Truth and Acceptance

Once a first love, always a first love

Location: South Korea, Seoul, Hana Apartment, 9th floor, Apt. 912

Time: 21 June 2017, 8.15pm



I was standing right in front of Minhee’s door trying to absorb all the sudden and dramatic happenings just now.


I was greeted and welcomed by a happy Minhee but she froze when she saw the wedding invitation on my hand.


“Teukie went to look for you already?” She gasped in a low voice.


I nodded silently. “I guess I deserve an explanation right?”


“Definitely. I’m really sorry Gaeul. I wanted to tell you but because of you and Teukie, I really did not know how to tell you. I had no intention to snatch Teukie at all. I did not want to come between you two. I had no idea he went to look for you today. I wanted to break the news to you but…” With that, Minhee’s tears were flowing continuously.


My heart softened. Nothing is wrong when love is right. Minhee was in no wrong, neither was Jungsoo. I was the one who let him go, I shouldn’t be blaming anyone.


“Hush hush Minhee. I’m not mad at you. In fact, I am happy for you. You found your own happiness. I am giving you my blessings. I know you are sparing a thought for my feelings so that I would not get hurt. I understand.” I pulled Minhee for a hug.


“Really? You don’t blame me? You got entirely over Teukie already?” Minhee sniffed.  


I nodded and gave her an assuring smile. My heart begged to differ of course. I was upset and hurt. I would never expect Minhee to get together with Jungsoo. Never ever. But that happened.


That tingling feeling of mine. I got to admit I thought Jungsoo could not forget me and this time he wanted to meet me to reconcile with me. How stupid I was, Kim Gaeul!


It was a long night ahead. With endless apologies, explanations and thanks from Minhee, I learnt how they got together and finally to this stage; marriage. They were meant for each other. I was just an obstacle in their love. If I hadn’t broke up with Jungsoo, leaving him heartbroken, he wouldn’t have looked for Minhee to try to advise me to patch up with him and as it goes, they developed feelings for each other.


To be very honest, my mind was swirling with emotions. I was definitely happy for Minhee.13 years of friendship and finally seeing her walking down the aisle with her future partner; just that he was none other than Park Jungsoo.


Buck up and face the reality Gaeul, he is going to get married to your close friend soon. You need to give them your blessings. My conscience echoed.


And I definitely need to. I sighed and headed home slowly with heavy steps.

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