Kim Himchan

6 Days with best. absolute. perfect



.day 2.

How you were actually going to live with Kim Himchan, you would have to figure out later.




"And here we are!" Himchan threw open the door with his foot and twirled in a circle, carrying you in his arms. 


"Woah! Let me down before you drop me." You said, clinging on to his his shoulders helplessly. Himchan scoffed and slowly placed your legs onto the floor.


"I work out you know..." He mumbled, giving his arm muscles a pat just in case you couldn't locate his arm.


You took the time to look around the small complex. There was one main area that had the living room and kitchen merged together with an island separating them. Down a hall were 2 rooms and 2 bathrooms which you were super happy about since Himchan had more cosmetics and body washes than you. The windows were large and there was a sliding glass door out to a balcony for a view from the 23th floor. Overall, you were so excited to move in here.


"Not a bad place for a new, young couple, right?" Himchan crossed his arms and also took a look around.


"Yep. Not bad." You went to the kitchen and opened the fridge, not knowing why you thought there would be food in there. "No food." You said and laughed at the obvious statement. As if someone would fill the fridge with magnificent food just for you guys. Well, you wouldn't be surprised if the girls that got a glimpse of Himchan down in the lobby decided to make homemade food for him and put it in the fridge. You realized the light didn't go off in the fridge. Slowly, you walked to the light switch and flicked it on but the lights on the ceiling didn't even muster a flicker. "No light oppa!" You yelled. Himchan looked up at the ceiling and laughed. 


"I can't believe it..." He muttered and tried the light switches for himself. He ran to all of the rooms and tried them but to no avail. "I'll have to call the owners tomorrow... It's too late to call them now." You groaned and leaned against the white wall. Himchan looked at the mattress in the living room and sat down on it. 


"We really need to get furniture." Himchan chuckled while bouncing around on the mattress. You nodded and closed the fridge door to sit beside Himchan. He schooched closer to you and wrapped his arm around you. "But first, let's order food." He declared and took out his cell phone. You happily clapped and layed down while Himchan ordered pizza and chicken. You looked at the textured ceiling and connected the dots randomly, making a few dogs, dragons, and fluffy sheep. You got bored of that quite easily so you looked at Himchan's back which slightly moved as he spoke on his phone. He really was working out.


How had you gotten to become this guys girlfriend? You weren't quite sure. First of all, he was known as the musical ulzzang in his highschool, the one all the girls flocked too and secondly, when you got to know the striking young man, you realized he was derpy and crazy. Somehow that caught your attention and you got his.


"Ordered." Himchan sang as he looked around, confused until he found you lying on the bed. He leaned back to lie down too and turned to face you. "Are you committed to living here with me?" He asked with a playful smirk and you looked at him with a raised eyebrow.


"You mean having to live with constant nagging and whining while the woman slowly becomes the man of the house?" You asked, completely serious with an innocent grin back. Himchan huffed and shifted around until he held up his head with his hand. You resumed looking at the ceiling as silence crept up and blanketed the both of you.


"You're so beautiful." You heard Himchan mutter and you looked over at him with a what-the-heck-are-you-saying-right-now look. He smiled at you gently and nodded. The door bell rang.


"Okay big boy how about you get off the mattress and get the food." You said, pushing Himchan off the bed quickly and giggling as he scrambled up to get the door. You didn't know what to say so you resorted to physical forces before he could see your face heat up and turn rosy red.  You watched him place the food on his hip while paying with the other hand. So girly. You thought with a playful smile. Himchan closed the door and raised up the food victoriously.


"And now we may eat!" He declared then gently placed the food down in the living room. You got up and walked over to the food. Himchan got out a small table and some cutlery. 10 minutes later you were eating in the dark, cross legged on the floor, dining on pizza. Himchan got out wooden chopsticks and attempted to eat a chicken wing with it.


"Babo... what are you doing?" You asked as he ate the chicken awkwardly with the chopsticks. He looked up at you and gave a toothy grin.


"This dinner needs entertainment, duh." He simply stated and proceeded to try and rip off a piece of the pizza. You laughed warmly and leaned back on your arms. He continued by waving his arms around, dancing like an idiot. But... A cute idiot. Himchan settled down and continued eating. "How would little children survive here... Running around like tiny Godzillas, drawing on the walls... How will I survive here?!" You almost choked on the pizza at the mention of kids. "Why the heck are you thinking of kids now!?" You smacked him on the shoulder and Himchan embarrassingly laughed it off, his pale white face turning pink.


"Let's think about... dogs." You suggested. Himchan nodded a bit too eagerly. "I want to get a small dog..." You started, looking around the complex. "A small cute dog that will be calm and not go to the bathroom everywhere." You said and Himchan laughed.


"Okay okay, little dog is now on the list." Himchan drew an imaginary checkmark in the air. "Under lights, furniture, food, decorations, yaddah yaddah." You frowned but nodded agreeingly. You could not last long without a couch or TV. "Anyways," Himchan twirled a chicken wing around with his chopsticks. "having a cute dog with a cute girlfriend, and myself being very cute too, I think visitors would be overwhelmed." You burst out laughing, falling back and holding your stomach as you laughed harder. Himchan frowned and put his chopstick down. "Ya! Why are you laughing?" Himchan asked and you slowly got up.


"Ahehe.. Nothing nevermind.. ahahaha." You tried to hold in your laughter while holding your stomach that was developing abs. Although you found the way Himchan complimented himself funny, you were mostly trying to mask the fact you were embarrassed and shy since he called you cute. "You don't think I'm cute?" He asked in a sing-song way. He raised his hand up to do a peace sign and pursed his lips.


"Jagiya~ You don't like my aegyo?" Himchan asked in a cuter voice, bending his fingers and rocking from side to side. You fell back down again and laughed some more.


"Oppa, stop before I throws a shoe at your face." You threatened, disliking his weird aegyo. Himchan scowled and continued to eat, abandoning the chopstick plan since you were already laughing very hard.


"Okay okay. Just need some chicken." Himchan mumbled, putting some on a fork and wiggling it at your face. "You know," Himchan started, looking around the dark room, a single battery powered toy lamp beside the table lighting up the living room dimly. "As an ulzzang in high school with a full scholarship to a college, I wouldn't have believed I would be in a few years eating pizza on the floor in an unlit complex."


"As a good student and child with a bright future ahead of me, I wouldn't have believed I would be living with an ulzzang boyfriend in an unlit complex watching him eat chicken with chopsticks and moving his arms around like the air tube things at car dealerships." You returned. Himchan scoffed and put his chopsticks down. 


"Well, I'm done eating." He remarked and went to plop back down on the mattress again. You looked down at the food and also got up.


"Me too then." You replied and picked up a blanket from your suitcase and jumped onto Himchan.


"Woah! Calm down there." Himchan grabbed you before you tumbled off the bed and held you close. You laughed and shifted around until the 2 of you were comfortably lying on the single bed. Himchan shuffled a bit until he managed to get his arm under your head. You turned to face him and snuggled in closer, his warm body welcoming to sleep beside.


"You're like a bear." You whispered, placing your hand on his chest. Himchan looked down at you with a confused expression.


"Are you calling me fat?" He stammered, always sensitive on the topic of his weight. You laughed but then cut yourself short, realizing what it seemed like. You hugged his chest and shook your head.


"You're a bear because you're warm and cuddly." You beamed. Himchan unsurely shifted in the bed but accepted your reasoning. 


"Aang~" Himchan chimed, his voice drunk with aegyo. You held in the want to smack his face and just giggled, making him laugh too. His chest rose and fell quickly from his laughter. Soon, the quiet was shattered as you two laughed together. Himchan tended to smack people when he laughed loudly and so he did, on your shoulder and was squirming around like a hyper kid. Soon, you were on the carpeted floor because of hyper Himchan. "Oh, sorry jagi!" Himchan looked at you with wide eyes and helped you back on to the bed.


"Yah, babo!" You said jokingly and Himchan settled down until you were cuddling up to his body in the silence again.


"I don't know how we'll both sleep on this bed.." Himchan said, pushing his body to be against the wall yet there was still very little space.


"I don't know how we'll both live together in this complex..." You grabbed Himchan's arm and hugged it, closing your eyes slowly. Himchan looked at your peaceful face and ran his fingers through his hair with his free hand. Carefully, not to bother you, Himchan moved around until he was comfortable beside you and covered both of your bodies with the blanket before closing his eyes.


"Well... If we survive sleeping on this little bed together, I think we'll be able to live together." With that, Himchan went silent and you slept peacefully with him through the night without a single disturbance.



asdfghjkl; I said I was going to update this when I got the poster but change of plans T.T

Anyways, hope you enjoy wow this is long overdue woops

How to go in order because I have a good ideas for Zelo but then there's 3 others I have to go through first >.>


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Chapter 2: OMG! x_____x To live w/ Himchan<3 Dream come true! x_____x I smiled thru out the whole things <3
this is so cute >_<
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa <3
this is ahhh this is great, great author-shi great XD