

Lee Hyukjae is the last of his kind. A vampire.You would think that an old vampire like him would have learnt that humans do not live forever, right? Wrong. Lee Hyukjae never learns.



                     "There is something about your eyes. They're deep and intriguing, like you. I like them,"

                                                    "I do not care how dangerous you are. I care for you, and you do the same for me. That's all that matters, no?"



I am a vampire, and that is the truth. You may cringe and fear me, or you may choose to marvel at my existence; it is all your choice. Vampires are often defined to be ruthless, threatening and intimidating bloodsuckers, and I am, that I admit. However, I am only all those when I am compelled to be. Otherwise, I am cold and emotionless. I do not find it important for me to have any feelings at all. Why make friends when I'm going to watch them die with my very eyes when their time comes? It is not worth the pain; not worth my memory. Vampires are perceived  to turn to ash or burn when they come in contact with the Sun, and they are supposed to cringe at the sight of a crucifix. It is humorous how the human minds work. I must admit that the Sun does irritate me a little. But as I grow older, I have learnt to deal with the Sun. I wear a special bracelet around my right arm that helps to shield me from the Sun. Even though I can live without the bracelet, I find it handy since I do not have to be irritated by the Sun every few minutes. I cannot command werewolves to fight for me, though I can manipulate animals and even humans to do things for me. I cannot fly, do not turn into a bat and live in a cave. In fact, vampires like me are more closely related to serpents; snakes. I cannot turn a mere human into one of my kind by simply having him to drink my blood. That is ridiculous. However, among all the other things that humans have gotten wrong, there is one thing that they have gotten right. Vampires do like - love actually - blood. It fascinates me. The warm, dripping sensation of blood when I drink is beautiful, especially when I am thirsty. And of course, I am often thirsty.

:: blame my brain for always giving me ideas. 

:: credits to exoticgrounds for my beautiful poster and background.


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HanBaram #1
Chapter 6: Mmmm hae is suspicious
Chapter 6: eunhyuk's past is really exciting to know <3 and still confusing on why donghae knew junsu huhu cant wait to read more ;-;♥

MyeolchiHyuk #3
Chapter 6: y euu changed hyuk name?
thanks for the update..
MyeolchiHyuk #4
Chapter 5: hae ia a vamp too?

thanks for the update,..

Chapter 5: Welcome XDDD I wonder why Junsu was with Hae???? It means Hae its a vampire too???? DX OMG please update soon ^_~
MeinAltire #6
Chapter 4: waiting for your update, good luck
Allinit #7
Chapter 4: it's okay I will wait :D
Chapter 4: Aw! Of course I can wait! ^^
Chapter 4: Take your time ^_~ update when you can :D
MyeolchiHyuk #10
Chapter 4: Hope ur lappy is okay... its okay n take ur time..!!we will be waiting hunns..!!!^.^