Chapter 1- Hope

Let me be the one

Never knew the feeling of falling in love,she had her first crush on her senior. A talented handsome  caring man. What its like to fall for a guy who don't know you? No one knows the pain. If he knows,will he accept him? Not knowing the reality,she share her thoughts on the internet using a fake name to prevent her friends knowing it was her all along. Talented she may be but nothing seems to be enough for her. Wanted to be everything in her family,she gave up her dreams to see them happy but.. Nothing change.. She is still the weakest of all.. How to be a successful woman in the future? She doesn't know. All she ever knew was dancing,singing,writing and listening to her favourite songs.

"Will there be hope for me if I try? Would it be worthy to chase my dreams and make them hate me?" she asks herself

The night seem to be quiet. She is at her room touching her posters that she just bought from the internet.  One by one,she observe the posters like a detective.

"Why their lips looked so dry in here? They didn't drink any water? I bet they were thirsty at that time.."

Talking to herself while others enjoy watching television. Such a lonely girl. What is her story? Why did she end up being so lonely? No one knows..

"I still remember when my friends asked me what kind of guy do I want to marry in the future. I simply answered, A guy that could plug a guitar. Few years later,others asked me the same question again, I asked from God A guy that could cook for me. Then I realise what guy do I really want.. A guy that could use his charm to make me smile. A guy that could make me happy for the rest of my life..Now that I've found him..I don't know how to tell him.. He seems so far away.."


Who is she talking about? That guy really exist? Must be a lucky guy. Not knowing what to do. She creates a blog and share everything there. 

-DREAM.HOPE.FAITH- She typed. She shares everything in her blog. How she felt. How her day was. How she spends her holidays and also,she shares about the guy she loves the most,HimChan. Mr Kim HimChan.

Will it be worthy? Will he even saw her feelings? She don't know. All she knew is that she needs to share it or she'll go insane. What to do?

She dated 12 guys but none of them seems to be serious with her. She always end up hurting herself. Now she finally found the right person except,he doesn't know her.  What will her love life be in the future? Will he knows her feelings? She tried to share with her best friends but she will always end up crying for sure. Why? She don't know how to let it out. She really don't.


She always watch LOVE DRAMA or read comics to clear off her mind but.. She can't get him out of her mind. Each day,she'll look at her phone and pray, "I hope I can find a guy like you in the future...."

She loves to sing on her own,becuase she sings with her heart. She'll end up crying if she sang with too much feelings. She is a very emotional and sensitive person. She always hides her feelings when she is with her friends but her best friend,Yien will always notice her true feelings. Who is she? Her parents name her Min Mi. Born in an ordinary family with mixed blood in her vein. Date of birth,January 11 1996. Triple  one is her number. Number 1 is her lucky number.


"So tired.. I should sleep now. Good night,B.A.P oppa. I hope you guys get what you deserve. Wish me luck for a better tomorrow."

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Chapter 1: Wow! The way you write is interesting. Cant wait till its updated ^_^