The Denial

Celebrating Holidays.

After the Christmas event, Tao and Kris exchanged numbers and they splitted up. Of course Kris offered to Tao that he can live with him but again being Tao; he will decline politely. He said 'I pay for my apartment and it's kinda useless for the money I pay if I don't use it so No but Thank you anyways'. They woud often text and call but mostly that and all that. Tao never really celebrated New Year -maybe Chinese New Year but it's a doubt. So he was surprised when Kris texted him.



December 31, 2012; 9:56 am read


Hey, wanna meet up tonight? Maybe around 8pm?

From: Li Jiaheng Kris Wu Yi Fan gege                                        


December 31, 2012; 9:59 am sent


To: Li Jiaheng Kris Wi Yi Fan gege

Um, sure? Maybe why not? Where.



December 31, 2012; 9:59 am red



Let's meet in front of the Coffee Shop you work in.

From: Li Jiaheng Kris Wu Yi Fan gege


December 31, 212; 10:05 am sent


To: Li Jiaheng Kris Wu Yi Fan gege:

Okay! See you Later then gege. Byebye :D




It was currently the 31th of December so it means it's New years eve. Heck, Tao doesn't even wanna go anywhere or with anyone right now but then again it's Kris we're talking about. That boy gets his own ways.



Chapter 3:  The Denial.





Tao received the text earlier this morning and after texting with Kris his eyes failed to open wide so he just kept them shut and decided a short nap would work. To be honest, Tao doesn't wanna sleep actually. What he wanted to do is eat and eat only but being broke as ever, well he had no food just junk. He won't be contented with it so what's the use? He slept peacefully until he was satisfied with it. When he woke up he checked his phone and found 3 missed calls and 7 text mesages from 4 different people.


3 Missed Calls

10:16 am

From: Sehun-ah na na na na.



10:32 am

From: Li Jiaheng Kris Wu Yi Fan gege



10:35 am

From: Li Jiaheng Kris Wu Yi Fan gege



7 New Text Messages

✉New Message 10:56 am

From: Byun Bacon Baekhyung

Panda. Do you wa...


 New Message 11:00 am

From: Yixing the Unicorn Lay-ness

Yo Tao! I have thi...


✉New Message 11:01 am

From: Yixing the Unicorn Lay-ness

📎1 Picture Attachment


New Message 11:12 am

From: Li Jiaheng Kris Wu Yi Fan gege



New Message 11:26 am

From: Sehun-ah na na na na.



✉New Message 11:39 am

From: Kyungsoo Do Eomma

Tao. I'm coming t...


New Message 11:56 am

From: Li Jiaheng Kris Wu Yi Fan gege

Seriously answer or rep...


Tao looked at his phone one more time and checked the time. It was now 12:15 pm. He got up and held his phone, he walked over to the kitchen and open the fridge and poured himself a nice refreshing water. After drinking the water he sat down on the couch that was located in the living room. Not that his apartment was big anyways. He took his phone and opened the first message.



December 31, 2012 10:56 pm red

Panda. Do You want to come over tonight? Sehun, Kyungsoo,

Lay and others will be here too! We'll be watching fireworks! Come okay?!

From: Byun Bacon Baekhyung


December 31, 2012 12:24 pm sent

To: Byun Bacon Baekhyung:

Sorry hyunggie. I'm occupied. :P Try again next time!


Tao exited the message and opened the second one which happened to be Lay's.


December 31, 2012 11:00 am red

Yo Tao! I have this unicorn plushie that I bought just today! I'll show it to you!!!

From: Yixing the Unicorn Lay-ness


December 31, 2012 11:01 am red

black%20bar%20for%20pics.jpgIsn't it cute? Tell me it is! It Is right?! ZITAAAAAAO.

From: Yixing the Unicorn Lay-ness


December 31,2012 12 12:26 pm sent

To: Yixing the Unicorn Lay-ness:

All I see is a black picture. Really. But I'm sure it's pretty gegegegegege.


Before Tao can even click the next message, a new one appeared.


December 31, 2012 12:26 pm red

Why? Ohhh~ Uri Zitao is going on a date! ^-^

Who's the special someone? Huh huh.

From: Byun Bacon Baekhyung.


December 31, 2012 12:27 pm sent

To: Byun Bacon Baekhyung:

Date? What are you talking about hyung!

I'm going somewhere with an old friend back in Qingdao. Nothing special.


While Tao was typing thos words 'nothing special' he actually thought of erasing it because he know in fact it's a lie. But knowing Baekhyun; he wouldn't stop until he figure it out. A message was delivered to Tao's phone and he opened it, to his surpirse it was Baekhyung being ironical.


December 31, 2012 12:28 pm red

Okay then Panda! Enjoy ;)

From: Byun Bacon Baekhyun


Tao opened the next message.


December 31, 2012 11:12 am red



From: Li Jiaheng Kris Wu Yi Fan gege


Tao chuckled at the cuteness and the name that Kris had just called him 'baby'. Tao didn't notice he was blushing in three shades of red not unitl Kyungsoo had told him. He didn't even know Kyungsoo had arrived since . . . now.

"Tao? Are you okay? You're friggin red Panda!" Kyungsoo said worriedly.

"I-uh.. I'm okay hyung don't worry about me. I just- just accidentally ate a ch-chilli. Tha's all."

"Oh okay then. Uhm have you eaten yet?"

"Not reay, I didn't know your coming over."

"I texted you, guess you haven't red it yet."

"Well, I'm just reading the texts right now. I kinda fell asleep and stuff"

"Well I just came to drop these food off and check on you. Kai's being a baby and wants me home right now" Kyungsoo said with a small smirk on his face.

"Well don't make your baby wait! Something's coming up" Tao winked at Kyungsoo with a sly smirk.

"Y-YAH! HUANG ZITAO! WHAT ARE YOU! UGGH! GOODBYE!!" Kyungsoo half yelled as he ran off. Tao looked at his phone and looked at the next unread mesage. It was Sehun's. Tao groanged but opened it nonetheless.


December 31, 2012 11:26 am red










Well, I still love you so Congratulations anyways my baby panda ;D

From: Sehun-ah na na na na


Tao was loss for words. He red and red and red the mesage again until it went through him. He shakingly pressed his keyboard and texted Sehun back not knowing what to say.


December 31, 2012 12: 36 pm sent

To: Sehun-ah na na na na

Who told you that? We're not going out! You Liar.

Your just making things up. I promised you I would tell you but I have

none yet so how would I? Your just messing with me and I love you too.


It was Tao and Sehun's inside joke to say I love you too each other. Others might taught they're dating but they're not really. They haven't even shared a bed EVER and they've been friends for like what? 5? 6? years. They know what the others think but they both are better than that. He looked at the next message that contains Kyungsoo's. He knows what it is already but decides to read it anyways.


December 31, 2012 11:39 am red

Tao. I'm coming over to your house in like about an hour or so.

Have you eaten yet? Take Care see you Panda.

From: Kyungsoo Do Eomma


That's why they call Kyungsoo eomma. He cares about everyone. He never fails to make them happy. He's the best friend you want to have forever. Okay too senti.

Tao red the next and last message which happened to be Kris. He looked at his phone and remembered that he haven't replied to the first one yet. He just shrugged it off.


December 31, 2012 11:56 am red

Seriously answer or reply at least. I'm heck worried about you Tao.

Just reply. Reply will be fine. Tao-er.

Look, I'm sorry if I have done or said something wrong but please frgive me

whatever it is. Just tell me your okay.

From: Li Jiaheng Kris Wu Yi Fan gege


'Too cheesy' Tao thought. But cute at the same time.


 December 31, 2012  12: 38 pm sent

To: Li Jiaheng Kris Wu Yi Fan gege

Heeeey. Don't worry gege! I just fell asleep.

Your so over protective like a mom. Stop it.

Don't worry you've done nothing wrong.

See u later :)


Tao red his reply to Kris. Who was he kidding? Like a mom? Like a mom? He doesn't even have a mom. And maybe neerr will. He pushed that thought of when he felt his phone vibrated. Sehun texted hm again. Great.


December 31, 2012 12:39 pm red

Awwww. Panda is on denial stage. Don't worry you'll get over it.

I love you too Panda and don't reply after this. I mean it.

I'm having a session with my Lulu.

From: Sehun-ah na na na na


December 31, 2012 12:39 pm sent

To: Sehun-ah na na na na

Shut up. Im not on denial and ewww.

Oh Sehun you're disgusting.


After that Sehun didn't even bother relying. Probably too busy eating Luhan up. He went to the shower and when he finished he dressed up in home clothes and found out that he got a reply from Yixing and Kris.He opened Yixing's first.


Decembe 31, 2012 12:47 pm red

Sarang Sarang Saranghe my panda love <3.

From: Yixing the Unicorn Lay-ness.


Okay that's just so random and sounds like Chanyeol. Tao chuckled to himself and opened the next message. 


December 31, 2012 12:55 pm red

Good. I was just worried.

Well then see you later my loving didi. Annyeong~

From: Li Jiaheg Kris Wu Yi Fan.


Tao didn't even btother replying to that. Wha was there to reply really. He went to the living room and grabbed the lunch that Kyungsoo had just preparred for him. It was still hot and it looks and smells good so Tao didn't waste a time and stated mnching on the food. After he finished he grabbed his phone and texted Kyungsoo a 'Thank You Kyungsoo Hyuuung. Your food is jjang! Youre the best ;)' .

Tao was getting bored and it's only 3:00 in the afternoon so he decided he'll go outside and get Kris a gift. He dressed up and grabbed his wallet and scarf. As he was heading down he met a women that looks like she's in her 40's. He looked at the woman longer than he wantedand felt something that worried him. It was something he felt before but it was stronger than before. He felt like he's know her. The woman looked at Tao and started walking but Tao kept his gaze at the woman until she disspaeared along with the crowd. Tao regaained himself and started walking towards the cold streets of Seoul. He walked and walked until he reached the mall. There he saw lot of stores and stands that made him wonder what Kris will like. He thought and though for a moment but came up with nothing so he decided he'll just go with his heart is that's even possible. After hours of walking around the mall he spotted something that caught his attention. It was a store which sells plushie. Yes, stuff toys. Tao taught about it and enetered the store. He looked around and saw a red dragon that shouted 'Kris'. He looked at the dragon and thought 'Will Kris like you?' He thought ad taught again and ended up buying the dragon. Once he was finished he roamed around the store a little more to buy time until he eventually got tired an decided to go home. When he reached home it as already 7:00 sharp so he started dressing up. He also applied a little eyeliner because Baekhyun said it looks 'hot'. When he finished dressng up he grabbed the toy and strated to walk towards the cafe that he works at. It was still early but he decided being early won't kill anyone.

To his surprise when he went there Kris was already ahead of him. He is waiting outside -freezing. Tao walked closer until Kri could see him clearly. It was snowing and freezing so they decided to go inside.

They talked for a while and ordered some warm drinks for themselves.

"Gege wear this"

"That's your TaoZi, don't worry about me"

"No, I saw you freezing outside."

"But I'm okay really"

"Please?" Tao pleaded with a pouty face visible on his face.

"Aww. your so cute. Stop it. Fine I'll wear your scarf." Kris said smiling at Tao. "Give me that!"

Tao was shocked at the chane of attitude but started laughing after. Curious as ever, Kris looked at Tao with confused eyes. "Why are you laughing."

"Nothing." Tao managed to say while laughing.

"No. tell me or."

"Or what?" Tao asked.

"Or I'll do this" Kris scooted over beside Tao and started tickling the boy with no mercy. He didn't stop until Tao started tearing up a little.

"You y gege" Tao said. In reply, Kris acted surprised.

"What did you say?" Kris playfully raised his voice up a little.

"I said you y geg-" Before Tao can even finish the sentence, Kris attacked him already with tickles.

"I-I- HAHAHAHAH I-I'm Sorry." Tao managed to say in between his never ending laughs. They're in fact still inside the cafe but Kris didn't care. Skiship is allowed in Korea as far as he remembers.

"What did you say?"

"I said I'm sorry." Tao struggled to mouth the words.

"I Can't hear you Tao-er"

"I said I'm sorry!" Tao said and Kris suddenly stopped tickling him. "What did you call me for?" He asked. Well that's the only reason why he is here anyways.

Kris gabbed Tao's wrist and dragged him outside the cafe "Just come with me"

I'm already with you.


Happy New Year everyone.  not beta'd Sorry~

I just kinda jumped onto the ending part. I . TT.TT

Kpopluva2001: Thank You dear! (: Belated Merry Christmas to you too^^ Hope you had a great one.









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chohyumin137 #1
Chapter 3: Hey, because this is so cute :* sooooooooooo cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee <3

Can i translate this into Vietnamese? Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~

I'll credit and send link to you if you want to ^^

Thanks ^^
Chapter 4: xD Li Jia Heng Kris Wu Yi Fan.. Such a LONG name~ (Not that mines is any shorter..)
PetShawal #3
Chapter 4: This is SO good! Unbelievable!!
PetShawal #4
Chapter 4: So sweet! <3
Simple_Mind #5
Chapter 4: this was sooooooooooo good~!
Chapter 2: Awwww! This story is so sweet! Merry Christmas! My present to u....I subscribed!