I got you're back

Guys & Dolls


Now you would thing that most teenagers would love to go to school for one thing BOYS, but I like school for a completely different reason watching girls spending hour making themselves looking like they feel in their makeup bags face first.

“Kimmy” – screamed a very familiar voice as I waked into school

“what girl what. You sound like an alarm” – I scream back with a smile on my face

“you know you love my voice hahah” said my lovely Luna grapping my flimsy arms and pulling me to my lesson.

After spending half of the day in the school grounds I needed to get out of this place, and I knew Luna was an easy target as long as this girl got some food she was all mine.

“Luna! are you up for food in the city?” – I smiled at my friend while moving my eyes

“Yes! But seriously stop with the weird eye contact you look crazy” – she bit back at me while putting her stuff in her bag

There was one place around here that I knew would sell some tasty food and my crazy family wouldn’t find me ever even if they cried blood. But today just wasn’t my day there was the longest cue ever, but as soon as we were next these fools though it was ok to walk right past us like were some ghosts who couldn’t find the light.

“Excuse me” – spoke Luna and I knew something was going to happy, nothing good ever comes out of this not good at all.

“WHAT” – said one of the blond boys  with his arms across this girl with so much make up she looked like a clown fell on her face.

“Excuse me fool don’t make me slap you silly. Get in line”

“Ha-ha how about no” – he said with a smirk on his face

“How about I cripple you” – screamed Luna, and that was it I started giggling.

“Look we were here first and plus it’s just me and her” – I said with a calm voice but still holding back giggles.

“He said NO and move out of my way little girl” – said another one with pink highlights

Before I could say anything to defend myself Luna hit him in the face and ran. Now a normal person would say sorry but of course I ran away laughing because I’m not getting murdered by one of these guys nope not today. We finally got back to school grounds, and I was caught due to Luna’s crazy alarm voice.

“Kimmy what are you doing outside of school grounds it’s the first day and you’re already causing problems” said my school principle. I can’t say anything because I know this woman will call hal-abeoji and that’s a problem I wouldn’t hear the end of.


“Sorry it will not happen again”

“good now I need you in this office tomorrow first thing” she said staring at me

“ok sorry again” I said and bowed and left. at least this school day is over.


I have been sitting in this stupid seat for the last 20 minutes and nothing I swear sometimes I think she’s trying to break me down. Luna was sitting next to be with her eyes closed suffering the consequences of staying up the night before

“Kimmy/Luna GET IN HERE” screamed by principle. This didn’t even get to me anymore after 3 years getting yelled at it was a daily routine now. Me and Luna waked in together and screamed in unison. The crazy guys we hit were in the room. Luna panicked and started mumbling to herself but I placed my hand on before she could expose us, and get kicked out.

“These boys are new here, and I would like you two to show them around. Kimmy you will be showing Choi Jun Hong around since you two have the same classes. Now I do not want any more trouble from both of you” she said while looking at us.

I smile and walked away pulling luna with me.

“What is happening? I knew Karma would get us” I whispered to Luna while she looked confused

“Its ok at lest they know how to rock blond hair apart from the pink haired one he looked like a bag of skittles. If one of them looks at me funny someone is going to go missing” she whispered back and walked away with the rest of the boys and left Jun Hong behind

“This way” I said with my back towards him to my surprise no funny remarks come out of him, he just followed. Once the lunch bell rang I couldn’t wait to get Luna and get away from this awkward kid I fell like someone was waiting for me to turn so they could kill me. Lucky Luna was sitting next to the enemy so I wouldn’t feel guilty for murdering her

“Luna what are you doing you traitor”

“They are really ok they apologised and of course I had too, but how was it with that Kid” said while pointing at Jun Hong.

“Fine but I’m really uneasy about him, but that might have something to do with you hitting him in the face. But let’s go please” – I said and walked away.

“Wait! Wait! They want us to sit with them come one it would be fun” she said pulling me towards the table.

I introduced myself and sat next to Luna while she spoke to them, but for some reason JunHong was giving me evil looks. If eye balls could kill damn I would definitely be dead.

“Hey what wrong with you, I’m not the one that beat you” I said looking at him

“Nothing I just know life just got a lot more fun”- he said smiling, *all of a sudden I do not trust this boy*

“If you say so” I said and left to go and spend the rest of the day trying to get away from trouble.

Once school ended I texted Luna I had to go and left I was already very late and my brothers would flip but what can I do. As I walked outside of school gates someone taped my shoulder just my luck JunHong was there looking at me with a smile.

“Hey you want a ride” – he said pointing at a beautiful black Honda motorbike * I loved those things but of course non trusts me to go under the speed limit WE ARE IN KOREA PEOPLE*

“No thank you” I said and walked away with a sad look that I wouldn’t ride that beauty but he pulled my hand and turned me around.

“Wait I’m already leaving why don’t you let me drive you?” – He said while smiling at me. *oh mother of iness what is with this smile, STAY FOCUS WOMAN*

“Just a ride right just because you give me a ride doesn’t mean you’re getting none of this good stuff” I said pointing at myself while smiling. After agreeing to my term we finally coming to a conclusion I accepted and sat on his motorbike and put on a helmet

“Hold on properly baby” he said and laughed. I pulled by hands around his waist and hold tight. *damn this man has good chest would he be able to tell if I rubbed his chest STAY FOCUS WOMAN”

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