My Life as Kim Jae Joong's Personal Assistant


Kim Jaejoong is one of the top celebrities in South Korea. He is known all over the world because of his blockbuster movies and highest rating dramas. People perceive him as a walking living god because of his undeniably good looks (which is btw an understatement) and overflowing charisma. But what they don't know is behind that godly features, he is a cruel, heartless, cold, and arrogant person. He thinks he is the best out there.

Recently, he was chosen to be the lead actor in a drama along side with Hwang Tiffany, who by the way is rumored to be the girlfriend of Jaejoong. But everything is fake, their relationship is only for publicity's sake. Despite being the fake girlfriend of Jaejoong, Tiffany tries everything to catch his attention but would always fail. Since he almost have it all - fame, money, girls (lots and lots), and riches.. What else does he need?

Yep, that's right. It's love.

Something that sounds so foreign to him. Jaejoong is getting tired of being in a fake relationship with Hwang Tiffany therefore being his personal assistant, he made you do a task that is almost impossible.. Find the right girl for him. I mean how in the world are you going to find the right one for him? There are millions of girls out there and how are you going to sort them out to find the one?


That is why Jaejoong made a list of the things he wants in a girl.


1. Must be drop-dead gorgeous with a killer body.

2. Doesn't matter if she's in the entertainment industry or not as long as she's a household name.

3. Must be fashionable.

4. Must know how to cook, clean, wash clothes.. In short, a wife material!

5. Must not be clingy.

6. Must be prim and proper.


These are the things that he wants in a lady.


And what makes this task more impossible?

You have to do find "her" in a two months!

Two months is just a short period of time.

What if you haven't found her yet?

And what if during the process of finding her, something unexpected happened?




Kim Jaejoong

- 24 years old

- top hallyu star

- born with godly features (unfair, i know)

- on cam: bright, cheerful, gentleman

- off cam: cold, heartless, pushy

- is in a fake relationship with Hwang Tiffany

- wants to settle down


Park Yoonhee  (You)

- 23 years old

- Kim Jaejoong's personal assistant for 3 years now

- a university student that majors in Psychology

- lives with her Aunt Song

- doesn't know her real parents

- nerdy, clumsy, but very organized

- hides herself in those nerd classes but is actually gorgeous, hot, but at the same time innocent-looking


Hwang Tiffany

- 23 years old

- Kim Jaejoong's fake girfriend but loves him so dearly

- known actress

- on cam: reserved, gentle, warm

- off cam: y, spoiled brat, cares about her looks and nothing else


Yoon Jiyoung

- 22 years old

- Yoonhee's bestfriend in the university

- only person who knows about Yoonhee being Jaejoong's assistant

- popular in university because she's the daughter of the president of the university

- gorgeous with killer body

- kind to Yoonhee and loves her truly

- can be y to those who bullies Yoonhee


Aunt Song

- 43 years old

- Yoonhee's only relative

- very caring and supportive towards Yoonhee

- treats her as her own daughter

- keeps a big secret from Yoonhee (more in the story)


Jaejoong along with his staffs was waiting inside the dressing room for their shooting to start. The staffs were watching a showbiz oriented talk show while Jaejoong was playing with his phone. He was very into the game when he overheard the announcer in the show reported a very absurd rumor about him and his "fake" girlfriend.


" World top star Kim Jaejoong was spotted in COEX Mall shopping for a what seems to be an engagement ring. He was seen inside this jewelry store inspecting a ring that was reportedly costs around $180,000. An insider told our management that the said ring was actually an engagement ring. When we asked the insider if Jaejoong bought the ring, the person said that he asked to have it on hold for future purposes. What does that supposed to mean? We know that he has been in a steady relationship with actress, Hwang Tiffany. Are they finally taking it to the next level? Well, let's keep a close eye to these couple to find out if we are going to hear wedding bells soon!" the announcer said.


As soon as the report finished, Jaejoong had a blank face on looking at the television. Everyone inside the room was dead silent afraid that if they make a single sound, the star will flip out. And that's what he did..


"What the hell was that!?" Jaejoong yelled as he abruptly stood from his seat making the chair screech. No one dared to answer him, heck they don't even know if he was asking for one. No one dared to talk for the past five minutes while Jaejoong was pacing inside the room uttering some foul words under his breath still furious about the rumor.


Until his personal assistant came in the room panting and holding a cup of iced americano and a chicken salad sandwich meant for the mad star.

"I.. I.. I'm.. S..sorry it took me a whi-" Yoonhee said in between her breaths unaware of what's happening around her. She was cut off by the furious Kim Jaejoong.


"Uh.. I went to buy your usual breakfast?" she said frightened by her boss.

"You idiot! Did I ask you to buy me one?!!"



"I.. I.. I'm sorry.. I figured you were hungry since you didn't eat anything when we left your pad so.."

"Just shut up. Okay. Shut up! I don't need to get into an argument with you right now when everything's a mess right now."

"What do you mean? Mess? What happened?"


Despite being his personal assistant, Yoonhee somewhat became Jaejoong publicist therefore when he was caught up in a nasty rumor, she would always be the one who would find ways to clear up these rumors.


"Hwang Tiffany and engagement happened!!"

"E-engagement? Tiffany? Bu-but I thought it was only f-fake?!"

"Well thank you for stating the obvious. But some lowlife paparrazzi caught me shopping for an engagement ring the other day!" he said finally stopping from pacing around the room and taking a seat at the cushion resting his head at the back placing an arm over his forehead.

"Why were you shopping for an engagement ring anyway?" she said taking cautious steps towards the actor placing his usual breakfast at the coffee table in front of him. Jaejoong was a bit flustered about her question. He does not know whether it is okay for him to say it to his PA-slash-publicist the reason whybhe went engagement ring shopping.

But nevertheless.. "I.. I.. I kind of wanted to go steady. You know, find the right girl for me. Get into a real romantic relationship with her. Talk about the future, family, having kids.. Getting married." he muttered under his breath getting a bit embarassed having this serious conversation with Yoonhee.

"I.. Uhm.. I don't know what to say. Well, that's nice. I mean, I'm pretty sure there are lots of girls out there dying to be your wife. You can always choose one from your long queue of girls."

"I don't want just any girl. I want the right one. The girls you're talking about just want the hallyu star Jaejoong not the real Jaejoong." he said bitterly recalling his past relationships with celebrities and personalities who only dated him because he was Kim Jaejoong.

"Well as much as I want to help you find the right girl for you.. I'm just your personal assistant after all. And I don't know that much girls who can be the right one for you. Just don't lose hope, Jae. You'll find her eventually." Jaejoong just stared at his assistant processing what she just said and the way she called him "Jae". True enough, she's the only one who calls him by that name. It's not that he fancies it, it just grew to him and allowed to her call him that.

"Actually Yoonhee.. You can definitely help me."

"Wh-what?! How?" she asked with a curious expression in her face.

"Well.. How about I give you the criteria I have in mind of the ideal girl for me and maybe you can find her for me?" he proposed to Yoonhee sporting a puppy-eye look that only her can see.

"Are you insane Jae?! How in the world am I going to find that girl? Do you have any idea how many female species are alive?! Stop this, Jae. This is nonsense."

"Fine! You don't mind finding another job by the end of this week, right? I can always look for another personal assistant." And the actor is back to his old self.

"B-but Jae! This is almost.. No, this IS impossible!"

"Your choice Yoonhee. I don't care if I had to find a new assistant tomorrow. I mean, you're nothing special anyway. You're nerdy, and my goodness.. Look at the way you dress! I think it's time for me to find a new assistant that is more presentable and someone who's willing to do what I'm asking for right now." he said so straight forward and coldly that he did not notice the hurt expression that Yoonhee was sporting in her face right now. Yes, she knows that she is not like the rest of the girls out there who is fashionable and wears make-up but when it comes to her job, she tries her best to do every single thing that Jaejoong wants knowing that looks aren't really important in being Jaejoong's efficient assistant. But still, everything that came out of his mouth was hurtful. Because of that.. She came up with a decision.

"Fine! I'll do it."

Wh-what?" he shockingly asked Yoonhee since he was pretty sure that she is close to sobbing now. He did not expect that Yoonhee will accept his proposition knowing that it is really close to impossible.

"I'll do it. I will find the girl for you. The right one."


And the two months searching period starts now.


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Nariko7star #1
Chapter 1: Haha! Cool story! Looking forward to your next chapter. Keep up the good work! ^^
LadySunleth #2
Chapter 1: I'm so excited for the next chapters. I can't wait. I love the story!!!!! :)
Wow i'm so curios of what is going to happen here :D
mywaterbottle #4
hey nice story:)
eniamor #5
Will update everything that I posted here in a while since I was just using my phone and it seems like spacing isn't really working in mobile mode which by the way! New story, guys! :-)