that meant that I contracted an STD, she didn’t care. She wanted to see if I could conceive. Well, this continued with her calling him every weekend. When he told me we changed our numbers. It was months before I contacted her again and told her to never do that again, it was not motherly. She never pressed again. As time passed, my birthday came up and well, I wanted to know… what it was like to well… bottom. I told your Appa and he agreed. In the heat of the moment, I’ll admit we were a little tipsy, we forgot about the possibility of me becoming pregnant. Around Christmas I became ill, we went to the doctor and found out that I was pregnant. It was the scariest moment of my life. Of our lives. We were petrified at the thought of being parents. We had talked of adoption but when I got pregnant it was surreal. Of course my mother was beside herself and tried to come, we moved. I didn’t want her to be around you, I didn’t want her to only love us because I was able to get pregnant like a woman. It stressed me out a lot and I think that passed on to you, you were very active. Kicking and rolling constantly. After six months the doctor put me on bed rest so as not to put us at any more risk than we already were at. The day of your birth came and we thought I would be able to give birth naturally but… I wasn’t gifted with a pelvis that was meant to go through such an ordeal. It was either go through with a caesarean section or we could have both died. Well sense we are both alive I guess you can see what the decision was. Your Appa said ‘Do the damn C-section then! I won’t lose either of them!’ before the doctor could even finish his sentence.”

            Again, Taehyun watched as his Baba went through a range of emotions as he told his story. By the end Kris was looking at Kai with so much love in his eyes that Taehyun couldn’t help but smile. He knew how much his parents loved each other. Sensing that his Baba was finished speaking he asked something that came to his attention earlier, “So when did Baba tell you about his… condition, Appa?”

            Kai turned to his son who had his eyes and mouth, “When we were dating. It was about the time that we decided to try a relationship. He explained it to me. I wasn’t scared. We had already had and I was okay with being a bottom.”        

            “Didn’t you ever want to top?” Taehyun asked with no shame.

            His parents laughed once again, “Yes I did but I knew that if we ever decided to do so it would be on Kris’ terms. You know how much of a diva he can be.”


            Kai and Taehyun shared a laugh, “Baba, why did you say that you ‘had’ a uterus and ovaries? Don’t you still? Did you have a period every month?!” Taehyun looked mortified at the idea.

            “When I had you they removed them. They were seriously damaged and irreparable; it was that or have dead organs inside of me, which could do more damage. So, I no longer have them. And no, I didn’t have a period every month. Once every three months, so I was what they call a ‘seasonal bleeder’. It was the main reason why they thought I wouldn’t be able to get pregnant.”

            Taehyun nodded, in understanding. He was still shocked, for it was a lot for a sixteen year old to take in, “Does… does the uncles know?”

            Kai raised a brow, “That Kris gave birth to you? Yes, they know. We told them as soon as we found out. Did they know that he had the female reproductive organs? No. It wasn’t until after the shock of him being pregnant wore off of us enough that we explained everything.”

            At that Taehyun busted out into loud laughter, “Oh, I wish I could have seen their faces! I bet Uncle Kyungsoo’s eyes got even bigger than normal! And I’m sure Uncle Chanyeol was so shocked and had the best expression!” he continued his laughter, wiping away the tears that fell.

            “Yes their expressions were priceless. Although, you should have seen SHINee’s expressions, those were the best. Onew actually fainted. That cheered me up when I was so nervous and scared.” Kris stated as he seemed to go back to the time that he was describing.

            Kai nodded while rubbing Kris’ hands with his thumbs, “It was funny. We really needed that laugh.”

            “There’s something I wanna know,” Taehyun spoke up after his laughter had subsided.

            Kris turned to his son who had his bone structure and height, “What is it Taehyunah?”

            Taehyun looked back down to his lap, speaking quietly, “Why didn’t you ever tell me? It would have been nice to know instead of finding out like this.”

            Both men looked at Taehyun, slight pain flitted across their features and a little bit of guilt settled in their stomachs. Kai was the first to speak, “Son, we didn’t tell you because we wanted to protect you. Think about it. Your Baba was the first man to ever become pregnant. He gave birth to you. If we told you when you were younger and explained it to your friends or your teachers and other parents found out, do you know what would have happened? You would have been called a liar. You would have been bullied and ridiculed and never trusted ever again. It could have gotten so much bigger than just that. Parents would shun you, you would be moved from school to school but rumors travel, you know what it’s like here. Then I’m sure religion would be brought into this and who knows what they could do to you in the name of their beliefs. Doctors would have wanted you committed for insanity. We wanted to tell you Taehyun, we really did. But it was for the better that you didn’t know. It broke our hearts to have to tell everyone that we adopted you. We made our own friends do the same to keep the ruse up. Your Baba cried every night for three months over it. When you started asking questions we knew we couldn’t tell you everything. Not yet anyway. We were gonna tell you when you graduated if you hadn’t already figured it out. We are sorry Taehyun. But please understand us. You were already going to have a hard life with having two fathers. If people knew that Kris was also your birth parent…” Kai shook his head at the thoughts, “we didn’t want it to be even harder for you. And I wasn’t going to let anything happen to you. Either of you. I decided that when you were born and I continue to hold firm to that belief. Think of what would happen to your Baba.”

            Taehyun looked up from his lap and noticed the few stray tears that his Baba had slip down his sculpted cheeks. He looked to his Appa who showed that he was in pain for doing such a thing to his son, but knew it was the right thing to do. How could he blame them for wanting what was best for him and wanting to protect him? He could see their pain and he didn’t want them to think he blamed them or hated them, “I understand. When you put it like that it makes sense. It’s already hard explaining to people that I have to fathers. They think I’m joking, but then I show them and they believe me but… they don’t understand. People think it’s odd how I resemble the both of you. I tell people that it’s a coincidence and that these features aren’t all that uncommon. I tell, no, I told myself that as well. They seem to buy it, as did I. Thank you, for keeping my best interests in mind when you made the decision. Thank you for protecting me.” He smiled at them then. Even though they weren’t much of touchy people since they are all men, they have their occasional lapse in judgment and decide a brief hug is ok. Taehyun does just that, he gets up and gives a brief hug to his Appa then his Baba, slapping them both on the back.

            He looked at the box and continued to rifle through it. There were videos of when he was younger, more pictures, and a few small mementos from his baby years. They went through the box together, the older men explaining the different things inside and telling the stories that were behind them. When they were done and the pictures were back in the box and the lid back on, Taehyun asked, “Why were you saving those in a box for? Why not in an album or something?”

            Kris spoke as he leaned back into the couch, “Well, we didn’t know if you were going to ever want them and we knew you would be less likely to go through a shoe box than an album. We have copies of all of the pictures and videos. So that box is yours. It can be your early Christmas present.” He smiled softly.

            “I want them. I’ll get an album and put them in there. It’ll go with me when I move out eventually.”

            Kai laughed at him, “Already thinking of leaving us?”

            Taehyun shook his head, “No, just letting you know that I will leave one day. I know you don’t want me around forever.”

            “Damn right. Do you know how hard it is to get some while you are in the house? Jeez, kids are like the ultimate s.” Kris smirked as he angled his eyes over to Kai.

            Kai swiftly turned and smacked Kris on the back of the head. Taehyun fell back into laughter and his parents joined him.

            “So why is my family name ‘Li’ and not ‘Kim’ like Appa’s?” Taehyun asked after a brief pause.

            Kai looked over to Kris, “Well, I picked out the name ‘Taehyun’ and he said fine, but you would get his family name, which seemed fair since he was the one to carry you for nine months. Even though he is a male.”

            Taehyun thoughtfully nodded his head. Then another question popped into his head, “Wait. If you guys are still pretty famous, trust me you are, how did you hide it from the press?” he asked bewilderedly.

            Kris leaned his elbows on his knees, “Well, it really wasn’t too hard. At first I would wear baggy clothing, then I stopped going out in public. Eventually the press forgot about me. We hired a doctor and a team that was very professional and signed an NDA, a non-disclosure agreement, that if they said anything ever we could sue them for everything they and the hospital is worth. Needless to say, they signed and has anybody guessed? Nope. Well once you were born we were secretly taken back to the house and then made appearances outside after I was better and you were older saying how we adopted you. Many people still didn’t like that we were homoual raising a child together but eventually we stayed out of the media and no one really cares anymore. Plus it never hurts to have SM behind you paying off those who found out or talked. They are pretty good for something right?” A small chuckle went around the room again.

             Taehyun smiled at his Baba’s explanation, and then sobered after thinking of someone else, “Does your mom know that I’m a boy?”

            After contemplating the question for a moment he answered, “Yes. We sent her a picture of you every year on your birthday. She always sent you a letter. Those we have as well. We never opened them, if you would like I can give them to you to read. If you want I’ll give you her number and you can call her.”

            “I’d like that. I just want to talk to her.” He nodded, “Wait. When I was born, did you have me examined? Am I like how you used to be?!”

            He didn’t mean to laugh, honestly he didn’t, but the sheer terror on his son’s face caused Kris to double over gasping for breath and crying, “N-no. You aren’t. You are li-like your Appa. Don’t worry,” he reassured his fretting son, “And it really wouldn’t affect you unless you were gay or biual anyway.”

            At that Taehyun looked down, “Umm…”

            “Taehyun… are you?” Kris asked seriously, all traces of laughter gone. Kai was on the edge of his seat, eyes bugging out much like Kyungsoo’s.

            “Umm… well… Kinda?” he questioned, raising his hands in a questioning motion.

            Kai stared at him, “What do you mean ‘kinda’? Either you are or you’re not. Pick one.”

            Flustered he said, “I’m gay, okay? Happy? You two rubbed off on me what can I say? I see you give each other those mushy-gushy, lovey-dovey looks and all I want to do is go and find a guy and do the same.” He blushed deeply.

            They didn’t know what to say. It wasn’t like they could be angry at him; that would be hypocritical. It’s not like they could be overly happy making him feel uncomfortable. Instead they settled for puzzlement.

            Five minutes of silence later and Kris broke the very thick ice that had built up in the room, “So you’re gay. How do you know this? Unless you…” he let his sentence trail off.

            “Unless I… what? Had ?”

Lost for words Kris could only nod in affirmation.

            “Well… I umm… kinda already did.”

            It was Kai’s turn to ask, “You did what?!”

            “I already… had . With a guy.” Taehyun was looking everywhere but the two blatantly staring men.

            With a heavy sigh, Kris asked the next dreaded question, “Okay, please please please tell me you used protection. Taehyun, we have talked about this before and I swear to you that if you didn’t I will kill you instantly, but if you did then we are not mad at you. So… did you use protection?”

            Kai chimed in, “Choose your answer wisely, but don’t you dare lie to us young man!” he pointed a finger in his direction.

            Taehyun was nodding so swiftly he looked like a bobble head, “It was the only way I would agree to it. It was either protection or no . He went for the former.”

            Again, deep sighs, “Oh thank goodness. I thought I was about to have to kill my own son there for a second. Good way to scare us Taehyun,” Kris slumped over the edge of the couch, looking like a lazy house cat.

            “Well now that that has been settled… Were you top or bottom?” Kai was in a very similar position as Kris but perked up instantly. Taehyun began to wonder if Kris was actually the one to give birth to him. Kai was acting very strangely like a mother, was it because he bottomed so frequently? Was he being emasculated?

            He mumbled his answer very quietly and when asked to repeat himself he nearly shouted, “Bottom! I was the bottom okay?!” since his complexion was a mixture of his fathers, he was slightly tan but nowhere near as dark as Kai, but not as light as Kris, yet he was light enough to see the extreme red shade crossing over his cheeks and the bridge of his nose.

            Kai began laughing, rolling along the cushion of the couch, Kris on the other hand pinched the bridge of his nose with his left hand while his right reached into his back pocket, pulled out his wallet and handed over 20,00 won ($20, roughly) to the laughing man. Kai accepted it gratefully.

            “What was that about?” Taehyun asked accusingly.

            In between fits of giggles Kai spoke, “Your Baba and me made a bet a few years ago. We bet on if you were to ever be gay what position you would be first: top or bottom. I think you can guess what I chose. Thank you dear.”

            Kris grunted, he turned to Taehyun, “Son, in all seriousness now,” he threw a threatening glare at Kai who held his hands up in surrender and got his laughter under control, “is this young man your boyfriend or just a one night stand?”

            Taehyun fidgeted with his fingers, a habit he picked up from Sehun, “Well… umm… he’s my boyfriend. We’ve been dating for five months now.”

            Kris smiled, “That’s great son. Now, I want you to know, that if he really likes you and wants to be with you he will try to make you happy. And if that means that at any given point in your relationship that you want to top, you need to ask him. If he really cares for you, then he will say yes or seriously considerate before saying no and then have a good reason to do so. If he says no flat out then maybe you need to consider that he isn’t right for you.”

            Taehyun blushed even harder, if that were possible, “I know Baba. We already discussed it and he said that he isn’t ready yet but… someday. He’s like you. It’s gonna be on his terms. He is also a diva too.”

            “I am not a diva.” Kris stated matter- of- factly. Kai snorted.

            “Don’t worry about me. I can take care of myself, I’m just like you. Appa is always telling me that so I know I’ll be okay,” he smiled at his father.

            “That’s what I’m worried about,” Kris mumbled.

            Kai shook his head, “Ignore him, you’ll be fine. Just remember that you can always come talk to us. We can never hate you Taehyunah. We love you too much to hate you. Now that doesn’t mean we will never be upset or disappointed in you, but we will never hate you. Understood? Good. Now how come you haven’t introduced him to us?! You have been dating for five months AND had and we never met him?!”

            Taehyun once again averted his eyes, “Well, you already have. He’s one of my friends.”


            “Oh you know… just… Park Yunsu.” Taehyun stood and dashed behind the chair, waiting to escape quickly if necessary.

            Kris’ jaw dropped, “Park Yunsu. As in… my godson/nephew Park Yunsu? Baekhyun and Chanyeol’s son Park Yunsu?” his voice began to become louder after every word. Again, Kai was laughing.

            “Yes. What’s wrong with him?”

            Taehyun would later swear that he saw smoke coming from his Baba’s nostrils, he knew that when they first debuted EXO had ‘powers’ that were for promotion and the concept of the group, he knew his father’s symbol was a dragon and he fully supported the decision made by the company, “Oh nothing is wrong with that. But how in the did you let him top you?!”

            Kai fell to the floor, his sides were hurting from all of the laughter. Taehyun stared down at his Appa confused, “That’s another 20,000 for me! Again, we bet on if you were to be gay who would choose: Yunsu or another guy. Guess who I chose?” he continued his insane laughter. Taehyun shook his head at his Appa.

            “I will never be able to live this down!” Kris cried as he slumped into the couch, almost falling off of it.

            Taehyun took offense to that, “Hey! It was my decision and it’s not like it’s embarrassing! He’s a great guy! He’s nice and caring just like Uncle Baekhyun and he’s always supportive and happy like Uncle Chanyeol. What’s wrong with that? He’s like my complement, I’m brooding and aloof like Baba and cocky and insensitive like Appa. So what’s wrong with me dating him?!”

            A chorus of “Hey!”s came from the two men on the other side of the room. Kris straightened and Kai sat up, Kris looked at his son who was becoming angry, “Taehyun, we don’t mean to make fun of you. I meant I would never live the bet down with your Appa. Yunsu is a great kid. I have always said so. In fact I’m happy you chose him ‘cause I know that if I need to I can kick his and no one can or will stop me. Baekhyun and Chanyeol would be right behind me if he ever hurt you. Adopted or not, he is still family and I can kick his . Wait is this considered marriage between cousins?” he asked quickly.

            “No. None of us are really related. It’s only a relation in our warped family sense,” Taehyun explained, “He and asked the same thing and decided that it wasn’t like that since we share no blood relation. Like I could ever seriously my cousin, eww.” he made a disgusted face at the mere thought of it.

            Kai was laughing again, “Baba did you give Appa laughing gas or something?”

            “No, but it seems like it doesn’t it?” Taehyun nodded, eyebrows raised to his hair line.

            “Anyway, thank you, Baba, for accepting him. We wanted to tell you guys together but… yeah.”

            Kris shook his head, “It’s nothing. It’s okay that he wasn’t here. But you need to bring him over so that I can give him my talk.”

            Kai stood from the floor and sat beside Kris again, “Same here, I have a few things to say to him.”

            Taehyun nodded, “Please, don’t scare him off. It took us forever to admit our feelings, don’t make it all for nothing.” His fathers raised their hands in surrender.

            He stood up and picked up the box from the table, he began to walk to the door to go to his room when a thought struck him, “Wait, Baba, does this mean I should call you Umma now?” he asked in all honesty, confused.

            “No!” Kris’ infamous -face made an appearance as he gritted his teeth and stated very firmly.

            “Okay, I was just wondering.” He began to walk again but stopped when he heard his Appa speaking.

            “I suggested it but he said no. He is first and foremost a male and if we started letting you call him that then it would be hard to pull off the whole adoption thing. I think he just doesn’t want his pride hurt. I mean who would ever think Li Jiaheng aka Kris would ever bottom! Much less get pregnant.” Kai cackled but was stopped swiftly when Kris attacked him.

            Taehyun laughed at his fathers, they were so immature. He went up to his room and put the box on his desk. After a few moments of idly the box another thought came to him. Swiftly he ran to the top of the stairs where he could hear them still tussling in the living-room, both giggling like little kids, “Hey!”

            A chorus of “What?” reached him at the top of the stairs.

            “Does this mean we inherit Disney World?!”

            The sound of laughter could be heard from the street. Any who walked by would think it was Halloween with the amount of cackling coming from the house, not Christmas time. The only give away was the amount of snow that continued to merrily fall from the sky, matching the mood of the family inside their little sanctuary, safe and happy.




Well I hope you guys liked it! It was a lot of fun to write!!! I hope I can do another one in the future and work on another pairing. Maybe even give Yunsu a shot. What do you think? Drop a comment with your opinions! ^3^         HAPPY HOLIDAY'S EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!          --- raven 

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Chapter 1: It was awesome! Why don't you make one of yunsu and taehyun telling chanyeol and baekhyun? Or mate one of the talk kris and kai were saying?
Chapter 1: cute! not really a fan of this pair but still, the story is sooo adorable!
licPanda #3
Chapter 1: I don't get the Disney World part.....i'm probably being stupid right?
Chapter 1: Omg this was just perfect!
markpop #5
Chapter 1: laugh trip so much! funny~ rare OTP must i say but love it
Chapter 1: This is my favorite Kairis fic eveeeeer! Jjang author-nim jjang~! :D *thumbs up* ^^
cahaya_intan #7
Chapter 1: i can't stop laughting >_<
thier son is sooo funny :D
Chapter 1: I'm laughing like crazy now...RLAB!
This is story is jjang!! <3 <3