Don't Forget Me.

A Thousand Miles of Love

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It had already been 3 days since Sehun last promised his phone call.


Taerin checked her phone for missed calls. One missed call from Luhan but none from Sehun.


She sighed and threw her backpack onto her bed as she sat down. She dialed Luhan’s, her best guy friend, number and waited for him to pick up the call.


“Hello,” Luhan answered from the other side.


“Hi Luhan! You called earlier? Sorry I was finishing up my last final,” Taerin asked.


“Yeah, I just called to ask how it went! So how was it? Your last one was physics right? You failed didn’t you!” Luhan chuckled.


Taerin pouted, “For your information I studied a lot for it and did great! I even gave my Cyworld to Tia unni so that I wouldn’t be tempted to go on.”


“Aha, I’m just playing with you. I knew you wouldn’t have a problem, you ARE Kim Taerin after all. Sehun used to complain to me all the time that every time there was a school exam he’d study for days to beat you, but never did. Anyways, when are you leaving to Seoul?” he inquired.


Taerin laughed, “Oh Sehun, always whining and begging me to tutor him…Why is he so cute?! I’m leaving on the 22nd, so it’ll be the 23rd over there. Most likely my plane will arrive early the 24th in Seoul!”


“So you’re arriving the same day as the Yonsei entrance exam? Also, Taerin don’t fan girl about Sehun with me especially since he’s my best friend,” Luhan rolled his eyes.


She scoffed, “Tsk, I can just imagine you rolling your eyes Luhan. Fine I won’t! I’m going to meet up with Sehun at the airport and we’re going to go straight to the exam location to take it together.”


“How cute…makes me want to puke. Sehun picking you up…which basically means I’ll be the one driving him there,” Luhan sighed.


“Well Sehun doesn’t have a car…even if he did I wouldn’t trust him after that one time we played bumper cars at Lotte World. Thanks a lot Luhan! By the way, do you know what Sehun’s up to? I’ve been trying to call him but he hasn’t picked up. He hasn’t called me back either. I don’t know what to do. Truthfully Luhan, I’m scared that he doesn’t love me as much anymore…”


Luhan’s free hand clenched into fist, ‘That Oh Sehun, he’s ignoring her again! I had to force him to call her last time. How could he treat you like this Taerin-ah? ‘Luhan knew Taerin for as long as Sehun knew her, and he knew that things have gone wrong when the tough Taerin starts to feel insecure.


 “I’m sorry Taerin but I have to go, I’ll call you back later!”


Luhan put his phone in his pocket. At this point he was already fuming; he had let Sehun’s actions go for the past couple months but now he had to do something about it. Sehun was his best friend but so was Taerin, and watching her worry all the time hurt him. Luhan lived together with the rest of EXO just to make their practice life easier, and Sehun was his roommate. Luhan got up and started his way towards his room with Sehun.


“Hey Luhan-hyung! Huh, wait what’s wrong?” Chanyeol called as he saw Luhan brush past him. He gave Kris, who had been sitting next to Luhan in the living room, a questioning look. Kris shook his head and sighed, he knew it had something to do with Sehun and Taerin.


Luhan burst through his door not even bothering to knock first.


“Oh hey hyung!” Sehun smiled as he looked up from his textbooks. However his smile fell when he saw Luhan’s angry face.


“Sehun we need to talk,” Luhan demanded. Sehun knew it wasn’t a wise choice to ask Luhan to postpone the talk for later. He huffed and closed his textbook, making sure to bookmark the page he left off.


“Okay, what is it hyung? Why do you look like you’re going to rip someone’s head off?” Sehun inquired.


Luhan tightened his jaw and wanted to knock the daylight out of the oblivious Sehun, ‘It’s because of you Oh Sehun.”


Luhan closed his eyes and took a deep breath.


“Sehun, tell me, what were you doing before I came in?”


“I was studying, why?” Sehun stated as if it was something obvious, but he didn’t know the real reason why Luhan asked that question.


Luhan sighed again, permanent creases formed in between his eye brows.


“Tell me Sehun…what are you studying so much for?”


 “To pass the exam for Yonsei University, I thought you already knew that hyung,” Sehun chuckled at his hyung’s stupid question. Sehun expected Luhan to start laughing too but his face was still as serious as when he entered, Sehun frowned.


“Dammit Sehun, there are more important things you should also focus on!” Luhan exclaimed as he hinted to Sehun.


“What’s more important than that?” Sehun was officially confused.


Luhan held in his boiling emotions, “Taerin. You’ve been ignoring her lately.”


Sehun winced at the mention of his girlfriend’s name, “I haven’t, and I’ve just been really busy that’s all.”


“Tell me Sehun when was the last time you called her?”


“A couple days ago when you told me to, why?”


“Sehun…I had to force you to call her or else you would’ve forgotten again. Do you know how worried she is about you? She’s always telling me how she’s worried you’d get sick from overworking yourself and that she’s feeling insecure. It’s all because the person that promised her that the long distance relationship would work out, is the same person that’s currently forgetting about her.”


“Hyung, she has nothing to feel insecure about. I love her just as much as I did before she left! Besides this is our relationship. I know you’re our good friend but please let us sort out our problems ourselves,” Sehun shook his head and turned away from Luhan, reopening his books.


That was the last straw; Luhan grabbed Sehun by the collar of his shirt and yanked him up to face Luhan.




“W-what’s going on?! Are they fighting?” Chanyeol started towards the commotion but Kris put a hand on his shoulder to stop him.


Kris shook his head and motioned for Chanyeol not to interfere, “No, Chanyeol this has to be dealt with. Luhan needs to let out his feelings and Sehun needs someone to knock the sense back into him. Let’s leave them be.” Chanyeol looked at Kris and at the door with hesitation. Chanyeol decided to stand next to the door just in case it got worse.


“WHY HYUNG?! RIGHT NOW IT SEEMS TO ME THAT YOU LIKE HER MORE THAN A FRIEND!” Sehun retorted back as he tried to get Luhan’s grip to loosen, but failed.


Luhan was silent for a couple seconds and bit his lower lip, “Because I do Sehun…” He let go of Sehun and turned away raking his hand through his hair in frustration.


“I loved her! I LOVED HER BEFORE YOU DID! But then I gave up on making the love more than platonic...she loves you and I couldn’t do anything but support her. I GAVE HER UP TO YOU EXPECTING HER TO BE IN GOOD CARE SEHUN! NOT FOR HER TO BE HURT OVER AND OVER AGAIN!” Luhan looked at Sehun with eyes filled with hurt and traces of a lost love.


Sehun was angry; Luhan had been his best friend since they were kids. They fell in love with the same girl but Sehun couldn’t figure that out until Luhan threw it in his face. One half of Sehun felt hurt that Luhan kept it a secret until now; the other part of Sehun was always jealous that Luhan and Taerin were so close.


“THEN WHY DON’T YOU MAKE HER YOUR GIRLFRIEND THEN?! SINCE YOU LO---,” a fist connected with his jaw before Sehun could finish his sentence and the impact made him fall back onto the floor. Luhan pulled his hand back and stared at his dongsaeng who had blood on his lips from the hit.


“Never, ever, say that Sehun! She loves you with all her heart and you would easily give her away like that? I should knock some more sense into you,” Luhan spat as he clutched onto Sehun again.  


“LUHAN! STOP! Please…” a voice said and Luhan realized it was Taerin’s. He looked around in confusion and he finally noticed where the voice came from. Luhan swiftly pulled out his cellphone.


Indeed he had forgotten to end the call and Taerin had been on the line the whole time. She had planned to end the call but then she heard Luhan yelling and stayed on the line just in case anything bad happened. Never had she imagined that she would hear what she heard.


Her heart was in pain and when she finally spoke up her sobbing was so bad that she could hardly choke out her words


Luhan put the phone to his ear, “No, Taerin-ah…you weren’t supposed to hear anything. He doesn’t mean it! Sehun’s just confused plea---“


“No. Luhan… it’s okay. Please, just don’t hurt him anymore and let him be. Thank you Luhan for worrying about me, but I-I just don’t know…” Taerin stopped Luhan and hung up the phone.


Luhan stared at the ended call and flung his phone against the door, “, DAMN IT ALL.”


Sehun looked like he was about to cry, “Don’t tell me she heard all of it?” Luhan glowered at Sehun and turned for the door, “She did…Sehun, I just want you to think about the question I’m about to ask you. What made you want to go Yonsei in the first place?”


 With that Luhan grabbed his car keys and stormed out of the house. Sehun had no idea what to do in this situation, he looked around his room and his gaze landed on the picture stand that was on the middle of his desk. He had forgotten it was there and grabbed for it. It was the same picture Taerin had on her night stand, the one they both took at Lotte World on their first date. They were happy…Sehun had forgotten, forgotten the reason why he tried so hard for Yonsei in the beginning. It was a promise that they both made, but Sehun was scared he wouldn’t be able to keep it. Taerin had always been an intelligent girl and there was a high chance she’d get into Yonsei.

Sehun however never really did great in anything besides music and dance. He had forced himself to increase his exam scores for the pass year, and study every second of each day so that they would be able to go to the same school together. Somewhere within that time he had let the reason for his motivation slip way.


She was his motivation, the love of his life, the only person that could ever have his heart…Kim Taerin.


Chanyeol ran into the room and his eyes widened at Sehun who was clutching onto a photo crying.


“Hey, hey, Sehun are you okay?” Chanyeol shook Sehun’s shoulders. Sehun didn’t reply, tears streamed down his face as he realized the fool he was and the justice behind Luhan’s earlier behavior.


You did it Luhan…he caught himself before he lost it all. But Luhan, what about you?’ Kris thought as he leaned against the door frame watching Chanyeol comfort a broken Sehun.

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seungri_is_hawt #1
Chapter 5: this is such a good oneshot!! dude, i want a boyfriend like sehun, haha