


“No, Luhan, please! Why are you doing this? I need you. I love you!” Sehun cried out from behind me. A dark chuckle slipped through my pale lips.

“That’s the problem, Sehun. I don’t love you. My heart was already stolen by another long before I met you.”

“I don’t care!” he exclaimed when he got his bearings back together. “As long as you’re alive, I couldn’t care less whether you loved me or not. As long as you’re okay,” he whispered slowly. I winced slightly as I detected the sorrow in his voice. I wasn’t in love with him, but that doesn’t mean I don’t care about him.

I inched my way closer to the edge of the small ledge I was perched on and glanced down. A 21 story fall. It wouldn’t hurt anymore than my heart does, right? Having to live with the thought that the person I loved was too preoccupied with someone else, someone more meaningful to him.

“Luhan, please, I’m begging you. You’re all I have left. Don’t leave me, please,” he sobbed quietly. I peeked over my shoulder and took note of his posture, both hands and knees on the ground.

“No, Sehun, I can’t! I just can’t! Living with this pain, it’s unbearable. Do you know what it’s like to live this kind of existence? Knowing that the person you love cares about someone else, is in love with someone else, spending every day in the arms of that person and you can’t do anything about it?” I yelled at the sky.

“I do, hyung. I know exactly how it feels.” I heard the door slam, and then reopen a few moments later.

“What’s going on here, I heard someone yelling and Sehun just ran pas- Luhan, what are you doing?!” I heard his voice gasp.

“Doing what I should have done long ago,” I whispered along with the wind.

“No, don’t do it, LuLu!” I winced at my old pet name he used to call me. Back when I actually meant something to him.

“Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t jump, Sungmin….just one simple reason.”

“Your bandmates, your family, your friends. You have your fans, Sehun! You have me!” I scoffed.

“You don’t need me. You have Yesung now, why would you need me anymore?”

“What? No, stop being like that, of course I need you!” he protested

“You just…why don’t you get it, hyung?” I sighed.

“Get what?”

“Get that you’re what I want…what I need…in order to start living again. My heart is already dead, has been dead, since that day 2 years ago. Now I’m just tired, hyung, I want to end this misery,” I tried to explain unsuccessfully.

“W-what?” he stammered, confused about what was going on in my head.

“I want to be with you, goddamnit!” I yelled, beyond frustrated that he still didn’t understand. “I want to make memories with you. I want to hold your hand in public. I want to sit next to you under a blanket while we’re watching movies. I want to sleep next to you when it's cold. I want to give you a good night kiss without others wondering what’s going on between us. I want to take long walks on the beach in the middle of the night just to see the sunrise, like you do with Yesung. I want to be with you.” Tears ran down my face at this point, imagining what could never be.

“B-but, why can’t we-“

“Because there’s Yesung! There always was a Yesung, there always is a Yesung, and there always will be a Yesung!” My voice cracked saying those heart-breaking words.

“We can think of something, LuLu. Please, just don’t do this!” he sobbed.

“Hah! Why would you stop being with him because of me? I’m not worth it, right?” A sharp pain cut through my heart as I remembered him yelling those words at me years ago. Those words that shattered me beyond repair.

“Luhan, please, just listen!” he yelled.

“I just wanted to let you know how I felt all these years, hyung. What I could never tell you before, because you’re always with him.”

“Please, Luhan, listen, I never meant any of the stuff I said whe-“

“Goodbye, Sungmin. I love you.”

I took a step forward, and everything went black. 

Wow...what surprises me the most about this was that it took me such a short time to write, and that the emotions just came to me naturally. Hmm...

Haha anyway, tell me what you think of it, comments are loved~! Thanksh again for deciding to check this out! ^_^

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connieehyunmi #1
Chapter 1: i have to say, it was confusing BUT very emotional. As a reader, the love described in the text was very touching. Keep it up!
Advice: Try writting who's POV each paragraph was written in OR. Try to use different colors for different characters.
Besides that, the scenario was great. :)
bonchan #2
Chapter 1: Omo this is so sad. he should give sungmin a chance to talk TT__TT