I don't believe you anymore

I don't believe you anymore


He had no time for me, I had all the time in the world to wait. He wanted privacy, I wanted to be seen. He made promises, I kept believing. If I knew what I knew now....I wouldn’t have spoken a word to you. If I knew what I knew now I would have saved my heart a long time ago. The reality is that I don’t believe in you anymore. I don’t believe in you anymore, and thats the reality.

Taemin had been sitting at his desk for hours upon hours, wondering and worrying where his lover could be. This was the third night in a row that Taemin would be facing his sheets alone. For months things have progressively been getting worse, but Taemin continued to remain faithful and strong that things between him and Minho would become better. With a sigh Taemin heaved himself up and made his way to his bed. As he laid there the tears began to fall as they have the previous nights. He’d never admit it but Taemin’s faith was deteriorating before him. It was shattering slowly, he couldn’t hold on to this anymore. He continued to cry softly before sleep overtook his tired body.

When he awoke nothing was different. His room was still silent and lonely as was the apartment he shared with his love. Taemin just sighed and began to prepare for his day. This is how it has been for three days. It was beginning to feel like a routine. A sour lonely routine that Taemin didn’t want to follow anymore. Instead of walking out of the door with his phone pressed to his ear he just crawled back in the bed. He had no energy left. Today was different from the past days, his longing and emptiness has become too much to bear. For hours Taemin laid in bed and stared at the cell phone he knew would never ring. When his eyes began to close vibrations could be heard, and he didn’t need to look at the ID to know who it was. With a groggy “Hello.” Taemin was greeted by the voice he yearned to hear.

“Taemin-ah, Annyeong.” Minho sounded happy. How could he be so happy when Taemin’s heart was suffering from his absence.

“When are you coming home?” Taemin sounded like an abandoned child.

“Hmmmm soon. Me and Joon have been busy with band but I’ll come home to you soon baby love.” Minho said smoothly. “Have you missed me?”

Taemin heart jerk at Joon’s name the loathing he had for him was unmeasurable. “You know I have.” The younger mumbled.

Minho chuckled “Of course, of course. I’ve missed you too. I’m going now. Bye.”

“I don’t believe you anymore” was all Taemin said before the phone clicked. This....made his heart break even more. “I miss you too.” Minho’s words played over and over. Though he had said those words he didn’t mean them. He never meant. The love they shared had died and Taemin was now realizing it more than ever. He broke into sobs. Loud uncontrollable sobs that has needed to be released for some time now. There was no end the noises he made, nor the shaking his body did. Reality was setting in and this was his reaction. This was the realization that there was nothing more between him and Minho. Minho no longer loved him. He no longer wanted him.


Taemin felt as if his heart were no longer there, with each tear that ran down his cheek another piece of his heart fell.

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Chapter 1: Poor taemin...can't you make a sequel where taemin leaves minho, minho wants him back, but taemin found someone new and it's too late?