How To Join O(≧∇≦)O


   How To Join 

SUBSCRIBE and UPVOTE! Gotta keep up to date o(^^o)(o^^)o

。Read the chapters and comment below who you want to be along with his/hers group's name with the PASSWORD in this formant 

May I be (insert name) of (insert group's name)?

Wait until the admins give you a "comfirmation" then you can make your account (●ω<)

。Make your account within a week and post your profile link in the comments  

。Put "HappyParadise" as your alternate name on facebook 

。Put this in your About Me section


I am not the real *idol's name* nor am I posing as him/her"


       。Add the admins FIRST 

Admins will add you into the groups, just notify them if you want to be in the room

                                                          Eunji  | Yoona    







       See You Soon~ <3    



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i remember when me and my sister were on here together </3 all the memories ;; i hope it re-opens eventually
I miss HP so much q n q it was the first rp I ever joined. I hope you guys open it again one day!
JuicyG #3
When are guy going to open again?
Chapter 13: That is helpful. Thanks.
Chapter 3: I miss you HP family ; A ; I don't think you'll remember me but HINT -_____ bunny son- ahahaha big give away.
jamiepango #6
Chapter 3: May i be D.O of Exo-K?

i come in peace :3
Chapter 13: "so facebook will think you are normal"
I died laughing hahahahahahahahahahahaha XD
Thank you for this XD
Chapter 3: May i be V of bts ?

I come in peace
kimmykim #9
Chapter 2: May i be D.O of EXO-K

I Come In Peace
Chapter 10: May I be OH HAYOUNG of APINK?

I Come In Peace :3