Unnies' plan & Preparations

The Man Opposed

"Ahni, he's too immature for our Ninnie" Ae unnie said. I sat behind my door, listening to my unnies go back and forth about who I should date.

"What about him?" Rei unnie said.

"Ahni, he's weird" Kira unnie said. I smiled knowing that she was probably making a face right now.

"Unnie don't be so mean" Ae unnie said.

"Ya, Ae-ah, Kira-ah what about him?" Izzy unnie said. They were quiet for a few moments.

"Ne, he's the one" Kira unnie said.

"Ae-ah, call him up and tell him the plan" Rei unnie said.

"Ne unnie" Ae unnie said. I heard foot steps coming down the hall towards mine and Rei unnie's room. I quickly ran to my bed and pretended to play with my plushie.

"Ninnie-ah" Izzy unnie knocked and popped her head in.

"Ne unnie~?" I looked over at her.

"Tomorrow Ae-ah and Kira-ah are taking you shopping" She said. I nodded. "Okay unnie."

"Go to sleep, you'll have to wake up early" She came in and tucked me in. I pouted. "Unnie, im not tired~!" I whined, using aegyo.

"Ahni go to sleep aegi" She patted my head. I sighed and hugged my plushie as she turned off the light and walked out.




"Ya, hurry up!" Kira unnie called out as me and Ae unnie played with our game boys. [a/n: im going old school xD purple is Nina's & pink is Ae's]

We continued playing our games, slowly walking behind Kira.

"Ya!" Ae unnie and I both whined as Kira unnie took away out game boys and tossed them into her purse.

"You'll get them back when we're do" Kira grabbed our wrists. "Ae-ah you know we have to hurry"

"But unnie we were battling against each other" Ae sighed as Kira dragged us into a store.

"I don't care! We have less than 4 hours to get everything!" Kira pushed me and Ae onto two chairs by the fitting room."Now you both stay here and I'll be right back."

"She could have at least left us our games" I pouted. Ae nodded.

"Let's play a game" I suggested. She nodded as we started playing paper, scissors, rock.

"Ninnie-ah come over here!" Kira motioned me over. I stood up and walked over to where she was. She shoved a pile of clothes at me and pushed me into a dressing room.

"Change quickly and come out!"

I tried on what seemed hundreds of different outfits. None of which Kira unnie liked. I sighed, changing into a new outfit.

"Let's see, Ninnie" Ae knocked on the door. I opened the door and stepped out.

"Ah, that's the one!" Kira unnie smirked, nodding. Ae smiled and gave me a thumbs up. "You look so yeoppo~!"

"Komawo, unnie" I smiled.

"Go change back and give me the clothes" Kira said.

I nodded and walked back inside to change into my regular clothes.



this is probably THE shortest update i have ever done xD

but I've decided that this might be a two/three shot

i hope it's good so far & not a total fail ^___^

and now gif spamming time~!

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ourhouserp #1
Hey, Author-nim! I'm admin Suho.
Our House is a facebook RP focused on settling down and starting a family. I started this place because I found my match at a rp that wouldn't allow marriage, so we moved away. If you want to get married and have a life of your own, bring your significant other and join up!
There will be games and events where you can earn RP currency. Check out our Tumblr for more info. http://ourhouserp.tumblr.com/
kyoumi #2
Ooh... Kawaii... Kai... Cant wait for the next update...
kyoumi #3
Ooh... Kawaii... Kai... Cant wait for the next update...
LOL it does XD<br />
*tries to make up excuse* I tripped near the door & heard my name...? XD<br />
the good ol days~<br />
You'r welcome unnie ^^
LOL xD *hides behind Izzy* to be them xD<br />
ne, bad dongsaeng eavesdropping on your unnies xD<br />
yayyy~! :D i want that plushie & my game boy back xD<br />
ah komawo dongsaeng ^^
LOL XD mornings will be hell for the two unnie's then XD<br />
I loved the update!<br />
LOL eavesdropping XD<br />
I <3 the plushie & the gameboys XD<br />
I also <3 the little put together of the clothes :)
haha i think the ones that would pick on you most are Kira and Rei xD<br />
note to self: don't pick on the gangster maknae xD
haha I'm too scary / adorable to pick on XD<br />
besides I would go gangster on the person that decided to pick on me xD
haha that's it! xD except we don't pick on you xD<br />
i wouldn't want to pick on the gangster xD
We have infectious bubbly happiness & eye smiles? XD