Sehun the Cat

The Way I Was

It was dark out again, Niel and Sehun rushed to the little carboard box they'd been living in for a few years. They were both surprised no other strays had tried beating them up for that spot in the alley. Everyone in the small alley corner, all knew eachother. Neighbors, friends, family. Cats of every size and color were friendly.  "Ah, another day down. What did you find Sehunnie?" the younger asked. Although Niel was younger, it rarely passed him that Sehun was older. Often people would think they were the same age, so did the two. "Well, I got a small chunk of cat food, cheese, and a few other scraps. What about you?" Sehun clawed his box of items. "Errm, I got... A golden coin!" Niel excitedly pulled out the coin. "Niel! How many times do I have to tell you to look for food and useful items?" Sehun whined. "I know, but look at it! It's shiny, and maybe we can spend it." Niel sniffed the coin. "And who would give service to a cat?" Sehun knocked on Niel's head. "Well, that lady in the corner shop. She fed me a couple of times." Niel pointed. "You know what? Just go to sleep. I've had enough of your nonsense." Sehun blew the candle light off, closed the windows of the cardboard box and locked the door. 

"Niel! Let's go spend your coin." Sehun suggested. It was morning and the two just ran out of food. "Mm, alright!" Niel his paws slipped the coin into Sehun's paw. "Okay, now tell me where the shop is." Sehun opened their little carboard door. "Just follow me!" Niel led him out the door, through the alley, around the corner and into the small shop. The two entered and tried to talk to the cashier but it seemed like they weren't tall enough. "We're not tall enough!" Sehun gave up and headed for the door. "Noonim! Noonim!" Niel jumped up and down, capturing the lady's attention. Although Meow Meow was she heard, she left the counter and picked up the small cat. "Aww, you're hungry huh?" she held Niel close to her face. Sehun turned around and stared at her. He thought she was absolutely beautiful. But is it possible for a cat to have feelings for a human? No. He thought. "Can we buy something?" Sehun walked towards the cashier. "Meow Meow Meow Meow?" was all she recieved. "Oh, you brought your friend." She put down Niel and carried Sehun. "You guys look the same. You're brothers?" She petted the two and looked for cat food.

"Here." she placed 2 bowls, one filled with cat food and the other with water. The siblings started digging in. "You guys look like strays. Hmm.. Maybe I should keep you guys? Anyways, this place is opened for you if you need help." the lady talked to them like they understood, which they actually did. Please please adopt us! Waking up next to you would be the best thing! Sehun thought as he rummaged through the feast. After, eating the two slipped out the door and left the floor a mess. "You're right! That lady is nice. She understands us too! But we never go to spend our coin." Sehun returned the coin to Niel. "Hey, atleast we ate. And we have spare money!" he joyfully pounced on his brother. 

"I remember, I kept a pormise to one of my friends." Sehun remarked. "You can go anywhere you want, just be home before dark. And make sure you're whole and not chopped up into pieces. Don't go around looking for more trouble. Get it?" 

"Alright, alright, I get it. Get home safely and blah blah blah." Niel walked off.

"Hey guys!" Sehun approached 5 other stray cats. "Oh, Sehunnie!" a small white cat dashed towards him. "Well hey there too, Kyungsoo." Sehun responded back to Kyungsoo's answer. "How's life for you, stray?" a brown cat asked. "It's been alright for me Suho hyung. What about you guys?" Sehun mindlessly laid back and rolled. He loved the way the sun hit him, and often bathed in sunshine. "Pft. Well we'z alright if you is." a gray cat street talked him. "Oh, Chanyeol.. I never really found your accent attractive." Sehun stretched. "What did you say, home-cat?!" Chanyeol approached him slowly. "Calm down." another cat said, this one was white with blotches of brown all over. "Don't cha try to stop me, Baekhyun." Chanyeol was ready to pounce on Sehun. "Chillax, broski." a black cat stopped him. Black, with all negativity. Kai grabbed a hold of Chanyeol's tail while Sehun laid back carelessly. He knew they wouldn't hurt him. Well, maybe with the exception of Chanyeol. The damn cat was fierce.

Black cat, brown cat, orange cat,  white cat, gray cat, white with blotches of brown cat, Small cat, big cat. Cats of all sizes and colors were accepted as family. These 6 were best of all friends. "Enough of the fighting. We're heading down to that one neighborhood. The one with lots of leftovers in their garbage, wanna come with?" the oldest brown cat, Suho, asked. "Hrmm." Sehun looked up and measured the time. It wouldn't take long and there was plenty more hours. "Yeah sure. I needa feed my brother." 

"Alright then!" The six ran down the block and turned around the corner. "Rich people." Chanyeol clucked his tounge. "Hurry! Before the garbageman comes and takes all the goodies away." Chanyeol was the first to dig in. "True. We'll have to save some spare you know?" Baekhyun followed Chanyeol into the bin. "Well, no one's gonna pour food for you. Get your up." Suho demanded, Kai and Kyungsoo followed him. Not for you. But for me someone pours food for me. In a clean silver bowl. I don't need spare. Knowing she's there, is good enough. Sehun thought to himself and followed everyone into the trash can. Even though they could get free food, he didn't want to be a burden to her. He didn't want her to spend money. 

Night returned again. Sehun dashed off after bidding farewell to his friends. We have plenty of food Niel! He dragged a small box full of various meals into the small box they lived in. "Niel." Sehun entered. Instead of seeing a cheerful and hungry Niel, he saw something completely opposite. Something that made his eyes widen. Niel, on the floor with gashes and blood. "NIEL!" Sehun let go of the box and pounced towards Niel. "Wake up! I told you not to get into trouble!! NIEL!" he violently shook his brother. Niel hadn't responded of any sorts and Sehun became worried. He bit his brother's neck and dragged him to the corner shop. 

"Help! Please help!" he put down Niel on the marbled floor. "My brother!" The lady noticed him and quickly ran towards him. "What happened? Are you guys okay?" she gently grabbed Niel off the floor and set him on the counter.

Sehun sat close by as she repaired Niel's gashed body. The smell of her rosy perfume filled his nose. Her hair long and straight. Lips plump and her concentrated look was the best part. Sehun forgot all about his worries when he looked at her. "He's alright. Nothing minor." she laid a blanket on top of Niel. "Sleep here for tonight okay? I'll be back tomorrow." she pointed to a small cushion and a blanket. She petted the two, turned off the light, locked the door shut and left.

"I have to stay here? By myself? In the dark?" Sehun laid himself close to his brother and slid into the blanket. "Please come back soon, noona." he closed his eyes, thought good thoughts, and fell asleep.



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Not much to say. Please tell me how its going.

Sincerely| koshhito

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Chapter 1: Is it Cat prince??and they would turn to prince one day??anyway,,i hope i can meet those cats!!