Mayday, Mayday

Mayday, Mayday


Title: Mayday, Mayday

Characters: Shim Changmin, Kim Jaejoong

Genre: Angst, Drama

Summary: Because moving on is hard, they can’t let go of each other.

Disclaimer: I only used the English translation of the song, Mayday Mayday by BoA, and it wasn’t translated by me. The boys aren’t mine too *pouts*


Mayday, Mayday



After the rain stopped, 
the sky looks especially clearer,
As if it had never been bad in the first place.


Who would have thought that after a very long drama, he would be standing on the stage again, in front of the crowd, dancing again, singing again, and living again...? He, himself, never thought that he is this strong. For so long, he had lived in the shadows of the media. Now that the battle is over, he sees himself soaring once again.


Later in the night, after a very busy day, after the applause and screams from the crowd, when he arrives in his room, alone and tired, he find himself crying out his empty soul. Who would have thought that even after the great storm, even when stars shine beautifully on him, he still can’t find some peace in his heart? Freedom isn’t really free at all.


Kim Jaejoong had never felt so empty in his entire life like he is now because he wasn’t there.


He’s empty without him.





I bite my lips and slowly pace my breathing
and I think about the memories

I locked up for a while.


Shim Changmin, a very witty and wise idol among all the maknaes, didn’t really think that he would found himself weeping over a broken CD. But it isn’t just like any other CD. It’s their debut disk. It’s where their first harmony was kept. It’s where their pure souls were hidden. It’s where the time when he thought that they would last forever.


But he has already grown up and already wiser; he knows that the past is just already a memory, a part of his life, a beautiful time. Only, it is just this time, he lets  every wall he has crumble, just this time because of a broken record, because when he saw the disk smashed against the wall and heard a crack when it fell to the floor, he felt his heart ripped and shred into pieces to his very soul.


Who would have thought that the great maknae would fall apart of a broken disk just because the crack is on his face?


He’s broken without him.





It’s alright, as I really think deeply, I fly away.
As I fly higher, at some point, tears fall…

the moment I open my eyes, 
I face a reality that is without you.


Everything has a price. Jaejoong should’ve known this from the beginning. When he fought for his freedom, he was losing his love. Now that he feels the impact of it, there’s nothing he could do anymore. So he writes his name on tear-stained paper, over and over.


Changmin. Max Changmin. Shim Max Changmin.


Jaejoong sometimes wonder if he regrets everything that had happened. He wonders what his life would be if he stayed.


People say that he made the right choice, that he’s better now, that everything will be going smoothly, that he will be showcasing more of his talent, that he’ll shine even brighter. People pat his shoulder for reassurance but all he could think is a one-touch from someone, a punch on his shoulder, a smack on his arm and then a caress when it got a little too strong.


Although he’s happy now, he really is not.


No. I’m not okay.





It’s alright; I think I’ve gotten used to it now
I try to laugh once and suddenly,

My breath is cut short.


Changmin decides that it would be better to hang out with his friends in a fine afternoon. So, after an hour of preparing, he is now in between of the lovebirds, Kyuhyun and Victoria, watching a horror movie. An hour after, he wonders why he even bothered to go with them and why is he in between. Occasionally, Victoria grip his arm a little too hard for cover and Kyuhyun would scream in his ears when the ghost appears but he…all he can do was stay still staring at the big screen and loose his mind with a memory of a laughing pale beauty when an ugly ghost appears.


He is so lost in his memory until he feels a shake on his arm. He looks on his right and saw Kyuhyun staring worriedly at him, then to his left to see Victoria having the same expression while she wipes his tears away. He jerks away a little from her and tried to laugh the awkwardness off but…


“Are you alright, Min?”


 He stares for a while at his friends and softly laughs again behind the fallen tears.







So I’m endlessly calling mayday 
until I have no strength left.
I crumble down at the sharply piercing separation.


“You need a break.”


Jaejoong looks up to meet his soulmate and looks more. He have a point. After all the hectic schedule and stressful life, he really needs a vacation. He needs himself. He needs to breathe. He needs a life.


So the next day, Jaejoong sits in a high class plane flying to Ireland. He heard that the place holds such wonderful scenery. Even though he doesn’t know a thing of the place, he needs to fly where there are no memories.


“Good luck, Jaejoong.”


“Take care, Hyung.”


“Have fun, Hyung.”


He reads the messages that came from his manager, Yoochun, and Junsu, and he is so thankful to have them through thickness and thin. Without them, maybe he had gone insane by now.


Before the plane took off, and before he turned off his mobile, a new message suddenly appeared from an unregistered number. He holds his breath for a long time before he breathes out and looks at the seat two or three meters behind him.


Just two seats behind.





Mayday, I earnestly shout out so it can reach you.
I hold tight the ended love and fall down.


Changmin braces himself when he takes a plane heading to somewhere he isn’t even sure he’d survive. It’s a place of new beginnings perhaps, a place where he’d create a new Max, a new Changmin. But when he settles himself on his seats, he spots a very familiar man just a little ahead of him. So, the familiar feelings come along too.


Kim Jaejoong. 


He braces himself even more when he decides to fish out his phone and scroll to a number given by a common friend. He encourages himself to hold on a little longer for the love that’s slowly falling apart. Changmin sends a message to the man two seats ahead of him while hoping for the best.


He waited for a few minute before he sees the other hesitantly looking behind. The other set his eyes down first before they roll up to meet his. Once again, Changmin gets lost in the pool of beautiful and heartbreaking memories.


Maybe, this is fate. Maybe, a new beginning will really start, not just for Changmin but for him too





Mayday, I want someone to please hurry

And take me to you.
Someone please save this love that is still remaining.


When the plane land, Jaejoong hurriedly gets his things and runs out to a nearest comfort room in the airport. As he keeps running, the memories he tried to suppress for so long run after him, too. And so he stops and he looks back. When he does, he sees Changmin not far from him.


“Can’t we just give ourselves another chance?”


Changmin has spoken. Jaejoong on the other hand can’t say a thing or two. He just stares and stares some more. When his mind is clear and heart is steady, he finally finds his voice back.


“I still love you.”


He sees Changmin smiles and slowly approaches him. Maybe this vacation was what he needed for so long. Nevertheless, he does not care of anything anymore but the arms around him and the man in front of him. Jaejoong reassures himself.


It’ll be okay now.






Mayday, I shout so it can reach you.
At some point, the morning embraces my shoulder,
and it’s over now.


Changmin smiles as the morning sun greets him. Last night was the best dream that ever came true. Even though he isn’t sure what tomorrow may bring, he knows that he’ll never let the other go.


I never did.




He looks back and sees Jaejoong with two cups of warm coffee in hands. With smiles display on their faces they know that no matter what life may bring, they’d always be there for each other. The may get hurt and more but they’d always have each other to return to.


“I love you too, Jae.”


For now, the pain is finally over. 





End ^^

hope u guys like it.. LoL

sorry for some errors..

too lazy to double check..kkkk

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Chapter 1: Great story you write really well thank you for the happy ending ad sharing your hard work! Jaemin back together is where they belong kekeke Changmin even had jae's number, because neither of them had let each other go. Loved this.
Chapter 1: i love it <3
Chapter 1: So sweet... Really... :'D
Chapter 1: i like this piece.. it is simple yet so deep.. ^^