Is it worth it?

Is it worth it?

One friend is all anyone could need. Of course the more, the merrier but everyone has that one friend that is basically like their twin sister. That one friend...

She's basically the one i can laugh with, cry with, snore with, and breath with. We always talked about our future like we had a clue~ and on my 18th birthday we got matching tattoos...haha love katy perry! But we are still underage and if we did our mothers would both bury us in the same grave!




She was the girl that i knew even when everyone was against me, she'd be by my side...well until yesterday. Yesterdy, Yesterday, was a blur. Shouting, screaming, tears, voice cracks and broken picture frame.

"Why...why do you always seem so careless?!?!" I tried to say it in my calmnest tone but i knew i was about to breakdown...

"What do you mean?! I'M NOT CARELESS! You are just so emotional and bratty and..urggh, i don't wanna have this converstaion right now" She's picking up all her art supplies and trying to assembly them back into her bookbag quickly...she wants to leave...she never likes staying in these situations...she avoids everything, she doesn't like dealing with difficult things because she wouldn't know what to say...

This isn't the first time...We've had alot of misunderstandments, they've always ended up as we just both dropping it, forgetting it and the next day we'll be fine...I've never liked it but i went along for our friendship....but now it's different.

"You...You always do this! Running away! You little coward, why don't you just stay and finish saying everything?! Huh!? I know I'm emotional and bratty and y and bossy...say it all go on ahead SAY ITTTT!" I blocked the door before she could leave...this time i wanna hear everything, or it'll happen again,again and again.

"I have nothing to say! I'm leaving...get out of my way."

"Noo! Say it or..or..else!" I needed something to stall make her say what was in her mind..

"..Else what? Huh? Sheesh...I...just get out of my way!.." She tries to push through me, but i won't let her.

"If you leave now, i won't forgive you! You always do this...You are always so predictable..You are soo mean and careless and emotionless! You ALWAYS RUIN EVERYTHIIINNGGGG!!!" I've said throat hurts, i wanna cry but no tears are coming out...

"...Hah. Wow...Yes, yes, yes! It's always me, me, me! I'm the total wrecker, i do everything wrong! I'm the sinner, i deserve death!!!! Why not just call the cops!?!??!...Move out of my waaay!!!" She pushes me like i was cardboard...i was totally defenseless...i couldn't do anything to stop that, she left and she wasn't coming back.

...Was it my fault? Did i drive her away...We've been bestfriends since word can change slip of the tongue, one syllbal, one breath...just that one She probably thought i was always blaming evrything on her, I'm not miss perfect..I probably have annoyed her as many times as she did to me...was all this worth that little disargreement? Did it really come between me and her? Was it really worth it...losing my friend, best friend, twin sister...

532611_513109068720355_530620847_n_large worth everything to me<3





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