The date.

A christmas date with Baro

"Sorry I'm late!!" Jade huffed as she ran towards the ticketing counter, where Baro was waiting for her at the train station. 

Baro's face lit up at the cute girl in a sundress running towards him and stood up straight. 
Just then, Jade tripped on her own feet and Baro steadied her just before she could hit the ground. 
"Woah, watch your step," he chuckled. "it's my honour to wait for such a cute girl anyway." he winked and she blushed a cute shade of pink. 
"So where are we going today?" Jade asked as she looked around the train station. Baro just gave a secretive smile and placed his index finger on his lips. "secret~" he held her hand towards the left platform where their train just arrived and got on it. 
They took a bus ride after that and arrived at the grand entrance of Everland. Jade gaped and the amusement park before her and a smile soon broke out on her face. 
"So your secret place was here?" Baro nodded and held tighter onto her hand. "You've never been here before right? Since your first Lotte World experience was with me, I was thinking of making your first Everland experience to be with me as well." He blushed slightly and rubbed the back of his head shyly with his free hand. A smile came on Jade's face and she gave a small peck on Baro's cheek, surprising him. "Let's go! The line's getting longer, see?" She pointed and the ticketing counter in front of them and dragged him over to queue. 
Once they were in, Jade's eyes widened as she took in the sight before her. "Let's go on that!!" She pointed excitedly towards the ride on her left. "Or should we go on that first?" She pointed to the ride on her right and frowned a bit, not sure which one to take first.
Baro chuckled and pushed her head lightly. "We have enough time to go on every single ride here. Why not we go on that first before trying that?" He suggested and she agreed, so they ended up trying the Viking first before everything else. 
Halfway through exploring Everland, Jade's stomach grumbled loudly and Baro can't help but to laugh. "Hey! Don't laugh! I can't stop my stomach from grumbling when it's craving for food..." she mumbled and lowered her head embarrassedly. "Alright I'm getting hungry too." He said between small chuckles. "What should we eat then?" He asked as they strolled around, trying to find a place to eat. 
Jade looked around and saw a restaurant selling samgyupsal and her eyes lit up immediately. She stopped in her tracks and pulled on Baro's arm. "Let's eat that one!!"
So just like that, they ended up satisfying their hunger with that (and burning a huge hole in Baro's pocket because of how much meat Jade ate) before enjoying the rest of the rides. 
They got on a slow but somewhat fun merry-go-round (with a bunch of screaming kids around them and Baro sitting behind Jade on the same horse because he requested it with his charms and the lady just allowed it) followed by the roller coaster. By the time they reached the last ride in the whole park, it was already nightfall and the ferris wheel was lighted up with all the different coloured LED lights blinking at different time intervals.
As they were queuing up for the ride, it started snowing and they realised after a snowflake dropped on Jade's nose. "woah... Look it's snowing!!" she jumped up and down and pointed into the far distance. Baro chuckled at her childlike actions and swept the snowflake (which melted into water already) off her nose tip. She leaned back slightly at the sudden action and Baro softly smiled.
Just as he was about to lean in for a kiss, the person lining up behind them cleared his throat, successfully getting their attention. "uh do you mind moving forward?" he asked and Baro just politely smiled.
"Oh yeah, sure. Sorry." He apologised as Jade bowed with a slightly pink face before moving forward.
As they were nearing the ride, Baro talked with the person-in-charge quickly while she was busy looking around. Just as she turned towards him, he reverted to his original place beside her and acted as if nothing happened. 
When it was their turn, Baro got in first and just shut the door as it ascended upwards in a clockwise manner, with Jade not on the capsule with him. She gaped at the slowly moving capsule, not being able to move as she couldn't believe what just happened. 
Did her boyfriend just left her out on a ride they agreed to be on together?
The ride attendant asked Jade to stand beside him in order not to block the line but she shook his hands away. "I'm going on the ride!" she claimed as she waited for the next empty capsule to arrive in front of her. 
"Sorry but you need a partner to ride the ferris wheel; that's the rules." He fibbed. Jade, who was obviously outraged at the ridiculous excuse and the soft snickers from the couples behind her, exhaled loudly and glared at the poor ride attendant. 
"But my boyfriend just got on one of the capsules by himself, so why can't I?" she whispered angrily to him so the people behind her can't hear that she just got ditched by her boyfriend, although it was pretty obvious. 
The next empty capsule finally descended and Jade was about to stomp in but was stopped by the attendant. 
"I'm really sorry, miss. You have to abide by the rules." He said as he dragged her towards his side as he motioned the couple behind her towards the capsule with his free hand that wasn't grabbing onto Jade's arm. 
"Your boyfriend got on and slammed the door shut himself. The ferris wheel here operates in the way that once the door is closed, it's automatically locked and can only be opened after one round." You huffed angrily at his explanation and glared at the capsule that was right at the top, which she presumed Baro should be in. *Cha Sunwoo, you're dead meat when you get down.*
Suddenly, the LED lights on the ferris wheel all stopped blinking, rendering the ferris wheel pitch black against the dark sky. Jade, who was originally starring at her feet, looked up at the sudden loss of light.
Then, one by one, the lights started lighting up in a pattern. It formed "I ❤ U PIG" which caused Jade's eyes to widen. 
Pig was the nickname Baro got for her because of the amount of food she ate and the number of hours she used for sleep alone. 
Could this be Baro's doing?
Nah, pig is a nickname that's common between couples, or that's what she thought. 
Then, as if to confirm her suspicions, Baro's capsule stopped at the entrance and he came out with a bouquet of flowers. Jade's anger towards him abandoning her earlier all dissipated. 
He approached her and handed her the flowers, which she accepted under a state of shock. He laughed softly at her expression and led her towards the capsule he came out of and an audible gasp was heard coming from . 
The capsule was decorated nicely, with hearts and balloons all around. Baro led her in and sat her down gently as she took in the sight before her. "woah that girl sure is lucky to have such a boyfriend!" "Yeah! Going to such lengths for his girl. Why can't my Minwoo be like this as well?" She overheard two girls who were queuing outside and her heart swelled.
Baro got in as well and shut the door behind him. 
"So... do you like it?" He rubbed the back and peeked at her through his bangs that covered his eyes partially. Jade looked around in awe and a smile came naturally on her face. Baro heaved a sigh of relief.
"You didn't let me go on the ride with you... because you were preparing this?" you questioned and and he nodded. "Yeah. Sorry if I angered you or anything by closing the door on you. It's meant to be a surprise an-" He stopped mid-sentence as Jade leaned over to give him a kiss.
"Thank you. For today and everything. This is the best christmas ever!" She beamed as her eyes glistened with tears. Baro smiled as his eyes landed on the forgotten bouquet behind her. "Did you see anything inside the bouquet?" He asked and Jade tilted her head in confusion. "Bouquet...?" She turned back and grabbed the bouquet from the seat.
Then, she saw it. 
In the middle of the bouquet was a bear with a ring on a necklace chain. She noticed some wordings below the necklace and she lifted it up to see the words better.
Baro took her gasp as a sign that she saw what was on the bear and got on one knee, which made her eyes widened even more. 
"Low Jade, I know we've only been dating for less than a year, but I'm certain that you're the only one for me and the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. So will you marry me?"
Jade burst into tears and Baro went into a state of panic. He got up and rushed to her side (which was quite fast considering the small space in the capsule).
"Why are you crying? Did I scare you with my proposal? Maybe I shouldn't have asked so soon. It's okay if you don't accept it! I'm willing to wait!" He said at an amazing speed and used his thumb to wipe away her continuously flowing tears.
Jade hugged him and sobbed into his chest. "Yes! Yes I'm willing to marry you! I'm just so happy I think I'm in heaven!" She said between sobs and Baro laughed. He pulled away from her and held her shoulders. "Pabo. You scared me!" He cuppe her face and wiped her cheeks that were stained with her tears with his thumb. "So you accept? Really?" He looked into her eyes as she did the same.
"Yes." was all she said to get Baro jumping around in circles and hugging her till all the air was knocked out of her lungs. 
He unclapsed the chain and took the ring out before putting on her ring finger. He admired it before pulling her into a hug. "I love you." He murmured into her hair as she hugged him tighter. "I love you too."
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