Rules ♕


RULES! ♚   

♧ Don't add outsiders **

                                   This is obvisous (=__=;;) This is to refrain SCed.


♧ Only ONE account per person.

                                    This is to keep from the same person dating the same person... which I don't understand why they would do that .-. That's like dating yourself, how boring.  And also giving other people the chance to be who they want to be.


Be nice to others 

                                     Reply more than a "Yeah" or a "Okay", etc. Make sure you are trying to carry on a conversation.


 Try to keep coversations more on wall-to-wall or in the groups

                                    We don't want people feeling excluded just because they don't know what's going on because it's in chat


Make your account within a week (that's 7 days)!

                                As much as we love you, we can't hold your character forever!  


♧ Be active!! 

               At least  3 times a week. we don't want any dead people in our rp!


Dating is forbidden within your first active week.


Use brackets --> [] {} () when your talking in OOC

                             This is to be more organized so we won't mix RP personality with OOC personality.


♧ Drama is allowed 

                               Make sure  to make it minimal, we want a roleplay drama not high school drama.

                                                If you are causing too much drama, the admins will kick you out imediately.

                                                          If you have a problem, talk to the admins.

is allowed

                Only in the room or in pm


and yuri is allowed

                But limited there are still straight people


Pregnecy is allowed 

                                Only if you're married


3rd/1st POV are allowed


♧ Tell the admins if you have to go on a hiatus/semi-hiatus

              We don't want to kick you out when you're on a hiatus or semi-hiatus o__o


Comment below if you are on Security check, blocked, or locked out of your account

                                  If you don't comeback by a Activity Check, You are kicked out. Like we said, we can't hold your character forever. We need ACTIVE members.


If you're leaving ↓ 凸(`0´)凸  JK JK 


Tell the admins FIRST, when they APPROVE, then REMOVE yourself from all the groups and friends

                                                                                  Hopefully you won't right? (╥﹏╥)



                                  If you decide to . . . .         


 Meet new people and have fun!!      Or else. . . . 






(PASSWORD: I COME IN PEACE)                                                                                                                                                                       KeeKee  



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i remember when me and my sister were on here together </3 all the memories ;; i hope it re-opens eventually
I miss HP so much q n q it was the first rp I ever joined. I hope you guys open it again one day!
JuicyG #3
When are guy going to open again?
Chapter 13: That is helpful. Thanks.
Chapter 3: I miss you HP family ; A ; I don't think you'll remember me but HINT -_____ bunny son- ahahaha big give away.
jamiepango #6
Chapter 3: May i be D.O of Exo-K?

i come in peace :3
Chapter 13: "so facebook will think you are normal"
I died laughing hahahahahahahahahahahaha XD
Thank you for this XD
Chapter 3: May i be V of bts ?

I come in peace
kimmykim #9
Chapter 2: May i be D.O of EXO-K

I Come In Peace
Chapter 10: May I be OH HAYOUNG of APINK?

I Come In Peace :3