Chapter 71

The Love Beyound The Hate

Junsu entered the cell that the guard opened for him. It wasn’t too dark like the passage that he passed since there were four lamps hanging at the each of the corner. Then, he saw a figure who was lying on the hard and icy floor only in some thin clothes. Definitely, it was his brother, Lord Jaejoong.

‘So, it’s true that he broke the prison.’ Junsu told himself.

Being the in-charge of the clinic, he followed the prison guard picked him up to give medication for Jaejoong. First, he thought that he misheard the name when the prison guard told him that Jaejoong broke the prison for Yunho since his teacher hadn’t even arrived from Jaejoong house yet. So, he thought that Jaejoong was still at home with his teacher. But, now, he found it was real which make him sick at heart.

Nevertheless, he sighed and approached to Jaejoong, who was unconscious. Then, he kneeled before the older man and examined his brother since he saw Jaejoong’s shirt was socking in blood. As he had expected, there were stabbed wounds on the chest and abdomen which were starting healing.

“Uhmm…” Jaejoong moaned. To his subconscious mind, he sat up immediately as he felt the present of someone. Unfortunately, his action hurt him. “Ah…” Jaejoong hissed in low tone.

Junsu helped Jaejoong to sit probably. However, Jaejoong slapped his hand away immediately as it touched him.

“Jaejoong, it’s me, Junsu.” Junsu pronounced his name.

“Er…Junsu.” Jaejoong realized that it was his brother when his blur vision adjusted itself to see through the things around him.

“Yes.” Junsu confirmed. “Anyway, please lie down. It will be uncomfortable if you keep on sitting up.”

Jaejoong complied. Then, Junsu took out a bottle from his medicine case and gave it to Jaejoong. “This is the healing booster potion. Please, take it.”

“No, thanks you.” Jaejoong refused to take it.

Junsu was surprised by Jaejoong’s reaction. “Jaejoong, you are bleeding severely. So, you body system all alone will not heal as it used to. And, with this room’s condition, your body will paralyze in pain for tonight if you aren’t healed immediately.” Junsu explained Jaejoong. “So, take it.”

“No.” Jaejoong denied sharply as he rolled himself to the opposite direction of Junsu. “I don’t want any ease and sound, not even a bit, while he is in pain.” He murmured with the memory of the way Yunho was trembling in pain.

Junsu took out a deep breath to ease the suffocated feelings which was radiated from his brother. He understood that Jaejoong was trying to torture himself due to his own guiltiness for Yunho. However, he was the apothecary who took an oath of not to ignore the patient even if it was his enemy. So, he couldn’t just close his eyes and he won’t leave his brother in pain just because the older man was wishing for it. “Jaejoong, I don’t think it’s very good reason for you not to take this potion.”

“Not a good reason?” Jaejoong echoed with sarcastic tone as he sat up. “I’m his other half. It would be unfair, if he had to suffer all alone. But, actually, I should be the one who had to suffer and not him.”

“Jaejoong, quit that nonsense already.” Junsu tried to desist his brother.

“What nonsense?” Jaejoong retorted. “You know what? I make him suffer.” Jaejoong pointed himself with full of detest in himself as he carried on. “I make him suffer again and again since I met him. It’s all my fault! I’m a devil who pushed his own love into trouble. I cursed him with my love. Don’t you think someone like me should have suffered more? Don’t you think that I deserved more than that pain? Don’t you think that I shouldn’t exist even?”

Junsu shook his head in disappointment. His brother was going insane due to the distress for Yunho, the man he loved with all his heart. “Jaejoong.ah…” he said in soft tone, trying to pacify Jaejoong.

However, they were interrupted by the unlocking sound coming from the door. They saw two men walked into the cell. It was Prince Owen and his four bodyguards.

Junsu stood up immediately and bowed at the prince for formal greeting. “Good evening, Your Highness.”

The prince replied nothing as his attention was trapped by the beauty who was glaring at him with full of abhor. He chuckled to hide the strange emotion that pickling his heart and ignited the excitement in other way round.

“How do you do, my beautiful?” The Prince approached to Jaejoong.

Jaejoong replied nothing but shot a glare to the creature he abominated the most in this world. Little did he know was he made that creature to be startled by intense hostilities and hatred that could be seen through those doe eyes.

The prince stood before Jaejoong and studied the beautiful warlord. He felt like Lord Jaejoong was getting more attractive.

“Lord Jaejoong….Lord Jaejoong.” The prince looked Jaejoong with pitiful eyes. “Why won’t you be mine? It is obviously a lot better for you to be my consort than being belonged to the criminal who is going to be beheaded for treason, isn’t it?”

All the audience, except Jaejoong, gasped as they heard the Prince. The Royal Consort meant the extra married of the King or the Queen. Since the royalties need the heir, they had to marry to the opposite to produce a heir. Extra marriage was also allowed to both King and Queen but this marriage must be between the same and consent of the spout was also necessary. If the King had to take a Royal Consort, the Queen’s approval was vital and vise versa.

Now, it was very clear that the prince was proposing Jaejoong. It wasn’t uncongenial to choose a widower like Jaejoong as a royal consort. However, it was still surprising for a player like Prince Owen chose someone who hate him with bitter detest _ just by the glance, it was obvious that Jaejoong hated him _ while there were tons of s in the Kingdom who fallen for him.

Jaejoong clenched his jaw as he heard the prince’s proposal. He couldn’t stand this blaster anymore. Out of blue, he jumped up and threw a blow at the blaster’s face. If not for the bodyguard who covered the prince with his body, and not for the still-healing injury that limited the speed of his action, he would knock out at least three teeth from that blaster already. The bodyguard hissed painfully and fell down on the floor, leaving the prince unshielded. Almost immediately, Jaejoong tried to punch the blaster again. This time, other two bodyguards caught his arms and twisted those back as they pushed him against the floor.

Jaejoong growled in rage and shoved the bodyguards away. However, the bodyguards seized him by pressing him under their bodies so that he couldn’t escape from the gripes. The content smile appeared on Prince Owen face as he watched Jaejoong who was struggling to break free from the weight of the bodyguards. It really was amusing for him to see the stubborn beauty.

“Mine…Mine, are you still angry with me, Lord Jaejoong?”

He put his hand on the silky cheek of the beauty, but Jaejoong dodged his face as those filthy fingers touch his cheeks. The Prince smirked and rubbed the tip of the fingers which were still lingering with the touch of the velvet skin. It reinforced his craving to feel that extraordinary delicacy again. Suddenly, the Prince grabbed Jaejoong’s chin, lifted it to make a contact with those doe eyes which he was addicted to, and, then, the survey the exquisite face of the beauty. Jaejoong stared at the disgusting creature before him with full of detest and fury as he couldn’t manage to escape from the blaster grips again.

“To the hell.” Jaejoong spit. “I would rather die with that criminal than being the Consort of a murderer and .”

The audiences gasped as they heard the very acidic and bold response from Jaejoong. Indeed, telling off a royalty was more serious than breaking the prison, but what made audiences more astonished the prince who was wearing the content smile across his face. Obviously, the prince didn’t regard this misdemeanor as a misconduct at all.

Instead of being furious, the Prince smiled with amusement. “Die rather than mine?” He repeated. It was like challenging him which in turn provoked his urge to captive this savage beauty _ so delicate and fragile in appearance yet very hostile and vigorous in traits. He felt like Jaejoong was more appeal to him than ever. First, he thought his desire for Jaejoong would be satisfied if he got a laid with Jaejoong for once, but it made him hungrier about Jaejoong. ‘Lord Jaejoong. Lord Jaejoong. You do know how to seduce a man, do you?’ He murmured secretly.

Junsu, on the other hand, decided to intervene since he had a strong perception that something horrible might be breakout if he didn’t do so. He knelt down on the other side of Jaejoong and bowed formally at the Prince. “My apology, Your Highness. He had lost his mind since he woke up, probably, because of our nephew, Captain Yunho. He won’t even have acknowledge of himself about what he is doing.” Junsu apologized to protect his brother from being punished. “So, Your Highness, please, spares some mercy on this pathetic fool for his senseless manner.”

This time, Junsu was successful as he could draw the Prince attention towards him. The Prince studied at Junsu repeatedly with great interest. Since Junsu rarely visited the palace, he had never acknowledge about the existence of the Cutie before him. “I presume you’re Lord Jaejoong’s only brother.”

“Indeed, Your Highness.” Junsu was getting uncomfortable with the Prince’s piercing eyes.

The Prince nodded as he found something very agreeable to him. “Indeed, beauty is running in the blood of the Kims.”

Junsu replied with another bow while cursing the bodyguards in his heart for preventing Jaejoong from punching the prince.

“Nevertheless, I want you to take care of Lord Jaejoong. It would be ashamed if the Royal Consort of the Kingdom goes insane for the sake of an ungraceful betrayal.” The prince added, showing that how much he was persistence with his own decision of taking Jaejoong as his consort. He neglected the intense look from those doe eyes to which made him uncomfortable with pickling sensation in his heart, and turned to his bodyguards, ordered them to let go of Jaejoong.

“Release him.” The prince commended.

“Sire, he is dangerous.” One of the bodyguards complained.

“Well, he might be dangerous. However, I assume he will not do something ridiculous for the sake of his nephew, aren’t you, Lord Jaejoong?” The prince stressed on the words ‘his nephew’ warning Jaejoong that Yunho was in his hand now.

Nonetheless, it led Lord Jaejoong to put himself under control since he understood that the prince was threatening him with Yunho. Jaejoong clenched his jaws to refrain himself from tearing that blaster off right now and shot the deadly glare to the prince.

The prince interpreted the silent form Jaejoong as ‘Yes’ and gestured the guards to release the beauty.  

“My Beautiful.” The prince called Jaejoong, and smirked as he found muscles on the elegance face were stiffed by the annoyance. ‘So, he is still beautiful even when he is furious.’ He remarked in his heart. “My Beautiful, someone who is as valuable as you should not be here, My Beautiful.”

Before Jaejoong could respond a man in high rank officer uniform came into the cell.

 “Pardon me for late, Sire.” The officer intruded with an apology as he stepped into the cell. “Those stupid guard of mine reported me late that you are here, Sire.”

“Very good timing you just did, Officer.” The prince commended. “I am about to summon you.”

Knowing that the prince need something, the officer smirked. “May I humbly ask for your wish, Sire?” The man asked.

“Officer, don’t you think it would be such a shame for a person like me to let you suffer in place like this?” The Prince gave some clue to the officer that he want to take Jaejoong out of the prison.

“Sire, it is not….” The officer tried to protest the Prince.

“Officer,” The Prince cut in with determinant tone. “If you are a price, would you let your future Consort to be kept here while you have such a good subordinate who could handled the regulations?”

Jaejoong and Junsu frowned at the prince with suspect. For some reasons, they felt like they just saw an omen of the disaster that about to break out.

The officer received the message from the Prince that he had to band the rule. He surely knew that he had no power to go against the Prince. “Indeed, Sire, that subordinate will handle this kind of matter in honor of his Prince’s favor upon him.” The officer signed that he also needed something in return.

“Very well, Officer.” The Prince smiled meaningfully. “If you are such kind of subordinate, I will make his future to be brighter than the sun.”

“Sire, it would be pride for me to serve the man who has concern to his subordinate like this.” The officer bowed.

The prince smiled slightly, showing how much he pleased with the officer’s cooperation. Then, he faced to Jaejoong and extended his hand with full of manner.

“My beautiful, shall we go home?” The prince asked in gentle tone.

Jaejoong responded with the disguising look to the prince first.

“My Beautiful, shall we?” The prince asked again with expectation to hear ‘Yes’ form those rosy lips whereas the rest expecting the same.

“No.” Jaejoong replied.

The prince was shocked by the answer and so did the rest.

“I will never leave this place unless my man has not left.” Jaejoong added, referring to Yunho.

“My Beautiful, do you comprehend that your decision only brings more trouble to your nephew?” The Prince reminded Jaejoong that Yunho would be tortured more if the beautiful man stayed here.

Jaejoong understood that the prince was threatening him with Yunho, his weak point. Not knowing what to do, Jaejoong clenched his jaws and glared at the prince who was wearing a victorious smile on the face.

Junsu signed secretly at his brother’s saturation. He can see clearly that Jaejoong have no choice. His brother and his nephew were trapped by the slyness of the Prince. He grabbed his brother’s arm firmly, signing the older to play along with him.

“Your Highness,” Junsu cut in, “it would be very grateful for the Kim Family to accept your kindness. I, one of the Kims, receive your love and mercy for my brother, Your Highness.” He bowed formally be he continued, “Once again, please accept my gratitude for your concern bestowed to my brother, Your Highness.”

“So, the Kims are blessed not only with beauty but also sweet lips.” The Prince remarked, which was replied with the silence. “Shall we go, Beauties?”

Junsu forced himself to let out the smile while shaking his brother’s arm a little to warn to say something to the Prince.

“If something happen to him,” Jaejoong shot the deadly glare to the officer before he turned those fierce eyes at the Prince, “turn yourself into ash before I find you.”

Even though he was saying in very low tone, the way he spoke make everyone shrivel to the spine with certain degree of fear.

“Junsu, let’s go.” Jaejoong said as he led the way out of the prison without saying anything to the Prince. He knew that it was an ill-manner, but he couldn’t preserved himself from do so. This evil just didn’t deserve any respect from him.

Nevertheless the prince caught Jaejoong by arm as the older man could step out of the room.

“My Beautiful,” The prince called Jaejoong, “why do you bother to walk back home alone while my couch is empty?”

Jaejoong shot the glad at the prince which was saturated with abominate before he curved his lips slightly, mocking the prince as if he just heard was a foolish joke.

“Because I, Lord Jaejoong, have been learnt to avoid the place which is deeper than a trap,” Jaejoong said, making the Prince to flinch with a trace of anger.

Sensing the uneasy saturation, Junsu stood between the Prince and his brother, shielding his borther and bowing the Prince formally.

“Sire, such a senseless fool like my brother cannot comprehend your mercy.” Junsu carried on, “So, I beg your pardon to my brother.”

“Junsu,” Jaejoong hissed his brother.

 However, Junsu ignored his brother and carried on talking to the prince, “And, also, I apologize for the trouble you bare for us escorting home.”

“Apology accepted, Young Kim.” The Prince smirked, marking mentally for the cleverness of the apothecary.

“Please guide us.” Junsu requested.

“Very well, young Kim.” The Prince replied.


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Chapter 76: ow..i thought it is already finished because it is marked completed. i remember reading this fic before. i reread it again. iam disappointed that it is not done though.
anyways. thanks
Chapter 76: I love this story so so much that I've read it in one go. I'm glad that I found this masterpiece, even though its unfinished, and I have a peace of mind reading this last chapter that you've updated. It's like reading an open ended story, like the ending depends on us, readers. But I'm hoping that you would comeback and finish this someday even though its been 6 years already.
ningagirl #3
Chapter 76: Woww,nice story, why are you not updating???
nadiaalisa #4
Chapter 76: Ohh, please update the story!!
meilianalim #5
Chapter 76: Really love this story even I sad that jae must suffering so much but it's makethia story very interesting. ... please continue soon
This FF is Daebak Three thumbs Up (Not Four because isn't finish yet). Waiting 4 the next update :P
Alice-tvxq #7
Chapter 76: Hello your story is fabulous I hope that you will update soon “please update”. Thank you for writing this story it is really amazing.
Dark45 #8
Chapter 76: hi authornim...please ...i beg u to update this story.. .this is the best story i ever read.. <\(>.<)/>
rosemaryjae #9
Chapter 76: i am looking forward to continue this story thank you author sshi please update soon
jiyool #10
Omo i find this fic in winglin n waiting for updates yay i love ur story